A/N: Sorry for the lack of B.A. and Hannibal parts but Murdock and Face were just in a lot of trouble.

Murdock kept moving, barely missing the dogs powerful jaws everytime they snapped. They weren't tamed like Billy and he was good and lost. At least the wind had cut off.

He was about to run again when he stepped into a raised tree root and for the fourth time that day, fell onto his face. The dogs saw his weakness and came at him, slobber flying out of their mouths and their eyes wild. Murdock tried to get away, but at the first movement, his ankle sent sharp pains up his leg. The dogs came over the bushes and he felt a pair of teeth sink into his leg.

He bit back the cry of pain that threatened to escape, wondering what it was going to feel like to be eaten alive by dogs.

He shut his eyes, waiting. Then a dog howled in pain and the dog that had been chewing on his leg was torn off and he heard something being thrown. The dogs growled and jumped to something else besides Murdock.

He opened his eyes and gasped when he saw Face wrestling the dogs with a bloody knife in his hand. A dog sunk its teeth into Murdock's leg and Face groaned, catching that dog in the throat. It wimpered before falling to the side. Murdock couldn't help the small smile that came across his lips and then his eyes landed on his arm, where the bone was visible and Face was gently holding it in place.

"Face, what did you do to my arm?" He asked hoasely as the conman hurried to his side and helped him to his feet, Murdock wincing as the leg that had been attacked felt the pressure he was putting on it.

Face helped him limp along. "I fell out of that tree. Almost got eaten by that huge cat."

"Did you kill it too?" Murdock asked teasingly.

Shaking his head, Face looked voer at Murdock seriously. "A...ghost thing killed it somehow...I know that sounds crazy."

Murdock shrugged, looking upwards and then notcing the funky sky. "Uh, Faceguy..."

Face followed his gaze and shuddered, knowing exactly what a green sky meant. "Murdock. I think we've been caught in a-"

He stopped when something came crashing down behind them, making a really loud noise like a freight train.

"TONADO!" They both yelled, turning and running as fast as they could away form the huge, twisting cluod that was sending trees everywhere and following them. Murdock kept glancing back at it. "It's getting closer!"

"Turn!" Face comanded right before pushing hard against Murdock and sending them both right. they flew through the woods, feeling the earth shake as the trees landed on either side of them, the wind picking up in an extreme now. Face looked back to see if the twister had kept on going down its path when he saw it spinning along right behind them.

"It's literally following us!" He yelled, picking up his pace.

Murdock peeked back and made a whining sound. "I don't wanna die!"

"But you were just about to let yourself get eaten by wild dogs!"

"That was before I realized we had another chance!" Murdock complained, his run slowing slightly as the pain in his leg flared up. Face, keeping his left arm tight against his die, reached back and grapsed Murdock's hand. "We go down together. And I'm not ready to go down yet!"

Murdock wimpered, his hand tightly grasping Face's. Or his own.

They made another sharp turn, not as shocked this time when the twister followed them exactly. Murdock kept muttering someting about the angry spirits and Face decided to argue his point.

"If they're so evil, then why did that one save my life? Answer me that!"

Murdock stumbled over another root and shot Face a confused look. "You said he was white. White are good. Black are evil." He stated as if Face should have known.

Rolling his eyes, Face kept pulling Murdock along, his legs feeling like they were about to fall off. "Why are they doing this? If you know everything, then you must know this answer!" Face demanded, yanking Murdock's arm to emphasize his question.

"They want to be freed! They hate being stuck here, and they'll do anything to get their demands across. Even switching the bodies of anyone who stays here. Sending wild storms afer them, wild animals...we've got to help them!"

Face snorted, turning again. "Are you kidding? I'm not about to help some jerk who did this to me!" As soon as he'd said that, lightning struck the ground right where he'd been a second before. "Damn! I'm sorry!"

Murdock gave him an 'Are-You-Serious?' look, getting his point through. "You just made them more angry."

"I said I'm sorry!" Face shouted into the sky, feeling frustrated and scared at the same time. He could feel the twister gaining on them and knew the end was coming.

"We need to say something!" Murdock was telling him. "We need to set them free!" He pulled Face to a rough stop and stared him down.

For some reason, Face gave in. He was tired, wet, weak. Already accepting his death and just didn't care any longer. He leaned back against his heels, motioning Murdock to go on. The pilot stood ramrod straight, looking into the woods past Face.

"I'm sorry you're stuck here. You deserve a better place to go, and we can help you get there. I've seen how upset you are, how much you want to leave. You've pained us, you've sent strange things after us. Made me go back into my hurt-filled crash." Murdock started. "You want to be freed and I can do that. I can set you all free. We both can."

Face was busy watching the tornado near them, feeling as if he was going to be blown off his feet any minute. When Murdock tapped his arm, it was then that he really notcied that even though the twister was spinning, it wasn't moving.

Murdock grabbed both of Face's hands and looked up at the sky, Face did the same. "We, Templeton 'Faceman' Peck and James 'Howling Mad' Murdock, set you spirits free. To go on and live happily in the afterlife as you deserve to. May you rest in peace."

Face opened his eyes as soon as Murdock stopped his little sermon and met eyes with the pilot. He opened his mouth to speak when the wind suddenly howled and the twister began its venture of destruction. Both men were knocked off their feet, landing on their bottoms next to eachother and the rain was like razors, stinging powerfully.

Disbelieveing and furious, Face grabbed Murdock and waited. Waited for their death. Murdock held onto him also, shaking.

"Goodbye Face." He whispered tearfully.

"Goodbye Murdock." Face said back, lowering his head.

Then it was silent. No rain, no wind, no thunder. Just the ragged breathing of the two wet and bloodied men. Murdock opened his eyes and looked up, seeing the white figures appearing in the darkness. He nudged Face, getting the conman to see this.

The figures all seemed to be bowing their heads, as if in thanks. Then they were gone.

Face made a "Huh" noise and cocked his head. "That was...wow..." He muttered, at loss for words. Murdock made a laughing sounds in agreement. Face reached up to whipe the hair back and noticed it was shorter. Curiously, he looked down and saw his body clad in the clothes Murdock had been wearing earlier that day. "Murdock..." He turned slowly and looked into those brown eyes he knew so well. Murdock grinned, looking at Face.

"I'm me! And you're you!" He whooped, jumping to his feet and hopping around excitedly. When he turned, he gasped loudly, grabbing at his left arm.

Face then felt the pain in his leg and winced, trying to get up. "Help me up."

Murdock came over and used his good arm to help Face to his feet, keeping his hand on his shoulder as they looked around, as if waiting for something to pop out again and try to kill them.

"Face! Murdock!" Came voices from down the rows of trees.

Murdock's smile got wider as they recognized the voices. "OVER HERE!" Murdock cried out happily, jumping on the balls of his feet.

Hannibal and B.A. weren't sure what had happened. They went back into the woods when everything had suddenly stopped and they found themselves back to normal. It started with this tunnel vision then dizziness. And they opened their eyes, looking at themelves in the right bodies.

Now the two were following the sounds of Murdock's shouts, and they finally came across the two men, each bloody and injured. But alive and in their right bodies.

They left the town as soon as Face and Murdock had been taken to the hospital and were finally able to go. Murdock watched as the town faded off into the distance from the back windows of the van. Face beside him sat with his eyes closed, Hannibal examining a map in the passengers seat and B.A. driving.

"From now on, we will get a house that's not out in the middle of the country." Hannibal was saying around the cigar in his mouth.

Face chuckled, his eyes remaining shut. "I'll try."

"One thing's for sure...this will be a great story to tell years from now." Murdock muttered, bringing the bill of his hat down over his eyes and sitting back into a more comfterable position.

The other three couldn't agree more. They had no idea what to make of that night and promised to never speak of it untl they were well away and healed.