A/N: Sorry it's been so long. Here's the final chapter. Hope you likey
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, nor do I claim it. None of the male characters would be safe if I did. Heeheehee.
I awoken with a slight jolt when I found that Byakuya was laying beside me instead of Shuuhei; and then reality smacked me on the back of the head as the events of yesterday came back to me. Shuuhei….just his name gave me a hard blow to the stomach; I've betrayed him….WE have betrayed him. Byakuya had betrayed Shuuhei when he had confessed his love for me, no, when he sent Shuuhei to me. I'm even worse, I allowed my lust to get the better of me, and I allowed Shuuhei to fall for me. I gave out an exasperated grunt; I'm a fuckin' jerk! I wouldn't blame Shuuhei if he hates me, if he never forgives me. I'm sure he does; why wouldn't he?
I rolled over, hoping to feel his muscular body underneath my hand, but only felt cold bed sheets. My eyes flutters open to stare into emptiness and the memory of yesterday and the whole time I've been in Italy came back to me. I thought I would feel something, although I didn't know what to feel; Jealousy? No, this was much more potent than that. Beside, I have no rights to be jealous, Renji didn't even love me! Anger? No, it's not that extreme; beside, how can I be angry at Renji, I knew what I was heading into, and I especially can't be angry at Byakuya…..how can I ever be angry at that beautiful man?. Hurt? That's not it either; I'm too tired to feel pain. Emptiness? Yeah, it's emptiness; so many emotions are running through me all at once, and yet, I feel nothing. Emptiness, yes, I'm feeling hollow, empty; just as what I'm seeing in front of my eyes; emptiness.
I looked over at Byakuya and was about to wake him, but he looked so peaceful in his sleep that I couldn't bring myself to do so. I smiled at him and gave him a peck on the forehead and headed out to the kitchen. I know my cooking was not as good as Shuuhei's, but I'd like to think I've picked up enough of his talent during the time we were together. The mere thought gave me a deep sigh, Gomenessai Shuuhei, Sayonara.
"What are you cooking? Smells good." Byakuya voice made me jump.
"Don't do that!" I scolded him. Byakuya contorted his face into an expression of innocent confusion in response, taking everything I had, not to attack him right there in the kitchen. Darn him, he's not allowed to so goddamn adorable!
"Do what?" he asked in reply.
"Firstly, you're not allowed to be that freakin' adorable first thing in the morning," I sneered, "Secondly, don't attack a chef from behind!"
"I did not attack you!" Byakuya grunted indignantly, crossing his arms. I had to laugh, was this brat the real Byakuya? This Byakuya, I could live with.
"Well, don't sneak up from behind me when I have a knife in my hand, I'm known to have very good aim." I stated, with a cheeky smile.
Byakuya just rolled his eyes in response, and grabbed his stomach,
"Is breakfast ready yet? I'm hungry."
"Almost, can you set the table? I'll be out in a minute." I replied
Byakuya just gave me a blank stare,
"Right, I'll be waiting for my food at the dinner table."
I ended up having to set the table before I bring out breakfast for the both of us, he even expected me to prepare his napkin and tie on his bib for him! But of course, it must be natural for a rich boy like Byakuya to have everything done for him by servants.
"Jeez, who usually prepare you for breakfast? Your nanny?"
"No," Byakuya replied indignantly, "Shuuhei does." He said it so matter-of-factly, it wasn't even funny.
When it was time for his bath, I ended up having to lay out his clothe for him and even prepare the water for him!
"I don't have to take a bath for you too, do I?" I retorted
"No, I can do that myself," he answered, and his mouth curved into a sly smirk, "but I wouldn't mind if you want to join me."
I felt my cheeks burning and threw a towel at him, which landed perfectly on his head,
"Nope, sorry; not interested."
After he had taken a bath, he dried off himself and walked out to our bedroom, completely naked and stood there, with his arms out expectantly.
"What?" I asked him, wide eyed.
"Well? Don't just stand there! Dress me!" he commanded
"Y-you mean, I have to put your clothes on for you?" I asked, amazed.
"Of course! Hisagi always does it for me." he said it, as if it was supposed to be obvious. A tinge of jealousy flared up in me, If Hisagi had always fed and dressed Byakuya, that means he'd seen it all…..
I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself a beer, before plopping down on a sofa and turn on the T.V. for background noises. After I left Renji's apartment yesterday, I had returned to my hotel room, a room in one of the Kuchiki Hotel in Italy. In fact, it wasn't so much a 'room' as it was a condo. I was planning to gather up my room and leave but A: I don't have anywhere to go; and B: I was dead tired and pissed drunk (there was a bar at the hotel, and the condo itself have a mini-bar in the dining room). I flip through the channels absently and after surfing all 365 channels of nothing, I turned off the T.V. God I was pathetic! Was this how Renji felt before I came? Was this how he spent his day? No, I should stop myself from thinking about Renji, about Byakuya-sama, that's the only way I can start my life anew. Now the question is; can I?
Beside his paperwork, I ended up having to do everything for Byakuya. By the time noon rolled around, I was getting pretty annoyed at Byakuya's dependency.
"Good GOD! Don't you know how to do anything for yourself?" I grunted, exasperated.
"I do!" Byakuya argued, "I make business proposition, sign documents, give speeches, assign projects…"
"Outside of work!" I snapped
"I was taught to take care of the Kuchiki's family business, I have Shuuhei and Sasaskibe and my other servants doing everything else for me."
"But-but!" I tried to argue.
"But what? I am the heir of the Kuchiki family, I inherited all of my Grandfather's possession, including his servants; why would I need to do anything for myself when I have servants to do it for me?" Byakuya replied. To anyone that doesn't know Kuchiki Byakuya, that would sound rude, even snobby, but this was Kuchiki Byakuya we're talking about, the man most likely never had to do anything for himself ever since he was born!
"But I want to be your Boyfriend, not your man-servant!"
Byakuya just stared blankly at me for a minute before he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.
"W-wuh? Where are we going?" I asked
"To find Shuuhei." He answered me flatly,
"Wh-what? We can't-!" I protested
"We are, aren't we?" he replied. It was at that moment that I decided that Kuchiki Byakuya is really a stubborn, obnoxious brat underneath the stoic, crude businessman exterior.
I jolted awake when the doorbell rang at my door. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep….I was really pathetic. I straightened up and attempted to make myself somewhat presentable….a man-servant of the Kuchiki household have to be prepared and presentable at all time – but wait, I was no longer a man-servant of the Kuchiki household – whatever! The ringing became relentless and switched over to impatient pounding at my door. I was annoyed as I unlocked and opened the door; whoever was at the door had the patience of –
"Greetings, Hisagi."
"What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised; why was my ex-boss here to see me?
"We need to talk, Hisagi." Byakuya replied in his usual tone. My surprise turned into anger and confusion.
"There's nothing more for us to say to each other, Kuchiki-sama, good day, sir." I replied him coolly; I do not want to be in his presence right now. I proceeded to close the door but Byakuya raised a hand and prevented it from closing.
"Hisagi, I want you to come back to work for me." Byakuya continued as if he didn't hear what I was saying, I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat, I don't know why, but his presence was angering me.
"Is this a joke, Kuchiki-sama?" I asked weakly, "You fired me not even 24-hours ago, didn't you? And you're telling me to come back to work for you again? What do you want with me?"
I closed my eyes and swallowed down the lump in throat, Hisagi alone knows the real me; he had seen every side of me, so this shouldn't be too hard, right?
"I fired you in a moment of irrational indignity; I was being unfair….." I managed, "I…..I….I need you, Hisagi-kun."
Hisagi's depressed expression lit up in surprise, "Y-you need me? Kuchiki-sama?"
"Hai, and I need you too!" Renji boomed in, pushing the door open the rest of the way.
"R-Renji!" Hisagi exclaimed,
I felt the urge to rub my temple, an old habit when I'm annoyed, Renji was a lot, but not polite.
"Oy, Hisagi-san, come back to us already, or Byakuya WILL drive me crazy!" Renji roared
"but- - what?" Hisagi stuttered,
"Renji is *ahem* good in bed, but he sucks as a man-servant, he can't even cook right!" I begun to explain
"I've never cooked for anyone but myself my whole life!" Renji argued, sounds like self-defense to me, he turned to Hisagi and continued, "And I wanna be his boyfriend, not his man-servant! The man can't even dress himself!"
"I can, but why do it myself when I have someone doing it for me?" I defended myself.
"So you see, you're used to being his man-servant, I'm not, so - -" Renji started,
"So you want me to come back and cook and clean for you, and to witness how happy you two are together?" Hisagi snapped at us, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't do that."
Hisagi closed the door again, and in a futile attempt to stop him to slam the door in our faces, I stuck out my hand in the doorway, WHAM! CRACK! "ARGHH!"
"Byakuya-sama!" Renji and Shuuhei cried out in unison, Shuuhei swung the door open and grabbed my smashed fingers, which were quick to swell up.
"Kuchiki-sama, what the hell did you do that for?" Hisagi scolded me. I winced as his hand studied my tender fingers, but found my lips curved up into a smile,
"Couldn't think of any other way to get you to open the door." I replied
"Sheesh, Byakuya, since when did you become such an impulsive masochist?" Renji scolded me.
I simply gave Renji a crooked smirk in return, "There is much you still haven't learned about me, Renji-kun."
Shuuhei led us into the apartment and went to get the first-aid kit to treat Byakuya's hand. When he got back and started to tend to Byakuya's crushed hand, I used the excuse of going to the bathroom to excuse myself. They needed to sort things out between themselves, and it would be better if I wasn't around for it. I went into the bathroom and washed my face, and then sat down on the toilet and waited, luckily Shuuhei had some….interesting….magazines in his bathroom to keep me occupied.
After Renji had gone out of sight, an un-nerving silence came over Byakuya and I. He was the one who finally, nervously broke the silence;
"Shuuhei...I...I...Gomenessai...Shuuhei-kun..." he bowed his head.
"By-Byakuya-sama!" I uttered in horrified surprise, is the mighty lord ot the Kuchiki family really bowing down and apologizing to me?
"Accept my sincere apology Shuuhei-kun." Byakuya said, still bowing his head to me. I hurriedly stooped down to help him up;
"Ku-Kuchiki-sama, please, please don't bow down to a lowly peasant as I, why-why are you apologizing to me?"
"Because I owe it to you, Shuuhei-kun. I've claimed that you have betrayed me, when in reality I was the one who have betrayed you! I shouldn't have sent you to Renji without telling you that it was only me being selfish and feeling guilty for sending Renji away, I should have told you I was the man that shunned Renji, that sent him here, that caused him to be the melancholic wreck that he was when you found him. I only have myself to blame for pushing you toward him; and instead of manning up to my flaws, I blamed it on you, will you forgive me, Shuuhei-kun?"
I tried to fight the tears welling up in my eyes, and swallowed down the lump in my throat. Anger, Jealousy, Resentment, Hurt...it all came back to me. Does this arrogant, over-confident, noble ASS, seriously expect me to forgive and forget everything with that pathetic excuse of an apology? Does he seriously think that those simple words would make up for all these years, I've tailed him like a dog, dodging all the crap that has been thrown his way, swallowing all the shit that had been thrown my way, finding myself stupidly falling for him, trying to do everything to make him happy, just to be thrown to another man like a toy, and then thrown out like trash? And now just with a few flowery words he expect me to just jump back into his arms?
"Gomenesai, Kuchiki-sama...if you want me to truly forgive and forget, I will...but if this is an attempt to get me back to work as a dog at your side...Gomenssai, I can't."
Byakuya gave out a heavy sigh,
"Hai, I understand...Arigatou, Shuuhei-kun...sayonara..I'll collect Renji and we'll be on our way."
the sight of him turning his back to me, pained me...for some reason. at that moment, I wanted to reach out to him, to hold him back, to turn him around to face me again. As if reading my thought, he turned around again,
"You may not believe me, but my apology was just that...an apology...there was no hidden intention behind it, it was not an attempt to pull you back to my side...but, of course, you should know that. You were always the one that knows me best." and with that, he turned to leave again. At that moment I was horrified, I felt Emptiness coming nearer, the further away he was. I felt...loss?
"Kuchiki-sama, mate!"
Byakuya had barely turned around when I had thrown myself at him, holding him tight.
"Kuchiki-sama...no Byakuya-senpai...I need to ask you...surely you felt the way I idolized you...worshiped you, before Renji-kun came along?"
Byakuya slowly nodded his head, as if he was scared to admit it, "Hai, I did."
"I must ask you," I continued, "did you...did you..ever felt if only a fraction of how I did?"
Byakuya closed his eyes and took a deep breath,
"Hai...I did...but...I thought it was impossible...given who we are..."
I could tell that it was really hard for Byakuya, and it was at that moment that I realized the real reason why I'm feeling the way I am,
"Byakuya-senpai...I think I just realized how I fell for Renji and why it's hurting so much. He reminded me so much of you...you're both strong, beautiful, and no matter how you try to act like nothing phases you, you're both so vulnerable."
"What are you trying to say, Shuuhei-kun?"
"I-I dunno...yesterday, seeing you two together...it tore at me...I didn't know what I was feeling...I didn't know what to feel...I thought that anger, and resentment, and jealousy and pain were toward you...but, in the end, I realized I was feeling all those things toward myself! I didn't realize it until just now...I can't be upset at Renji, and I can't be mad at you, because even if Renji was using me, I was using him too...I might have been your replacement, but I used him as your replacement too...I don't know what to do now...I'm very attracted to him...but I adore you..."
"Just as I want him, but I need you." Byakuya replied softly.
it was amazing that such a simple sentence can get me so flustered. But...now what?
"We can't keep doing this, you have to decide...him or me...I have to decide...you, him, or loneliness...and he has to decide...me or you...we won't be at peace until we all decide..."
Byakuya came over swiftly and wrapped his arms around me, not letting go.
"Sumimassen, Shuuhei-kun...I don't want to choose, and I'm not going to..."
"Why do I have to choose? If we all love each other, why not all be together?"Byakuya asked, revealing the stubborn, obnoxious side of himself.
I was incredulous, "WHAT? Byakuya, Society at this day and age will NOT accept such an arrangement."
"You've forgotten, there is still an Emperor in Japan...and I'm the heir to the noble Kuchiki family, the largest of the Four Royal Guards Clans. It's not uncommon for a nobleman to take more than one wives, and since I'm gay, in my case...more than one husbands."
Before I could object any further, Byakuya forced me to look straight into his eyes,
"Shuuhei-kun, do you love me?"
"By-Byakuya...you know I do..."
"Right then," he responded curtly and pulled me into a deep kiss.
When I thought it was long enough, I washed up and walked out to the living room again. I was greeted with the sight of Byakuya and Shuuhei, embracing each other, locked in a hot passionate kiss. If I was jealous, the growing bulge in my pants showed now evidence. I found myself swallowing hard as the bulge in my pants only grew tighter when Shuuhei begun to stroke Byakuya's side, issuing a satisfying moan from him. I finally decided I couldn't just watch from the sideline anymore and walked over to them, perching myself behind Byakuya, and started to leave a trail of kisses down his neck, causing him to tense and moan loudly.
"This isn't the place to be this intimate, is it?" I purred into Byakuya's neck, but loud enough for Shuuhei to hear. He smiled sweetly up at me and broke away from the other side of Byakuya's neck, pulling at his uninjured hand, leading us into his bedroom. I pushed Byakuya and Shuuhei into the bedroom, closing the door behind us. I hooked my arms around Byakuya's neck, and started to undo his tie, and help him out of his top, while Shuuhei's hand trailed down Byakuya's torso, undoing his pants.
"W-what are you two doing to me?" Byakuya asked breathlessly,
"What does it look like, Kuchiki-sama?" I teased, nipping at his shoulder, while fidgeting to take off my top.
"And you think….I'd let you?" Byakuya protested,
"A little too late to protest, ain't it?" I smirked into his neck, trailing my hands down his body and wrapped my fingers around his hard cock, earning a gasping moan from him.
My toungue darted out and I started to lick around and around Byakuya's head, lapping up any pre-cum that issued from him. When I felt Byakuya's hand tightening around my hair, I proceeded to snake my tongue around his shaft and took him all the way into my mouth, sucking him feverishly and passionately. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this, but I didn't want to stop. Byakuya started to rock his hip, pushing himself deeper down my throat and summoning moans of pleasure from me, which just encouraged him to thrust in harder….faster.
I had found my way inside of Byakuya, and from the sound of it, I've found his sweet spot. I continued to slam into him, and when I heard Shuuhei moaning, I decided to slam in faster, harder, pushing Byakuya into Shuuhei. After a few minutes of pushing into each other, I felt myself coming close, and then Byakuya bucked his knees and went tense, and Shuuhei gave out a stuttering moan, and then there was a white flash of light across my eyes and we all gave out a loud moan as we came together and finally collapse onto the bed.
I knew that I shouldn't approve of this, I know I shouldn't encourage this, sexual intercourse with a man is scandalous enough, but two? Not to mention one of the men was my servant! I know this was scandalous, and dishonorable to the Kuchiki name, and wrong…..but why do I want it? Why does it feels so right? After a moment of just laying there and cuddling with each other to catch our breath, it started again.
I turned Shuuhei around and propped him on all four, pushing into him as a hand wrap around his waist and started to stroke him. Renji tucked himself under us and wrapped himself around Shuuhei, kissing him deeply and passionately, while I stroked both of their cocks together, slamming my own into Shuuhei. We switched again and this time, Renji had Shuuhei pushed into the headboard, sucking him, while I pushed myself into him, and had two fingers inside Shuuhei.
I couldn't believe this was happening, if it was a dream, I didn't want to wake up; if this was the only time that this would happen, I'd be grateful and will always remember it. At one point, Renji and Byakuya both had me on my back, both pushing into me at the same time, while they embraced and kissed passionately. And then Byakuya was on the bottom, and then me and then Byakuya was perched on my lap as both of us were pushing inside Renji as he kissed both of us simultaneously. By the time we were empty and exhausted, we were all a cluster of hot, sticky mess.
"Th-This isn't a dream….is it?" I panted, snugged in between Renji and Byakuya.
"Heh, if it is, it's one hell of a wet dream." Renji chuckled behind me, still snug inside me.
"This…isn't…a dream…" Byakuya moaned sleepily, still holding on to my cock, "a dream doesn't feel this good…"
We all laughed at this.
"Does this mean you're coming back with us?" Renji asked me
"Maybe," I muttered. " Will we be doing this again?" I asked,
"That depends, " Renji chuckled, "What do you say, Bya-kun?"
"Perhaps." Was the curt, sleepy response from Byakuya.
"Well, even if this is our last time," I chuckled, "Thanks for the memory."
A/N: So that's it, thanks to all my readers, all of you that added this story or me to their Fav. Story/Author, if you've been following this story, please voice up and give me your review on this story. And Thank you for reading. Special thanks to (Confusion no) Hime-chan, for inspiring and supporting this fic. ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!