A/N: I'm a very^10 slow writer, I am very^10 sorry to who ever reads this. I do get things done though, I give you that. Anyways, enjoy my sad attempt to entertain you. TA-DA.

There's no such thing as happiness, sings the Mocking Bird, sings the Mocking Bird…

There's no such thing as happiness, sings the Mocking Bird, sings the mocking Bird…

A dark and misty haze settled upon his vision; everything was almost in a blur . He felt his conscious being pushed back; it was his insanity taking control. Suddenly the mist dissipated and everything was in motion; his eyes were erratic, darting around the room until it settled back on Alex again. His fingers twitched. His smile widened.


Listen to death toil is rusty bells, hear it's sorrowful tone as bodies drop around you…

Rain turns black, bodies rot back and red—

Dance with me, Mr. Mocking Bird, Mr. Mocking Bird…

His unchained hand suddenly flew towards Alex and grabbed him by the neck . He shoved him down on the bed, and straddled the man in one motion. He then began to tighten his grip around Alex's neck and dug his nails into the man's soft tender skin . He began to feel the crackling of the delicate bone around his hands. Alex began to struggle under him and heard him scream something he didn't bother comprehending. A light giggle escaped his lips.

Yes, that's right, scream.

Where's your smile now?

Your sinister smile, spills virgin blood and the faithful…

Cries of horror of your name, pain and blood at your wake…

A whirlwind of bloodlust swirled, entwined with the chaotic sounds of screams that rang in his mind. He saw snippets of black and red, the sky, a flock of birds, and bloody bodies. Static filtered though his ears, like a radio with no signal. Over the static, only a little voice was heard, a small distorted voice that whispered dark and twisted truths…maybe lies. Static.

Mr. Mocking bird, Mr. Mocking bird…

Who are you Mr. Mocking Bird, you have the face of two , three, or infinity…

He heard t a yell, horror oblivious in the voice. He saw a strands of golden hair flutter in the air, though everything was a blur, just her hair caught his attention from what was left of his conscious sanity. His surrounding began to pulse, and in every beat it increase its speed. He felt unbalanced; He was going to fall—no they were going to fall. What was in his hands again? A bird. Yes, that's right, a little bird. The little bird he held in his hands was going to drop if he didn't hold on tight. His grip tightened.

Desecrate the dead, steal their faces, swipe their memories too…

Black blood run through your veins, no heart in place, death cries for you…

He felt something tug at his hands, trying to pry grip off of the bird he held. No he wouldn't let go. He also felt the violent thrashing under him start to die down, he didn't know what it was. Suddenly a streak of gold and skin peach hovered before him, and what seemed to be like a hand, shot out and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him also tying to make him fall—make them fall. No, he wouldn't let go. He grabbed the hand and through it aside. He began seeing the bodies again, the static became louder, the whispers grew louder until they sounded like a hiss. The flock of birds.

To fly away

But to fall

Because he didn't know

Who he was.

The mocking bird he was, no flock will he ever fly with.


A wish to belong.

He suddenly felt a dramatic shift under him, then immediately felt his body fall to the side and this time, he couldn't stop himself. As soon as he hit the ground, he felt an explosion of pain on his abdomen that forced all the air out of his lungs. As he began sit back up, he saw two figures hover over him. one of them a coughed a few times and raised its arm, then his world went black.

There's no such thing as happiness, sings the Mocking Bird, sings the Mocking Bird…

There's no such thing as happiness, sings the Mocking Bird, sings the mocking Bird…


Alex saw something snap with in the young man's eyes, but unfortunately had no time to react to his sudden attack. In one swift motion, his world was turned upside down, as he found him self straddled by his counterpart with his hands around his neck with a vise like grip. His hands were icy cold, like the dead; thin and fragile, yet somehow the hands around his neck had the strength that no man should possess, much less a dead one. He looked straight into the young man's eyes saw that they were deep emerald green, which swirled with something sinister and demented; insanity sparkled along side the dark irises that were almost lost within the darkness of his eyes. Alex felt the grip tighten around his neck and his lungs started to labor because of lack of oxygen. Nails dug into the soft flesh of his neck, drawing some blood and the grip continued to tighten. In the corner of his eyes, Alex saw Elizabeth coming to his aid. He managed to turn his head towards her direction, but in the cost of pain.

" GET BACK!" he choked out, "I CAN HANDLE THIS ON MY OWN!"

Elizabeth stopped in her tracks for moment, and then her face contorted in an irritated/panic expression and started towards them again. He winced as the grip tightened even more. He heard a giggle escape from above from the crazed young man that hovered over him. Alex looked back up at the man above him and froze from what he saw. Wide eyes, green ,but now some how almost black and with no sparkle of humanity, only insanity and bloodlust. His lips were peeled back, revealing his set of white teeth, it was no smile of joy or happiness. Dark matter of hate, sorrow, pain, and misery practically oozed out of every pore of the man on top of him, it some how made his heart clench. Elizabeth grabbed the man by the shoulder, trying to shake him off of Alex, but the young man, with his impressive strength, threw her aside like she was nothing. A small yelp escaped her lips a she hit the ground few feet away. As a response to his friend being in danger, something snapped within Alex and set his body in motion into overdrive. He grabbed one of the young man's left arm, that rested on his chest ,with both of his hands, brought his knees up and firmly planted them on the ground, and with one swift fluid motion, he pushed the man up and rolled him to the side. As soon as his counterpart was off of him and on the ground, he immediately elbowed him in the abdomen. Elizabeth ran over and helped Alex up, babbling between how he was and what the hell happened. Alex coughed a few times and touched his bruised neck, he looked down at the fallen man for a moment. Suddenly the young man groaned and began to sit up, Elizabeth shut her mouth and took a cautious step back. In a split second, Alex swiftly struck the man behind the neck, causing him to fall back unconscious.

"Goddamn…" Alex croaked. "What the hell did they do to him?"He resumed rubbing his abused neck and turned to Elizabeth."But, I guess that's your job to find out," he grinned.

Elizabeth crossed her arms and frowned."Is that the way you ask me to do something for you?"

Alex gave her 'The Look'."If you were expecting me to get on my knees and offer my ass to you as compensation— that's a no go." Her face contorted between anger and disgust, but she couldn't hide the little blush that powdered her cheeks. "but feel free to stare at my fabuloso"

"You're a narcissistic bastard, you know that right?"Elizabeth growled

"Oh no, I'm just guy with a very high self-esteem" he shot back.

Alex squatted next to the unconscious man and cocked his head to the side. "I'll take care of this guy while your do your stuff."

Elizabeth gave him a questioning look. " Are you going to kill or interrogate him?" Alex chuckled.

"Neither. I don't think he will respond to interrogation, seeing how he wouldn't say a word to you just a moment ago. And killing him wouldn't benefit us in any way," He looked down at man's face and realized how young he actually was. Innocence still lingered around young mans small and pallid face, only to be shattered when awoken by reality. His chocolate brown hair, which covered his eyes, lost it's sheen, giving off a dull glow. Dark bags hung under his closed eyes, and long eyelashes lightly hovered over them. His lips were pale pink and dry with dried blood smeared slightly across his face, his screams of insanity were only ever to pass those lips. Pity swept across Alex's eyes. "I'm going to take him in…as one of us."

Silence befell the room for a few seconds until Elizabeth screamed, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" she ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"I'm going to take him in—"

"Are you thinking straight? Did you see what happen just now or did that guy deprive you of oxygen for too long that you've become an idiot."

Alex laid his hand on her fisted hand that gripped the collar of his shirt and looked directly into her eyes. Both stared at each other in silence for a moment, Elizabeth's grip slacked, and then she finally let go. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?" she said in defeated tone "Right, okay sorry I'll get his background and all the other stuff—even when I think it's still a bad idea."

Alex's expression conveyed playfulness "That's my girl!"He stepped back, and dodged a painful slap.

"Shut up!" Elizabeth growled. "I'm not you girl." she started off towards the door and turned back, " If he wakes up and kills you, Im going to let your body rot from where you died!"

"I love you too!" Alex shouted back.

Elizabeth replied with a loud slam as she walked out the door.


Alex turned his gazed down toward to unconscious man on the floor for again, and then smiled confidently.

"You my good friend are going to become the greatest asset in our group…"

Remember those days

Under the great oak tree,

We watched the golden ocean of grass,

Sweep across the land,

As the wind dance around us

In a delicate ballet for two.

Pluck the leaf of one , two, three,

They flutter down very slowly,

Until they are free, free, free….

Remember those days

Under the great oak tree;

We saw a great mocking bird sitting silently,

Watching the others birds fly so high.

The cloud, the wind, and the sky they had,

The mocking bird did not; all it had was a tree.

It yearned to fly, fly so high…

It cried I want to be free, free, free…

Do you remember those days ?