The party gathered round the curved mahogany table, the room was dimly lit by small flickering candle lights beaming around them. Jan Di sat across from Ji Hoo who was placed with Woo Bin and Yi Jung on either side of him and Ga Eul perched awkwardly between Jan Di and Yi Jung, practically squirming as he brushed her shoulder several times on purpose. Jun Pyo glowered next to Jan Di at having to play such a ridiculous game.

"Jun Pyo! Its not a game. It's a ritual."

"I don't want some fake rose telling me who I love, you all know even though-"


Jun Pyo sighed in defeat and looked away from her.

"You don't feel the same."

That wasn't entirely true, Jan Di speculated. But decided not to argue.

"Well since we all know you can leave the circle."

"WHAT? No im staying."

"then shut UP!"

Jan Di growled at Jun Pyo like a lion intimidating a helpless prey. He reformed into silence as Jan Di explained the rules.

"First we play rock paper scissors to see who goes first. Then that person has to drop the rose into the large bowl of water in the middle, as you do think about that rose as a seed then blossoming into a flower, you don't have to think anything about it, just imagine. If this works, then the rose will drift toward the person you love the most in this group, which can either be your friend or a crush . OH! And everybody has to have their hands on the bowl with their eyes closed as the person does this, you'll know its you if you can feel the rose on your finger tips."

Yi Jung stretched in preparation for the game, his well-tones muscles flexed as he made this gesture with a cat-like grace. Ga Eul blushed and moved slightly to give him room. Yi Jung smiled.

"There isn't one girl who wouldn't move away in embarrassment when a man stretches close to her."

Ga Eul tensed up more but felt dignified enough to move back to her original spot next to him in silence.

"Hey! I wouldn't move! As charming as you are Yi Jung i'm not to bothered whether you stretch or not."

Unaffected by the comment from probably the only girl who wouldn't accept his hand, not that he would offer it in the first place. Yi Jung smiled playfully and turned toward Jan Di.

"Are you sure about that?"

"OK! Can we play now, im cramping up over here."

Jun Pyo stepped in, jade green with jelousy at the thought of his player friend flirting with Jan Di, not that he seriously would. Jan Di huffed and held out her fisted hand.

"OK ready? Rock..Paper..Scissors!"

Jun Pyo had paper, Jan Di had scissors. Next Jan Di played Ji Hoo and both ended up with matching hands three matches in a row. The result made both of them smile a little more at each other at their mirroring train of thought each time.

"I don't think this is gonna get solved anytime soon."

Ji Hoo debated.

"Me either. Shall we both back out?"

He nodded in agreement and shook hands slowley. Jun Pyo glared from his own shadow.

"So its down to Ga Eul and Woo Bin, then the winner plays Yi Jung."

Woo Bin won with a rock against Ga Eul who played scissors. Then Yi Jung won with paper.

"Wow, first time goes to me, OK lets go!"

Yi Jung declared in his American Gangster rhyme as Jan Di handed him a live rose, she instructed him to throw it in the water and imagine its life cycle.

He found this part easy, he had presented enough women with roses; red, pink, even blue to one particular lady to know their life cycle. Each rose lasted just about as long as every relationship Yi Jung has encountered. He threw in the baby pink rose as everybody placed their hands on the cool plastic bowl.

Ga Eul was genuinely excited. She figured the rose would land on her side of the bowl, after all how close was Yi Jung with the rest of F4 anyway? And it wasn't going to be Jan Di, not to mention there was definatly something between them, Ga Eul could feel it and...even if this thing wasnt real, she could feel the bowl was tilted slightly her way anyway and she was next to him, surley it would drift toward her. She squeezed her eyes tight in anticipation. Like a child receiving their first birthday present, Ga Eul felt she was about to get exactly what she wanted.

If Yi Jung was honest, he was expecting the same outcome. He was definatly nervous.

Woo Bin's eyes flicked open in surprise to feel its crisp petals on his fingertips, he held the rose up proudly and yelled in amazment.

"Ahh Yi Jung, i had no idea you felt that way about me, i love you to man."

Yi Jung smirked, he was relived that it wouldn't be an awkward silence with the girl sitting next to him. But a cool gesture to his closest friend, he couldnt help feel a little sorry for Ga Eul as he felt her saddened ora next to him.

Jan Di was simpering under her breath.

"Yah, Whats so funny, something your not telling us?"

"The person the rose lands on has to kiss the person who threw it."

The newly proud Woo Bin sank down in bewilderment.

"What? Why didn't you tell us that?"

"Because it wouldn't have been fun."

Both embarrassed parties looked at each other, reluctantly Woo Bin shifted closer to Yi Jung.

"What? No your not serious."

"Whoa Whoa man, you have to follow the rules or they will get mad."

Woo Bin indicated to the roof of Jan Di's little house as if it were the God's waching down from the sky. Sighing deeply Yi Jung complied with a peck on the cheek delivered by Woo Bin. Everyone, even Jun Pyo cooed as Woo Bin took his place back next to Ji Hoo.

"Ok so Yi Jung has had his turn, now its between us four."

Following this chapter will be two people taking their turns. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this not so amazing story! Stay tuned ^_^