Lol my first sorry yay well on this account I thought I should write a story Yay

Bella's pov

'I'm leaving you. You are a ugly plain girl and why would I want you' Edward said .

' what did you just say to me I'm not some ugly little girl' I told him.

' well I think you are so I'm gone' Edward said and started running in the other way.

' you coward you think you can just one away from me you well pay for this believe me' I screamed.

Well that was three years ago I was found in the forest by Eric Northman he is a real hardcore vampire. One that rise's out of his coffin at sun set.

He has shoulder length blond hair . Blue eyes that you could just melt in to. He is very muscular . I love him with all my heart he changed me into one of him. Making me his child his and his mate forever. I was also Pam's sister his other child. But when we first started seeing each other Pam thought her master was going soft.

But now we are best friends and sisters. We are living together with Eric. Currently I'm sitting on eric's lap, at fangtasie . We were watching the humans throw them selves' at the feet of vampires.

When the Cullen's waltz right thru the door like they owned. The place.

End here.

So it's a cliffy tell me what you think and a review ~ flo breezy