A/N: Ah yes, the years are slipping by in this story. Only 3 chapters left after this one! I hope you guys are enjoying these chapters! As always, I love hearing from you guys, so please leave me a review!

I do not own the song "Watching You" by Rodney Atkins, nor do I own any of the characters associated with Harvest Moon.

W is for Watching You

Three years later…

Vaughn holds his four-year old son's little hand as they walk down the sidewalk of the city. Chelsea made him go into the city in order to take their son to get his immunization shots. She had taken Allison last year, so now it was Vaughn's turn. She's waiting on the island for him to get back with their two daughters. Little Stepha is only two years old, and would probably be sleeping right now. Allison told her father she's help her mama with the chickens today.

The cowboy looks down at his son, little cowboy boots on his feet, and a little cowboy hot on his sandy brown hair. Vaughn chuckles to himself as they walk up to a restaurant to buy some food for lunch as a treat for going through the immunization shots.

After waiting in line and finally getting their order, his son begging him for the little toy that comes attached with the meal, the two walk out of the restaurant, and Vaughn hails a taxi to take them back to the harbour to catch their boat back home.

Drivin' through town, just my boy and me

With a happy meal in his booster seat

Knowin' that he couldn't have the toy 'till his nuggets were gone

Vaughn straps his son in, wishing he had a booster seat to strap his son in. Thankfully, it's only a couple mile drive to the harbour. The cowboy munches on his hamburger, giving the taxi driver the address of the harbour.

A green traffic light turned straight to red

I hit the breaks and mumbled under my breath

His fries went a flying and his orange drink covered his lap

The taxi driver slams to a halt at the sudden red light, and Vaughn and Will lurch forward in their seats, food falling all over the floor. Vaughn mutters under his breath, leaning over to pick up the fries that had fell all over the floor. He glances at his son, rolling his eyes at the sticky orange liquid all over his pants. He could clean his son up once they got to the boat.

Then my four year old said a four-letter word

It started with S and I was concerned

"Shit." Will utters, looking down at his lap.

Vaughn gives a start, frowning slightly and looking down at his son. "Son, now where'd you learn, to talk like that?"

Will looks up at him brightly as the taxi starts driving again. "I've been watching you Dad, ain't that cool? I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you. And eat all my food, and grow as tall as you are. We got cowboy boots and cameo pants, yeah we're just alike hey ain't we dad? I wanna do everything you do, so I've been watching you."

They arrive at the harbour, and Vaughn pays the cab driver some money before he speeds away and leaves them to their ship. The two rush towards the ship, tipping their hats in unison at the captain of the boat before Vaughn takes his son to a washroom to clean him up.

Vaughn spends the hour of the boat ride playing with his son, running across the deck of the boat and laughing loudly. His son mimics everything his dad does, grinning brightly at his papa. His eyes are the same purple colour of his dad's, but his eyes are an odd sandy brown that Chelsea claims her father had. Vaughn bets his wife that their son's hair will turn the same auburn colour as her.

They get back to the island, all smiles. Vaughn follows his son as he skips through Verdure Island, rushing back home to show his mom the toy from his trip to the city. He watches as his son rushes into the house, but Vaughn takes a detour to the barn before going in the house.

We got back home and I went to the barn

I bowed my hear and I prayed real hard

Said, "Lord, please help me help my stupid self."

After sitting in the barn, petting the cows and praying, Vaughn walks back to the house. Once inside, Chelsea smiles at him. He walks over to her, pecking her on the lips.

"Did his immunization go well?" She asks softly, Stepha in her arms.

"Very well." He looks down at his baby daughter. "And how're you?"

His one year old looks up at him with his purple eyes, her hair in soft silver wisps. She reaches our her hands for him, and he takes Stepha into his arms, holding her tightly to his chest, and kisses her forehead.

But his Sunday bedtime later that night

Turning off my son's Scooby Doo nightlight

Vaughn walks out of Stepha's room, closing the door behind him. Chelsea walks out of Will's room, smiling at her husband before she walks over to Allison's room. He smiles at his wife, love in his heart as he walks into his son's room to say goodnight.

His son's cowboy hat is on his dresser, his boots by the door. Will smiles at his dad and crawls out of his bed to get down on his knees, starting to pray.

He crawled out of bed and got down on his knees

He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands

Spoke to God like he was speaking to a friend

As Will climbs back into bed, Vaughn sits down on his son's bed, giving him an odd look. "Son, now where'd you learn, to pray like that?"

Will grins up at his dad. "I've been watching you Dad, ain't that cool? I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you. And eat all my food, and grow as tall as you are. We like fixing things, and holding' Mama's hand, yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad? I wanna do, everything you do. So I've been watching you."

Vaughn shakes his head softly, a coy smile on his lips as he leans forward to kiss his forehead.

With tears in my eyes, I wrapped him in a hug

"My little bear is growing up." Vaughn hugs his son tightly.

Will slides down into bed so that he's lying down. "But when I'm big, I'll still know what to do. 'Cause I've been watching you Dad, ain't that cool? I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you. And eat all my food, and grow as tall as you are. I bet I'll be strong as Superman, we'll be just alike, hey won't we dad? When I can do everything you do. 'Cause I've been watching you."

Vaughn smiles at his son, kissing his forehead before he gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind him as his son closes his eyes.

He goes into his eldest daughter's room, kissing her goodnight as she hugs him tightly, telling him all about how she helped Mommy on the farm today. She asks him if she can spend the day with him tomorrow, and Vaughn smiles, a thrill spreading through his body as he promises her that she can.

The cowboy walks into his room his wife already in bed and curled up with a book. He slips off his clothes and slides into bed with her, telling her all about his day with his son.

Chelsea looks at him and smiles, leaning over to kiss the tip of his nose. "I told you you'd be a good father."