
Warning: That I can tell, this has no specific historical reference to real life events, and is simply an idea that popped into my head after finishing the original OneShot.

I've seen many strong countries in my short life as a nations person. I've fought with England against my brother in the peak of his strength over the world. I've fought with France before that in an attempt to stay with my beloved papa. I've fought with both of them against the strong German Empire, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.

In the recent years, I've faught against Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Austria, Thailand, Finland, Bulgaria, and so many more, and finally, Germany has given up. My brother is still determined to defeat Japan, who has yet to surrender at this point, but we all think it's only a matter of time before he does, and after all these years, what is one more battle?

Still under the relaxed rule of the United Kingdom, I followed behind him and head of the Solviet Union, Russia, through the tattered streets of Berlin. France was recovering, still, his whole body so horribly bruised and broken that only his forever silky golden locks was the only tell tale trait to identify him easily. China was at his home, waiting in case Japan continued to fight. I haven't seen Poland since the start of all this… and I don't believe I want to...

They were looking for someone, I didn't catch who, and it seemed they knew exactly where they were going. Perhaps they've been to Berlin before?

I didn't realize they stopped until I ran into Russia's hard back, letting out an embarrassing squeak as I did. Luckily, he did not seem to notice, as his focus was on a building in front of us. It was more intact then others, clearly either being fixed up after the blitz or just lucky.

I was too scared to ask why we stopped here, seeing as how this was obviously the destination, but it looked simply like a house in a rich district of Berlin.

The elder nations started forward again, a seemingly telepathic connection between the two who knew what they were looking for. I didn't like being left in the dark, especially after all we've been through, but I did not dare speak my mind. These two had people die in their lands, while I didn't. I had no right to ask anything of them.

Russia simply pushed on the door and it crumbled under the little force. He paid it no mind, stepping over the rubble to get inside, while the other raised a large eyebrow at the delicate wood before following. I did not hesitate to do the same.

Inside was somehow even more a disaster then the outside. Furniture was left with a thick coat of dust while they lay in disarray, as if a fight happened within the broken walls, or allied forces had already rummaged through this most likely once beautiful home. Remains of what looked like to be a chair caught my attention, for some reason. Perhaps it was because of the blatant bloodstains on it's side. It must have been used as a weapon…

Once again, they didn't give me time to think much into it, or even look at the finer details of the destroyed room. England pushed passed me in order to get to the staircase on the other side of the room, another embarrassing squeak leaving my throat. Russia's gaze darted to me, his expression darker than normal.

He followed England, not without narrowing his dead eyes at me. A shiver ran down my spine, causing me to pause a few moments before ascending up the stairs which protested under the weight of the three of us. Thankfully, it didn't cumble much like the door, only threatened to.

Once at the top of the elevating death trap, the two immedietly started opening the doors that lined the thin hallway that made up the upper level. England was more calm and civil about it, using the doorknobs to open the doors, while our ally simply repeated what he did to the front door.

This continued until Arthur turned to open a door, only to find it locked. Russia turned to him in an instant at the sound of the stopped doorknob. Their eyes connected, and a mutiual understanding was made.

I didn't have time to prepare myself for the loud crash that signaled the violent destruction of yet another door, successfully being startled and shaken by the brief memories of bombs and expolsions, both from the battle field of modern warfare and the long passed explosion from my own lands.

Shaking the memories from my mind, I forced down my fears and shuffled closer to the other two, who where standing in the doorway, England still with shock, while Russia's childish grin of amusment made me curious. Carefully weaving passed them, I peeked into the room.

I've seem many strong nations. I've seen many of them fall in the modern world that me and my brother seemed to thrive in.

But I've never seen one fall so hard, and so quickly.

This man once made me and my troops worried. He made russia's eyebrows furrow in concern over his people. He angered England and France by the meer mentioning of his name, while America, although greatful for his help years ago, always spoke of him with caution.

He was broken, tied up and left shivering in the corner of the room. His once pristine army uniform was now in tatters, blood stained all over it. His pale skin that wasn't covered by rags exposed the dark and bloody bruises that speckled his skin. His once bright red eyes that used to glow with strength now resembled those of an abused child. Swimming with hurt, betrayal, but still looked numb and dead.

It was then I realized where we are, and why we are here.

This was Germany's home… but it didn't used to be. And we are here to pick up the former tenant.

"Я возьму его," Russia's voice chimed suddenly, causing all of us to flinch. Wide red eyes darted over us, a fear that seemed so foreign on his pale face.

England looked at our companion, then back over to the once mighty Kingdom. "Do what you will." He said simply. "But after we are done with him."

"Done with him?" I questioned out loud, but my words fell on deaf ears. Ivan only laughed, I assume from what my caretaker said. The tall nation took one step, and that was all it took for the albino to snap.

"Nein! Nein!" he screamed, his voice hoarse with strain. Tears sprung to his eyes as he tried to shuffle away from the approaching USSR. All I could do was watch, frozen with fear for my fellow nation. "Ich will gut sein! Bitte! Bitte!" he begged. His eyes locked with mine, and tears poured from his red orbs. "Hilf mir, Kanada! Bitte!" My heart stopped at the mention of my name. "Ich will nicht mieder genommen warden! Nicht schon wieder!"

His pleading stopped abrubtly with a loud crack that resulted from Ivan kicking him in the rips without restraint. The only sound in the room now was the stifled sobbing coming from the broken man.

"What you going to do with him?" I found myself bravely asking. England finally looked at him, one large eyebrow raised.

"You didn't hear us talking before, did you?" he snapped. I flinched back, expecting him to strike me. However, he only sighed and looked back at the albino, who was now being hoisted up over our companian's shoulder. "We are going to dissolve his lands, so that he no longer has any sort of power, or even an excistence."


"His lands will be split apart, devided between Germany, Russia, Polland, Neatherlands and anyone else who wants a piece of him." He continued. "If he himself somehow manages to survive the death of his nation, he will be put under Russia's constent watch."

Before I could stop myself, I found myself protesting. "But he's already broken!" I pleaded. "Can't you see that Germany did something, probably already took away any power he had, and—" my protests were cut short when a loud smack echoed around the room, and my cheek suddenly started to sting horribly.

England's hand remained in the air from his strike, his glare dark and resentful. "How dare you defend him, you ungreatful brat!" he hissed. "This is for the world's good! If he kept any power, another war of this magnitude will happen. He is blood thirsty and hungry for power and land! He has always been that way, and always will be!" Bringing my hand to my face in an attempt to cool the burning that now overcame my features, I could only just look at my caretaker. "Am I understood, Canada?" he growled out, his hand still poised, ready to strike again if nessisary.

I nodded mutely, not wishing to be struck again.

"Мы должны ехать, да?" Russia chimed suddenly, his grip on his captive strong. England nodded curtly, his hand falling to his side. And as if my protests didn't happen, they left the room.

I couldn't help but notice the red eyed nation looking at me as he was carried passed. His expression was longing, wishing to be free. But in that brief insite I had into the man's soul, I was able to see that he was thankful, perhaps for my attempt to ease him from his fate.

But I didn't like this… I didn't like seeing such a strong man fall so hard, and not at his own accord or even in battle. He fell to politics and resentful nations. He fell to the new world that me and my brother seemed to thrive in.

It made me miss the man who I used to play with as a child, when Papa was busy in his own lands and needed someone to watch over me in case England where to try stealing me away. The strong man who had a small reigion in my bourders named for him was long gone, only a broken shell that I wish I could remove from my memories.

We missed the start of his death, but I truly believe we may finish it.

Leaving the shattered building, a song I remember being sung to me left my lips for the first time in centuries.

In loving memory, to a once great and powerful nation, I sang His Anthem.

To the Kingdom of Prussia, May his lands continue to thrive, and May his colours always be known.

Translation/Other notes

Point of View: Canada's. I thought that it might be more appropriate from his point of view, not only because Canada is one of my favorite characters, but because he was sort of the third party of the allies in the Hetalia universe. He was still under charge of the United Kingdom, so he was there because England was, not because he had it out for a certain country (America with Japan). He was there because he sort of had to be, not only because it was the right thing to do.

Berlin: Berlin was once the capital of Prussia, and it had be showered with bombs numerous times during the war. After the dissolution and being stripped of any real power, Berlin became the Capital of Germany. In my head canon, after the "wedding," Ludwig himself became more and more into the Nazi German soldier, since his brother and his people no longer kept him in check.

Japan: Although Germany was still in the war, of course, they had pretty much given up before Japan. Apparently (AKA according to my Social Studies teacher, who happens to be German), Japan was still preparing for another attack on China when Germany, Italy, and the rest of the Axis had already stopped. This plan for another attack is often used for justification for the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, since the death of people of an Axis nation was better than even more casualties on the Allies side.

The lack of Language Barrier – Okay, this is sort of my head cannon making it's way into my fanfiction, which I don't normally like doing for things like this. To me, the nations people can understand each other no matter what language they speak. You know, one of those "perks of being a nation" thing. But they can only do that with each other, not citizens. And even still, they have to make sure the other can understand them. (Seeing as France speaks French occasionally to the other nations, greeting and salutations are in their own language, and the slip of certain words go into their speech from their native language.) Yeah, it's sort of complicated, but it makes sense to me. P

Я возьму его – Russian, "I will take him."

"Nein! Nein! Ich will gut sein! Bitte! Bitte! Hilf mir, Kanada! Bitte! Ich will nicht mieder genommen warden! Nicht schon wieder!" – German, "No! No! I will be good! Please! Please! Help me, Canada! Please! I don't want to be taken over again! Not again!"

Devision of Prussia – Currently, the former lands of Prussia belong to 8 countries. Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic and Netherlands.

"Мы должны ехать, да?" – Russian, "We should be going now, yes?"

The Region in Canada – New Prussia. It's real! Look it up! It's in Ontario.

The song Canada sings – Preußenlied, the Anthem of the Kingdom of Prussia.

"May his colours always be known." – Refernce to a line/alternate title to Preußenlied. "I am Prussian, know ye my colours?" And to the spelling of Colours, I'm Canadian, that's how we're supposed to spell it. Not Colors.

Author's notes:

OMG I'm sorry for the long Translation/Other notes, I get a little carried away, sometimes.

Tell me if anything is wrong historically or in regards to the Translations. I don't know German or Russian (I'm hardly good at my first language, English.. XD) so tell me if Google Translate made a mistake!