Preußen looked at the ground as he walked, his scuffed boots dragging along the ground. He was weak, weaker than he's ever felt since he was betrayed by Denmark when he was a child. He felt himself harder to wake up in the morning, needing someone to throw him to the ground in order to do so. He felt it…

He couldn't help but wonder if this is what Germania felt like, hardly remembering his Father, only remembering a stern, but very quiet man whose eyes had lost all its life.

Müssen meine Augen das Leben noch halten?

The albino willed himself to lift his head, to make sure that he was going to the right place. After the Reichstag building was set aflame…

He'd rather not talk about it. But its temporary location was decided, until something else could be build or the original could be fixed. As if they had the resources, workers and money to do so. But whatever that blasted man said, goes, even in a state that didn't want his power as much as his did.

Freistaat… What a joke. His bruder needed him, that's the only reason he isn't his own god damned country any more.


The deep voice he'd grown to loath jolted him from his thoughts and froze his feet to the ground. He looked behind him, were the voice came from, to see that bruder that needed him so much. He was still tall, muscular and strong. His country was still strong, as where his people. It made Preußen want to take out his dagger, an old friend from the times of the Knights, that he kept strapped tightly to his thigh at all times. Although it was under his pants at the moment, desperate times all for desperate measures. The shock value of someone ripping off their pants and suddenly wielding a knife was a good amount of shock, he thought.

"Osten, was machst du hier?"

That sickening voice again. That bastard… trying to be nice after everything he's been trying to pull for far too long! What balls he had to pretend like nothing was going on!

Narrowing his eyes, the former kingdom looked away and proceeded towards the building he was scheduled to be in. Ignoring the shouts of his name, all of them, Gilbert, Preußen, Prussia, East, Osten, Bruder, it all fell on deaf ears.

Throwing open the large doors of the Garrison Church of Potsdam, he looked into its hall.

He was shocked to see a minister, many public officials whom knew who the nations are, and…

"Hast du meine Botschaft empfangen?," Deutschland muttered under his breath.

"Was ist passiert?"

"Es… Es tut mir leid, bruder…"

Two men that both did not recognize, but very clearly clothed so that they knew who they served, the bright red on their right arm eye catching, appeared from the sides of the doors and escorted them down the long isle.

"Guten Tag, Deutsches Reich, Preußen." That man greeted, his hair neat as always and his eyes dark. He seemed to be trying to keep casual, but his very presence made the former kingdom want to just run away, to freedom.

"Guten Tag, Mein Führer," Deutschland greeted, his very being all business. Stiff and straight, a true soldier. It made Gilbert sick.

"Dieser ist in der Tat ein großer Tag," was the hissed response. The venomous man looked at the albino, who's narrowed eyes glared right into his. A dark smirk crossed his face. He looked toward the minister that stood ahead of them. "Es ist jetst ein gutter zeitpunkt, Herr Minister."

His works, like a trigger to a rat trap, made the soldiers snap into action. Immediately, their large hands were on Preußen, holding him in place. He tried in vain to get out of their grasp, but no amount of force he could muster freed him.

He hated that man.

He hated the apologetic minister's look as he began the reading.

He hated his bruder, no, he didn't hate his bruder Ludwig. He hated Deutsches Reich.

He hated his own bosses, who just stood there; doing nothing at those horrible words, the promises, the quotes of saints and god that now bound him tighter.

Most of all, he hated what he has become.

They all stood around, treating this as a joyous occasion, while he was bound by words of a German minister in a Prussian church, bound by the hands of young German soldiers while his bosses watched, bound by the control of that man, and bound eternally to his bruder who needed him.

The hands that held him only released when the Minster, the poor man dragged into this, declared it official.

All strength had left him then, causing him to fall to his knees, in front of that man and at his bruder's feet.

In the home of his beloved Frederick the Great's remains, he lost.

Not in battle… but in politics. In the final words of Holy Matrimony, Preußen has been defeated.


Translation/Historical Notes:

(Please note, I'm not a German speaker, nor am I an expert of German/Prussian History, although I do want to study it in University)

(Edit: Thank you very much sky-journy for correcting the German.)

Preußen – Prussia

Müssen meine Augen das Leben noch halten? – Do my eyes still hold life?

Freistaat – Free State. From 1918 to 1933, Prussia was a Free State of Germany, meaning they could basically do what they wanted but were still under the control of Germany. (In a lot of Fanfiction, people have Prussia living with Germany, and although he does what he wants, Germany houses him and keeps him relatively under control. That is VERY historically accurate, although I'm sure not many people realize that.)

Bruder - Brother

Osten – East

Osten, was machst du hier – What are you doing here/Why are you here?

Garrison Church of Potsdam – After the Reichstag building was burned, the Garrison Church in Potsdam (at the time, a Prussian city) was used for political meetings. It was also where for over 100 years the remains of Fredrick the Great were housed.

Hast du meine Botschaft empfangen?– You didn't get my message. Communications even within Germany where very slow back during this time, if they wanted to (try to) keep the conversation private.

Was ist passiert – What is happening/What's going on?

Es tut mir leid, bruder – I'm sorry, Brother

Guten Tag, Deutsches Reich, Preußen. – Good day, German Reich, Prussia. The official names of Nazi Germany were Deutsches Reich(German Reich )and Großdeutsches Reich(Greater German Reich).

Guten Tag, Mein Fürher – Good Day, my Leader

Dieser ist in der Tat ein großer Tag – It is indeed a good day. March 21, 1933

Es ist jetst ein gutter zeitpunkt, Herr Minister – Now is a good time, Minister. Although gay marriage, or homosexuality in general, was punishable by death, life in jail or containment in a Concentration Camp, this would be just a formality.

The Marriage of Prussia and Germany –" Because the Reichstag building had been set on fire a few weeks earlier, the new Reichstag was opened in the Garrison Church of Potsdam on March 21, 1933 in the presence of President Paul von Hindenburg. In a propaganda-filled meeting between Hitler and the Nazi Party, the "marriage of old Prussia with young Germany" was celebrated, to win over the Prussian monarchists, conservatives, and nationalists and induce them to vote for the Enabling Act of 1933." Wikipedia

The meeting in which marked the end of The Free State of Prussia, and the beginning of the death of Prussia all together.

That paragraph above is what inspired this whole thing. I am in love with the history of Germany (including Germania and the Holy Roman Empire) and Prussia, and I do plan on taking courses on it in University if available, so I do research it a lot. "The Marriage of old Prussia and young Germany." It perfectly sums up what happened. And when you look at it from a Hetalia point of view, what marriages are to them, it makes perfect sense.

I'm sorry if I got anything wrong with the German, or the historical facts. The German was from an online translator, and the historical facts are things I've researched myself. Please feel free to correct me on anything. For the historical facts, though, please send me proof with your correction.