A/N: It's my second Spyro story. Sequel to The Legend of Spyro: Spyro and Cynder. Pleased R&R and no flamers.

New characters

VGA Watt-Stands for video game addict Butterfly's best friend
Stinkbomb Stink- Terrador's son
Belle Star-Butterfly's cousin
Butterfly Petdragon-Daughter of Spyro and Cynder best friends are VGA and Sweetie

Bluey Blackheart-Daughter of Midnight
Sweetie Bolt-Daughter of Volteer
Clover Grass-Best friend of Bluey

Treasure Ice-Daughter of Cyril and sister of Coin

Coin Ice-Son of Cyril, brother of Treasure

Rock Roll-Brother of Stone

Stone Roll-Brother of rock
Crazy Loop-Nobody knows where he comes from
Midnight Blackheart-Dragoness who works for Nightmare
Nightmare-A dragon who controls dreams and Nightmares

Spyro's Dream
Midnight's Quest

I have a quest for you. Yes master. You and your daughter shall end him. My daughter is not strong enough. Train her and then you shall end him. Yes Master. I think he could be listening to us Nightmare. Don't say my name! Now GO!

Spyro's POV

Spyro awoke with a start. I wonder what that dream was? Whatever it was it was a dream. It was weird that Spyro kept having that dream. Spyro went down stairs to the kitchen.

" Hi Spyro whats wrong?"

" Nothing."

" Your not telling me something but I can deal with it."

She is right but I just can't tell her even though she is my wife. It's just a dream.

" Spyro!"

Spyro jumped up with a start.

" I said your pancakes where ready."

" Sorry I wasn't listening."

" Is something on your mind?"

" No!"

"Ok whatever you say…"

She always needs to know whats on my mind. Though she is my wife and has a point.

Butterfly's POV

" Morning mom, Morning dad."

" Your pancakes are ready Butterfly." Cynder said

" Ok mom."

Butterfly's POV

Butterfly sat down next to her dad. She new something was on his mind. I wonder whats on his mind? I looked at the clock.

" I got to go to school!"

" Ok, bye Butter-

Butterfly rushed out the door. Butterfly arrived at school put her bag in her locker and went to class.

" Class, I want you to hand in your paper on The Dark Master."

Oh know, I forgot to write my paper! What am I going to do?

"Um teacher I forgot my paper on The Dark Master."

" That's ok because I'm sure you already know!"

Now it was lunch time at school. Butterfly sat down next to Belle, VGA, and Sweetie.

" Hey guys."

" Hey Butter-"

Suddenly a strong wind blew by and a screen appeared. A black dragon was on the screen. He was as big as the guardians. The black dragon on the screen started to speak.

" Do not fear young ones. I am Nightmare. I control all dreams and nightmares. I am going to overtake the world and you can do nothing about it. Not even your beloved purple dragon. I will take over this world and end the life of your beloved purple dragon. Goodbye peasants."

The screen disappeared. Everybody was silent.

" Butterfly I wonder what that was about?" VGA said.

" I'm not sure."

The principle walked in the cafeteria.

" We will sort this thing out but right now stay calm."

Everyone started to talk as the principle walked out.

At the end of school Butterfly walked home.

" Hi mom, hi dad."

" We heard what happened at school."

" I wonder what will happen at school?"

The next day

Butterfly's POV

I woke up the next day. After I ate breakfast I walked to school. It was really crowded at the front door. Sweetie rushed up to me.

" Butterfly, they shut down the school!"

" What!"

" Until they figure out how to stop that dragon all the schools are shut down."

Stone, Rock, VGA, and Belle walked up.

" Hi Butterfly." said VGA

" We have to do something!"

" What are we supposed to do?"

" Meet me at my house at 8:00 today."

" Ok."

At 8:00 pm the doorbell rang. Butterfly opened the door.

" Come in."

They walked into the room.

" Ok everyone we are going to go on a quest."

" But don't or parents have to agree on this?

" My dad is already leaving to find Nightmare and so are the guardians. So why can't we do the same? Just be cause we are younger doesn't mean we can be as great as them. Am I right?

" Yah!" Everybody chanted.

" And our we going to be a legend?"

" Yah!"

" Now by tomorrow afternoon I want you to meet me outside my house, ok?"

" Ok."

The next day

Spyro's POV

I woke up. I new today that today me, Cynder, and the guardians where going to head of to the floating islands today. I went down to the kitchen.

" Hi Cynder."

" Morning."

" You don't have to come."

" But I want to."

Me and Cynder ate breakfast. At 8:00 me and Cynder went over to the edge of The Dragon City. When we got there the guardians where already there.

" Are you ready to go?" Terrador said.

" Yep!" Everyone chanted.