Chapter 25

Brian's POV

I saw Allie stumble. I never even thought about what I was doing, I just grabbed her and pulled her away from the car.

"Damn," she said, when we stopped. "I no longer want NOS in my car." She had one hand over her leg, but blood was spreading down it. She was looking at what was left of my car, or Dom's car rather, shaking her head.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded, but when I let her go, she nearly fell. Which wasn't surprising, since she was already almost doubled over, holding her injured leg. I caught her again.

"No, you're not." I answered. "Here, sit down." I eased her onto the ground.

"Yes, I am," she hissed, as she moved her hand. She immediately put it back. "Look, if you don't want that little scene you just saw continued, don't make a big deal of this. I'll be okay."

"You're bleeding," I knew it was pointless to say this, but what else should I say.

"No shit," She laughed.

"Let me see it."

"I don't think so," She snapped. "It's aight."

Damn, she's hardheaded.

Then, Dom appeared. "What is it?"

"Nothing," she answered. "I just cut my leg, that's all. Don't freak out."

He sighed and ran a hand over his head. "Why aren't you wearing jeans, anyway? You were before."

Her brown eyes shot fire at him. "Believe me, Papi, you do not want to go there."

He knelt beside her. "Move your hand."

She shook her head. "You're not Letty."

"No, I'm not," he replied. "And I'm also not playing with you. If Letty was here you'd want me. You just don't want anybody messing with your leg."

"No, I don't," she agreed, hand still over her leg. It was bleeding pretty bad. I don't know what she thought she was hiding.

He ran a hand over his head then looked back at her. "Allessandra Carina Toretto, move your hand."

"No." She stared at him. I thought I was going to be standing there forever, watching this battle of wills play out, but Dom threw up his hands.

"Fine, Little Letty act like that, but don't bitch when it hurts later." He stood up, then pulled her to her feet and gathered her up in his arms. "Let's get out of here before they come back."

"I can walk, you know," she said, immediately. "Put me down."

"I don't think so. You want to be stubborn and not let me see how bad your leg is hurt, then you're not going to walk on it," he answered.

"You want to tell me what all that was about?" I asked again.

"It's a long story."

"Well, we've got a twenty mile hike," I replied. "Humor me."

"Twenty miles!" Allie exclaimed. "You have got to be freaking kidding me. Papi, you cannot carry me twenty freaking miles. That's stupid. Put me down and let me walk."

He ignored her. "A business deal that went sour, plus, I made the mistake of sleeping with that guy's sister."

So that's what Tran meant by evening the score, and why he was all up on a fifteen year old.

"Papi, listen to me," Allie tried again. "You can't possibly carry me twenty miles, I don't care how strong you are. That's fucking ridiculous."

That got his attention. "You know what Allie, I'm tired of you talking like that. If I hear you cuss again, I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap."

"With what, Papi? Soap that's twenty miles away? Besides that's child abuse, you can't do that anymore." She replied. Their conversation would have been funny, if we weren't facing a twenty mile hike, and she wasn't bleeding all over the place.

"Since you don't think I can carry you, do you have any other suggestions on how we are going to get home?" He asked. "And I'm not putting you down, so if that's what you were going to say, don't."

"We could call a cab, like intelligent people."

"On what? My cell is fifteen miles away in my car," he answered.

"And mine just got blown to hell," I added.

"We could use this." She pulled a cell phone from her jacket pocket.

"You have your phone?"

"You told me to keep it with me," She answered. "Aren't you glad I listened for once?"

"Yeah. Maybe you should do that more often. Dial 323-5564," he told her.

She dialed the number, then held the phone up to his ear. Ten minutes later, we were getting into a cab.

Allie didn't look so good, but she did let Dom tie a bandana around her leg.

We could hear the music coming from their house two blocks away. Dominic was pissed.

"Go on up to your room," he told Allie. "I'll be up to check on you later."

She nodded and limped up the steps.

I offered to pay for the cab, but Dom wouldn't hear of it.

"Hey, man, thanks for you know, pulling Allie away from that car," he said.

"No problem. I hope she's all right."

He shook his head. "She'll be fine. Just stubborn, she thinks I'll go after Johnny if she's really hurt, but we'll take care of her. Don't worry."

I nodded. "Take care."

I started down the walk and he walked up on the porch.

"Yo' Spilner!"

Shit, that's me. I turned around. "Yeah?"

"You want a beer?"

"Yeah, sure." I followed him inside. Allie was standing on the second step, glaring at the boy who had checked out my car earlier. He was dancing with some girl and Allie was not happy.

Dom gave me Vince's beer. Apparently just to piss Vince off. As if I don't already have a fight with him anyway, but I knew better than to turn it down. I was only here because of his gratitude to me for keeping Allie, more than himself, out of jail. I took one sip of it, then asked, "Hey, Bro., you got a bathroom?"

"Yeah," he answered, never taking his eyes from Vince's. "Upstairs, first door on right."

"Thanks." I stopped by Allie. "You look like you could use some help."

"I could," she smiled at me.

"Come on," I put an arm around her waist and helped her up the stairs. "Which room is yours?"

"That one," she point to a door covered with stickers and pictures. "I just need to get the first aid kit, then I'll be out of your hair."

"No problem," I laughed. She grabbed a square box out of the bathroom then limped over to her room.

"Hey, Brian, thanks for everything. Sorry if I was being a brat earlier, I just didn't want Papi to freak out." She said, before disappearing inside.

Chapter 26

Jesse's POV

Dom was home. He was pissed, but he was home. That meant my baby was home. I pushed Kiki away. I hadn't wanted to dance with her anyway, but she wouldn't let up and I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

I tried to push her away, anyhow. She put her arms around my waist and held on. "Come on, Jess, let's go upstairs."

"Let's not," I answered. "Don't call me Jess, again."

"Where are you going?" She asked. God, is she really that stupid?

"Upstairs to see about my baby," I answered.

"What? Toretto's little sister? She's such a baby."

"You know what, Kiki, why don't you go find Leon. I'm sure he'd take you upstairs." Okay so that was mean, but Leon owes for telling her where I was in the first damn place.

I unwrapped her from around me and ran upstairs. I knocked on Allie's door.


"Hey, it's me. Can I come in?"

She got up and opened the door. "It's a free country." She left the door open and went back to her bed. "If your coming in, do it, and shut the door. I can't hear my movie for all that noise."

I shut the door, walked over and sat down by her.

"Where's your skank-ho?" She asked, turning back on her DVD.


"Is that her name?"

"I was just dancing with her," I said, knowing it was useless.

"Yeah, whatever." She was pretending to be absorbed in the movie playing.

"Can I watch?"

She looked at me for a minute then moved over so I could lay down beside her. Maybe she wasn't that mad after all. I put my arm around her waist, but she pushed me away.

"I said you could watch the movie. I didn't say you could touch me."

I sighed. "Don't be mad at me, Baby. I'm sorry."

"I'm not. I just don't want to be touched," she replied.

"What are you watching?"


Angry chick TV in other words. "Is it any good?"'

"Would be if you'd shut up and let me watch it," she snapped.

"What happened tonight to put you and Dom in such pissy ass moods?" I asked.

"I don't know, first we had a run in with the Trans, in which Johnny want to fuck me to piss Papi off, then they shot up Spilner's car and we were going to have to walk back twenty miles, and I when I get here, you're letting some little skank be all up on you," she snapped.

"I'm sorry, Allie."

"You should be." She turned her back on me, watching the TV.

I pushed her hair off her neck. "Don't be mad, Allie-cat, I love you." I kissed her shoulder. "Turn around. Please."

She shook her head. She was crying. Damn it. I hate it when she cries, especially over something I've done.

"Don't cry, Baby. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"I'm not crying." She insisted.

"You're not?"


"Then you won't care if do this." I tickled her.

"Quit it" she laughed, squirming around trying to push my hands away, until she turned over. "Okay, okay, I did what you wanted, now quit."

"I'm still mad at you," she declared when I stopped. Then she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Yeah, but you're always mad at me about something," I laughed, kissing her. Then I saw the bandage on her leg. It was already turning red. "Allie, does Dom know about that?" I asked, sitting up.


Bullshit. "Does he know its that bad?"

"It's not that bad. It's just bleeding a little." She replied.

"A lot. I'm going to get Dominic." I got up and walked towards the door.

"Jess, don't." She answered. "Let me handle it."

"Not this time, baby. I'm going to get Dom, he needs to know about that." Given the choice, she'd bleed to death before she willingly let anyone touch her leg.

I went down the hall to his and Letty's bedroom and pounded on the door. "Dominic, you need to come here." Knowing what was most likely going on inside, I knew he wasn't going to be a good mood when he opened the door.

"What, Jesse?" He didn't look extremely pleased to see me.

"I think you need to look at Allie whether she wants you to or not. I think she's hurt more than she's letting on."

He ran his hand over his head, like he does when he's frustrated, then sighed, "Aight, I'll be there in a minute."

I went back to her room. She was sitting up on the bed, glaring at me. "Be mad if you want to," I told her. "I'm right and you know it."