Aha! I told you there would come another one soon. And you didn't even get time to review last chapter. XD Oh well. Hopefully you reviewed it anyways. We always appreciate constructive criticism. It makes our world go round. So enjoy this next chapter~ And we still DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER. Even though we wish we did…
Bold is Cinder as Harry.
Regular is Hika as Snape.
"Hey Andrew," I greeted the man who, in a year's time, I would be succeeding.
"Ah, Harry. I'm glad Albus let you go at a decent time," Andrew walked into the room wearing nothing but a towel.
Andrew Quibl(Pronounced like kibble.). Twenty-six years old, Defence teacher for three years, and wonderful in bed.
"And why is that, oh lover of mine?" I teased. Andrew's tan face grew a bit darker.
"Not for that. There's time later. I was just wondering if you could run me an errand."
I sighed. Of course he needed something done. That's why I love him, but I'm not in love with him. That and he's not really the kind of guy you can settle down with.
"But…" I put on my saddest face and walked over to him. "What if I have something better to… do?"
At that point, I had backed him into a chair. Slowly, I got into his lap, straddling him.
"As much as I want to, and believe me, I want to, I really need this errand done. But," he added quickly, noticing my disappointment, "whether you're in the mood or not later, I'm going to shag your brains out." Before I could say anything, he closed what little space was between us and kissed me.
Ten minutes later, we broke apart.
"I need you to go to Severus' office and get a book I lent him. And boy? You better hurry," Andrew growled through clenched teeth, sending a shiver down my spine. Smiling, I hopped off and went in search of the blasted book.
_^_ OvO _^_ OvO _^_
Now, I've seen a weird thing or two in my day. But this particular thing definitely made the top five. (A/N: I guess I should mention this now, so as to not confuse anyone. Snape is an animagus. He turns into a black cat with one white paw, which is exactly the opposite of his own cat, Minerva.)
I was humming, minding my own business, when a black cat came trotting from the other direction. Naturally, I thought it was Mr. Norris(Filch had to replace Mrs. Norris. She met an… unfortunate death…), so I aimed a kick at him. I wasn't counting on it to land.
"MRRROWW!" he screeched as he flew through the air. In the few seconds it too for the cat to land, I realized about four things. First, that wasn't Mr. Norris. Mr. Norris was completely black, whereas this cat had a white paw. Second, this cat didn't look much older than a kitten, and I immediately felt horrible. Third, what cat doesn't land on it's feet? Fourth, I realized that this wasn't a cat. When I ran over to inspect the damage I'd caused, I blinked, and all of a sudden, there was a small child where the kitten had been.
"Oh Merlin! I'm so sorry! I thought you were Mr.- Nevermind. How are you an animagus? Are you oka-" I stopped short as the young boy looked up and gave me a horribly familiar sneer. Against my better judgment, I picked the child up to inspect further.
All in all, that was a bad choice.
"Ouch! Hey! Stop kicking me! Are you by chance related to Sn- Severus Snape?" I managed to pin his flailing limbs to my chest. That earned me another sneer.
"Release me at once, Potter!" he squeaked. I was so startled, I almost dropped him.
"W-what?" I stammered.
"Release me! Is it not plain enough, even for your poor sighted eyes, to see that I need to see the headmaster immediately?"
"Snape?" I asked. The miniature Potions Master snorted.
"Clearly." Yup. It was him alright.
"Since when have you been an animagus? A cat, no less?" I asked, ignoring the angry squeaks coming from my fun-sized colleague.
"Since none of your business! Now let go!" Now he was starting to act the age he looked. His bottom lip was sticking out. If I hadn't known who it was, it might've been cute. Hell, even though it was Snape, it was cute. I had a really bad urge to pinch his cheek.
I quickly rid my head of any thoughts (Pure or impure…) about the pint sized man.
"I'm giving you to the count of three…" Snape struggled a bit more. I couldn't help but snicker. Snape growled. "What's so funny?"
"It's just… what exactly were you planning to do on three? I have complete control over you," I laughed. Snape's face turned bright red.
"Fine! If you refuse to put me down, then at least take me to the bloody headmasters office!" His voice was wavering, and his big dark eyes filled up with tears.
"O-okay! I will, but only because I need to get a book that you borrowed from Andrew out of your office." I began to walk back the way I had come. Snape's bottom lip stuck out even further as his pout became more intense. Without thinking, I hugged him closer, feeling the need to console the poor thing.
"Potter! Loosen your grip at once! You are suffocating me!" Snape squeaked angrily. I snickered and loosened my grip.
After a few more minutes, the position he was in had become unbearably painful. Before I could shift the bloody man-child, there was a loud pop! The next think I felt after could only be described in one word.
"GMERGACLE!" I slapped my hands to my right cheek as a ball of black fur clawed its way up to my head. "MERLIN'S MOST HORRIFYINGLY PINK KNICKERS! WHY WOULD YOU BLOODY DO THAT?" I yelled at the kitten that was now nestled in my hair. It let out a mew that sounded strangely like laughter. Even more irritated, I stomped off toward the Headmaster's office once more, with small, thorn-like claws kneading into my scalp.
Warm, clean. Happy, happy, purr.
Happy happy.
Bahahaha, I love tiny child!Snape. XD He's kind of adorable…
For future reference, Snape won't quite remember what he thinks when he's in cat form. He messed up something in the process of becoming an animagus, and it caused him to not have quite a hold on his human mind in cat form. But it's all good. Makes for a more interesting plot. XD And Snape can't make his own antidote because his wand was lying on his desk, and all of the ingredients were out of reach. So Dumbledore is pretty much his only hope at this point.
Review please! We love reviews like we love Snarry! Meaning, A LOT! XD 3