Holmes scratched the doctor's face, and smiled victoriously as he watched the blood drip off of his chin. Watson had enough after this.

Doing like every rough school boy, he pushed him down, and went with him. Their limbs in a tangle, the two had been at this for an hour. A smashed floral tea pot of Mrs. Hudson's showed as one piece of proof. The others were obviously the torn clothes draping over their bodies.

They were sure they had a good reason 50 minutes ago, when the high point of arguing was Watson snarling at him loudly, and verbal abuse was still existent.

Holmes removed himself from underneath Watson and climbed on top, becoming practically the queen as he won again. Smiling, he placed his legs on either side of Watson's hips grinded into him demonically, as he listened to him moan sharply. "Admit it, Watson."

Watson raised his eyebrows at him, confused. "Admit what?" But his voice caught in his throat as Holmes grinded even harder into him.

"Admit you can't live without me. If I didn't save you from that falling axe earlier today, you know you would probably be dead. I'm sure Mary would have never seen it being thrown off that roof."

And then, Watson remembered exactly why their baffle began. "Holmes, I have to go home either way. Just because I didn't want to stick around and catch up doesn't mean I'm not grate-" Holmes did it again, and this time, Watson was actually responding to it physically. Blushing, he felt himself get harder and he knew Holmes could tell too from the smirk approaching his face.

Watson was frustrated. He tried to get up, but Holmes pushed his shoulders down, pinning him to the floor.

"Holmes! Move so I can go home and see my wife!"

"Not until you say it!"

Giving up, Watson sighed, and said in such a sarcastic, unmeaning way, "Holmes, thank you for saving me. I would be dead without you."

"Now tell me you love me and need me,"


Laughing, Holmes lowered himself to where their noses were touching. "Alright I'll let you go. Besides, you don't have to tell me. The hardness I'm sitting on already says it." He placed a kiss on the side of Watson's face, but sneak attack happened. Holmes' lips barely had time to touch the soft skin when all of a sudden, Watson grabbed hold of his arm and flipped him over, reversing the positions. He held him there, smirking down at him.

"Watson, I beseech you to let me go!"

"Oh no, my dear Holmes." Watson whispered darkly, "You owe me now."

"And what is it that I owe you?"

Watson didn't answer back and this caused Holmes to worry. Biting his lip, he raised the other man's arms behind him, and lifted up Holmes' shirt. His muscles fluctuated with his breathing and his sweat had already layered on his chest. The one hand that Watson had laid on there, stuck like glue. His other hand however, moved exceptionally free as it unbuttoned Holmes trousers and pulled them down.

He could feel Holmes beginning to speak, so he smashed his lips against the other's. Watson's lower lip chasing after Holmes' tongue, their hot and heavy breath going in and out, almost like creating one human being. The detective's naked member throbbing against Watson's clothed thigh, was becoming unbearable, but he didn't give in. He was too busy enjoying the torture he caused his friend. Just slightly rubbing the fabric, Holmes groaned into his mouth, and roughly held onto Watson's lower back.

"Please, Watson, stop teasing me," He breathed heavily, but as soon as he spoke, Watson stopped all together, and got up. Baffled, Holmes watched as he began to grab his coat off of the rack and his hat.

"Where are you going? I thought-"

"Oh dear boy, it's 6 o'clock and I must head home. Mary should have supper ready for me soon." Watson grinned, walking out of the room, hearing another piece of Mrs. Hudson's china hit against the door.