Vergil was irritated. The way he didn't bring his head up to look at the man and how he acknowledged him but at the same time ignored him, was definately his way of saying "leave me alone". Ha.

He had know idea it was so easy for me to read him. Then again, it wasn't so hard to notice his feelings right now. That cold, hard look in his eyes and aura of pure hatred was enough to send the message.

"People, inherently fear ... evil," the man sliced his fingers on Yamato, dragging his thumb farther down the blade as he stepped closer, "however, occasionally, a person may become seduced evil," He stopped, letting the blood drip freely from his thumb. Vergil turned ever so cautiously to look at the man and with the same caution, sheathed Yamato.

"What are you getting at?" Vergil asked darkly.

"Share with me ... the story or Sparda." The man practically purred. Albeit in a dark, creepy sort of way. Vergil however turned to walk away, leaving the suspicious figure staring after. He got to me and stopped.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"He seems to know something,"

"I don't trust him. Are you sure you want to use him?" I tried to make him reconsider. Though he hadn't said he'd agree to him, I knew it was what he was thinking.

"What makes you think I'm going to?" He smirked.

"I've been around you long enough to know that you're at least considering it. You have that look on your face," I smirked back.

"A look?"

"The look that shows that you're in deep thought. I know you are interested," I said tartly.


"Fine," I sighed, "you're going to make me ask him aren't you?" I growled low in my throat, "You," I called to the man. He lifted his head slowly to look at me. I didn't like those eyes. One was red, the other blue, and they were very suspicious. He was shady.

"You will tell us what you know," Looking to Vergil at my side who faced his back to the man.

"As you wish," He said a little too delighted for my tastes. Though one would say it was "creepy" the way he said it. He carried the red book in his hand almost lovingly. Like an adored pet.

"He's a bit ... strange," I lowered my voice, never taking my eyes from the man stalking towards us.

"Agreed," Vergil replied curtly, "but I get the feeling he has some ... valued information.

"What is your name?" Vergil demanded but never turned to look at him. No doubt that didn't matter. Vergil didn't need to see in order to kill.

The man stopped at least a good swordlength away; probably trying to distance himself from Yamato this time.

"Arkham," Whenever he spoke he added more time to his words. Letting it roll off the tongue longer. More dramatic if you asked me. Looking at him, he reminded me of a snake. He didn't even hide his treachery beneath the surface. Either way, I didn't like him. I didn't like that Vergil was associating with him either, and possibly considering him into the plan. Of gaining some form of help from him. I didn't like it, but whatever Vergil did, I couldn't help but follow, whether I agreed or not. Sometimes I felt completely pathetic the way I still followed, but staying with him gave me the answers I needed. I had grown immensely stronger since I'd begun to follow him a year ago. In such a short time he'd made me at least triple what I had been to begin with.

"Arkham, where shall we discuss this?"

"I know a place," I saw those contrasting eyes glow with greed.


"The activation method is as I described before," I listened from the shadows, "it should be a simple matter for you," Arkham turned to leave, "I will go to his place," He paused a few moments "I believe I know where the item we seek, is located,"The sound of his shoes hitting the stone was enough to irritate me, "You should dispose of any obstacles quickly!" He called after.

I was surprised Vergil hadn't noticed me, or else he had and decided to ignore it. He'd made it clear that he didn't want me to tag along, but I couldn't help it. I was curious about these seals too. I wanted to see them for myself.

After Arkham vanished as craftly as he always did, the fire demons morphed. Enough to surround Vergil, but he made no inclination. He reacted as if nothing were there. Of course, he had to be a show off, whether somebody was there to watch or not. However it was as if time had slowed down when they attacked. I know it was all at normal speed, but to my eyes I could decipher their movements and slow it down. He had taught me that as well.

"Why can't I go?" I had complained.

"You'll only get in the way," Though he had appeared cold and distant, I had been able to detect protective instinct he'd tried to hide.

"I'll have you know I am not the same helpless girl that you saved. I've gotten stronger, not that you would have noticed," I'd retorted and he had "hmph"ed in a more laughing way in return.

"Regardless, I need you to stay here," He had ended it there.

Now, watching him slice these lessar demons to bits was all the more proof that I was definately not needed.

Amidst the blood, his hair fell from its slicked back style into those snow white tendrils that I had always wanted to run my fingers through. When I thought about it though, you could say I already had. He and Dante were twins, and I had been ... intimate with Dante. Vergil was a whole different story though.

Perhaps it was the challenge of getting near to him. Close to him. Maybe that was what drove me to him.

He disbanded the last remaining horde quickly and I was amazed by the speed and accuracy at which he executed his swings and maneuvers. He was truly what I wanted to be. Sure, he and Dante were both skilled, but where swordsmanship was involved, Vergil was unstoppable.

And as much as I didn't want to admit in the moment- especially while watching him sheathe Yamato behind his back - he was sexy.

He slicked back his hair again and made his way to the great gold door that would lead to the next obstacle no doubt. That was when I moved through the shadows again.

"It begins," He muttered.

"So it does," I materialized beside him, leaning against the door. He reacted differently than I had expected. He actually was surprised. Had I managed to surprise him?

"I told you to wait back at the mansion," He collected himself quickly. If anyone else had seen him, they wouldn't have known whether he had been surprised or not. Only I could remotely read him. And I was damn proud of that. If I had remained in the mundane world I'd always lived by, being in interrogation would have been my field I think.

"I was bored," I stated matter of factly, "besides, I enjoy watching you fight," I smiled.

"I wouldn't even consider that a fight," He scoffed at nonexistant pile of bodies that had dissapeared.

"You're right, you were pretty slow," I said with sincerity, "I bet if I had been you're opponent you would have lost," I "tsk"ed.

"Would you like to put your words to actions?" He challenged.

"You'll need your strength if you're going to do this "mission" of yours. You won't be able to do much when you've been beaten up," I teased.

"Go back to the mansion and when I return we'll test those words of yours," He smirked. He always smirked.

He was so damn cocky.

"So that was you're hidden motive, huh? You just want me to go back," I laughed outright and it caught him offguard, "Fine, but you'll miss me," I dissapeared back into the shadows. When he'd realized I had the ability to dissapear into shadows and materialize anywhere the shadows were, he'd been impressed. Even when there weren't any shadows I could materialize in some way or another. I had to thank my mother for my power over the elements. Her priestess powers had been intensified by the demon half of me. Where I possessed them, the demon within twisted them and warped them into different uses.

"For some reason, I don't believe you've left just yet," He said, a smile in his voice.

I couldn't help but laugh and then dissapeared for real.