Ch. 1 Date


I tried my best to ignore the pathetic apple-loving excuse for a Shinigami floating behind me as I made my way through the park.

"Why do I havta be dragged on your date?" he whined, closer to my ear this time. I swatted him away as I would a fly or any other pest.

Sometimes I could not comprehend how this incompetent creature was a god of death. But I suppose that wasn't up to me to decide. Humans being worthy…now that was a completely different story.

A newer and more shrill voice then called out my name and I was thankful I had forced Misa into choosing a secluded place for this 'date'. If any member of the task force found me with her…Well that would only raise suspicion and I couldn't let that happen. I was going to be God of a New World, and I was going to do whatever it took to get there.

I put on my most convincing smile and allowed the little leach to cling to me as if her life depended on it. Speaking of lives, my life depended on this act… My eyes drifted to where Rem floated a few yards away. Now if that damn Shinigami didn't love this insignificant fool so much I would be able to get rid of her. But for now it looks like I'm stuck with her. But I would come up with a plan to get her out of the way.

Lips pressed to my own brought me back to earth and I heard Ryuk laughing hysterically behind me.

Sometimes, putting up with him didn't seem worth it.

I allowed Misa to take my hand, leading me over to the blanket she had set up on the grass, along with a picnic basket.

Misa was babbling on about various nonsense, though I forced myself to listen the best I could. It was so hard when the pitch her voice had me begging for nails on a chalkboard.

"And so when I finished the photo shoot I called up all of my friends and told them that I got a boyfriend! They were sooo jealous when I told them how completely gorgeous you are!"

Now that was something I didn't mind hearing.

I smiled, hiding the vain quality behind my mask of gratitude.

"You really think so, Misa?" The silky smoothness of my voice amazed even me at times. It could have even me falling in love. But the thought of me and love didn't quite mix. Especially when everyone was so beneath me. And the only true person who could even hope of being worthy to battle against my intellect was the one I truly despised.


Thinking back to the moment at the café, I remember the tests he had given me, knowing I was calculating his moves in my brain. I knew all his moves and he knew mine, or so it seemed. But I would be able to outsmart him. The day would come when, I, God of the New World, would triumph over L and anyone else who opposed me.

Though, back to my present situation, Misa was gushing over my perfect hair, perfect face, perfect skin…and my eyes and how they simply sparkled in the sunlight. And how could I deny things that honestly were undeniable? That's right, I couldn't. But instead I forced a bit of coloring onto my cheeks and smiled warmly at her.

"You are too kind to me, Misa." My hand reached out to stroke her hair. A calculated move on my part.

Act as if the hand had a mind of its own. "Oh-I'm sorry I wasn't thinking."

Pull hand back a bit.

"No!" Misa latched onto it.

I smiled inside. So easy to predict. And with such a simple little plan.

"You can put your hands wherever you please, Light darling." She beamed up at me with an attempt at sultry eyes.

I nearly gagged, but kept up my façade perfectly. The only eyes that could ever pass off doing that were large, round, obsidian orbs; never hers-what in the world was I thinking?

I pushed all thoughts of a certain detective out of my mind as I lead Misa into the palm of my hand; as if she weren't there already.

I felt yellow fishy eyes watching my every move. And if he so desired he could try and learn a few plays, maybe use them on Rem. Ha! Good one, Light. Sometimes I amuse myself. What I knew for sure was that he would never be able to pull things off the way I did. Not even the sultry-eyed detective would be able to accomplish that.

Walking down an empty street, Ryuk had begun chattering incessantly.

"You know, your girlfriend isn't half bad. I mean she gave me soooo many apples!"

I was still stuck on the fact that he felt the need to say girlfriend with her not even around.

"Do not even call her that. She simply is a thorn in my side."

"Yeah yeah," He chomped on an apple. "A thorn in your side who just happens to have a death note and the Shinigami eyes." He laughed his disgusting laugh, mouth full.

"Could you at least swallow before you speak?" A gave a bored look at my cuticles. I needed to trim them tonight.

"Sure sure." He continued eating his apples that my 'oh-so-kind-girlfriend' gave him. Even thinking that word in reference to her made my stomach turn.

Now if someone else on the other hand held the position of lover then perhaps I could deal with it. But it would have to be someone worthy of me. Someone worthy to compete against my superiority. And again, there was only one person capable of doing that. And that person was a certain wide-eyed detective named L.