A/N: Hi guys. This is my 2nd attempt at a fanfic, and hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this one unlike my last attempt. I know this idea has been used a lot, but I'm trying to improve on my writing skills, and this idea came to me about a week ago, and ever since I've been dying to write it. The main characters are based off of me and my best friend; obviously I changed some things up though.

Edit: Sorry I had to repost this; there was something wrong with the original. ^^;

Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil, if I did, Wesker would probably still be alive! :D I do own the characters (mostly).

It was a typical summer Saturday afternoon, and two 15 year old girls, Raven and Kristen were sprawled out on the floor, bored out of their minds. Raven, the taller of the two, couldn't take the silence any more and decided that she would break it up by talking.

"Hey Kristen, will you play a game with me?"

Kristen started to sit up a little in order to look at her friend, "Like what exactly?"

After a moment of thinking Raven finally decided on a game; "How about RE 5?"

"Not a chance Raven! Do you not remember the last time we played that stupid game? I am never playing that with you again!" Wow, Kristen didn't even hesitate on her answer…harsh.

Raven decided to use her last resort: the puppy dog eyes. "Please? I promise I won't leave you to die when someone is chasing you with a chainsaw this time."

They sat in silence for a few more moments before Kristen finally caved in. Hell, why not?

"Fine, but I swear on my mother's grave that if you let me die again, I will beat your ass with the controller."

The confused look Raven gave Kristen was enough to reward her awkward friend with a sigh.

"Raven I know my mother isn't actually dead, I just meant that I am dead serious on my threat."

With a quick smile, Raven went over to the TV and started to get the game ready while her friend watched on the side lines. Once the disk was in the consol, Raven handed Kristen a wireless controller and waited for the title screen to come on.

"Do you want to start where we left off, or go back to the beginning?"

"I don't know Raven, why can't you just pick?" Kristen sounded just a little too annoyed when she replied. Maybe she's just tired of Raven always making her decide on the most useless crap…nah that couldn't be it.

Eventually it was decided that they'd go back to the beginning of the game, and after awhile the two friends were getting pretty into the game…

"Damn it Kristen! Shoot it! Shoot it!" Raven couldn't help yelling out to her friend when the big guy with the axe burst through the wall. She always hated this part.

"What do you think I'm doing, ogling Chris's butt?" Kristen threw her friend a death glare, she could have sworn she herd her mumble a yes.

"NOOOOOOOO! How could you die? Last time I checked you had full health AND plenty of ammo!"

"Well sorry miss prissy pants, not everyone can be so awesome at this game like you." Kristen didn't even bother to hold the sarcasm from her tone.

Raven let out a small sigh to clear out her anger, "Okay fine, I'm sorry for yelling. Would you like to try again?"

Kristen let out a quick "yeah" and pressed yes to continue; but instead of going back to their last checkpoint the screen was covered with a blinding white glow. A flash appeared and the girls found themselves no longer in the comfort of the living room, but outside in the blazing heat. A quick look around showed them that they were in what seemed to be some kind of town.

Raven's eyes grew wide when she noticed something all too similar: a group of African males were beating a bunch of sticks on a sack that was wiggling on the ground as if something were alive inside of it. "Uh Kristen…I don't know how, but I think we're inside the game."

Okay so that was the first chapter. Like it? Hate it? Sorry it lacked in humor. I promise the next chapter will be much more humorous. Please let me know. Opinions, ideas, and constructive criticism are welcome. No flames though please. If you can't think of something nice to say, why review? Hopefully the next chapter will be done soon. Until next time!
