Tim rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn as he clicked open the window to his email, checking for anything new.

"Aw, did Probie have a rough night", a voice teased from behind. " Who was the lucky girl?"

Tim minimized the window he was looking at with a click, and then opened his drawer, taking out a packet of paper.

"Not a girl Tony, I just stayed up late trying to get ahead of my new book" Tim said and started scribbling on the packet.

"So how did she look like? Blond? Brunette? Red head?", Tony rattled off as if Tim hadn't replied, " A geek too right? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you can't get a girl above the geek status, but the girls you keep bringing in—well , yea."

The junior agent rolled his eyes and stopped writing "Just because you spend your nights picking up anything that breath and wears a skirt, doesn't mean all guys do Tony."

"Ouch. Judging by your snappy attitude, I'd say it was a one night stand", Tony swirled McGee's chair to face him, " You must of been wild and drove her away, McBeasty… or was it the other way around?"

The pen Tim held twitched, begging to be torpedoed into the empty head of the senior agent. But something else beat him to it as Tony suddenly yelped in surprise.

"Morning Boss!" Tony saluted.

Gibbs gracefully strode to his desk and pulled out his SIG from the drawer in one fluid motion.

"Gear up—" he said as he grabbed his jacket, "Body of a petty officer found this morning…"

Both Tony and Tim looked up from the sudden pause, while they were of pulling their own SIGs from their desk.

"Where's David?" , Gibbs glared at both of them for answers

"Uh…uh…well she…" Tim started.

"Dinozzo!" the leader bit out impatiently

"Yes boss! Ziva she…well she was… Ziva is…" Tony opened his mouth but said nothing for a moment, " Ah…I don't know where she is boss…"

The silver lion growled and quickly moved his way towards the elevator, as the other two scrambled behind him.

Tony and Tim looked at each other with a questioning look as the elevator door closed.

Where was she?


Tim cocked his head with a squint. How did they do that—no why would one do that. His senior crouched next to him, bearing the same expression.

"Ouch… "Tony mutter and took a quick flash with his camera. Ouch indeed.

The massacred body of a petty officer leaned against the bloody splattered wall, legs missing from the thigh down. The torso was torn open, exposing the ribs which were forcible pulled apart. In the cavity of the torso, where the organs were suppose to be, sat only a single heart. A mask with a crude smile painted on, nestled on the body's face with lines of dried blood running down the center. Tim took a quick picture and took off the mask. Several slivers of blood strung out as he pulled the mask and quickly regretted doing so. The skin and muscle of the face were pulled back, exposing the skeletal structure of the face. The eyes were left unharmed, but they were slightly unfocused, hanging a out of its sockets. He took another picture and stepped back. His eyes widened from shock to see the random blood splatters were butterfly wings artistically painted on the wall.

Amazing what people can do.

Suddenly the front door slammed open, presenting a rather flustered mossad ninja. Gibbs, stood in front of the door, was slightly taken back as it nearly smacked his face.

"—I'm sorry I am late, there was a fire in my kitchen", Ziva started, " the egg suddenly bursted into flames and made me knock over the cooking oil, and made the fire worse. I tried putting it out, but I threw orange juice over it instead of water, so—

"You're late" Gibbs growled

"It won't happen again…" she muttered and scampered off to aid with the crime scene.

Tim watched Tony saunter next to Ziva, who started collecting evidence in another room and began to probe her with question. He smiled, shaking his head and then turned back to the massacred body and took another picture.

Suddenly, the room the bickering agents occupied, grew quite.

"Guys, you've gotta see this!", Tony hollered with uneasiness in his voice.

Gibbs and Tim entered the other room and found the other two agents no where to be seen, until Tony's head popped out from the side of the door on the opposite end of the room.

"Over here."

The two agents entered through the door and found themselves in another blood splattered room, but the only difference was that there was a message left behind written in blood.

"Conrad…Neal" Ziva read, then turned to the other three, " Maybe it is the killers name?"

"-Or maybe it's a message to someone else…" Gibbs pitched in.

"Ya know, this kinda reminds me of this movie I saw", tony started, " It was about this freaky dude who wrote the name of the person who he was going to kill in blood, over the massacred body's of their loved ones."

"But the ending was a total let down, because the killer and the victim made up. Then it was all rainbows and fluffy bunnies from there…" he shuddered, " I couldn't watch it anymore..."

While the others continued to banter off ideas, they took no notice of their junior agent, who kept silent in the background.

***NCIS ***

A sickening squelch echoed in the dark room, followed by a soft laugh. A man stood over the pile of red and pink flesh, still retaining the shape of the human anatomy.

The man stuck his hand in the pile and pulled out a long fleshy lining, presumably the digestive tract. He then paused, "Ahh…do you hear that?", the man spoke to the chunk of flesh, " The mocking bird is starting to sing"

He picked up the dismembered head that sat a couple feet away from the body and held it close to his face, "Such a quiet song it sings, such a mocking song it sings…" the man nuzzled the head and continued, " But that's ok, because it lost its wings.

The man brought out a pocket knife which glistened maliciously from the moonlight that shun through the window. He began to sink the blade through the fleshy part of the head's ear and murmured softly:

Oh mocking bird, where have you gone?

Oh mocking bird, what have you done?

Oh mocking bird, what have you seen?

The blade sliced all the way through the cartilage, and the ear dropped to the floor.

You fly so high, but hate bit you wings,

You sing that song,

That mocking song,

But I hear you now, oh mocking bird,

That song you never seize to sing.

He started to slice the second ear, but this time with more vigor.

Oh mocking bird, where have you gone?

Oh mocking bird, what have you done?

Oh mocking bird, what have you seen?

Oh mocking bird, what will you do...

The blade dug deeper into the flesh, into the side of the skull until the ear plopped onto the floor, partially attached to a chunk of scalp and hair.

When I know it's you?

He dropped the head onto the floor and picked up the ears, pulling out a set of two rusty nails. The man pierced the fleshy remains with the nails and then stuck them onto the wall. He stepped back to marvel his work; The inner entrails of the massacred body were randomly nailed onto the wall, slightly dripping with blood. And now with the new addition of the nailed ears, the man looked satisfied.

Oh mocking bird, what will you do…

The man's lips peeled back, revealing a twisted smile as he gazed above the flesh and blood covered wall. Two words were written in blood:

Timothy McGee.

When I come for you?
