So I was bored and watching She's the Man when this idea came to me. Mainly b/c I've always thought that Olivia actually liked Viola b/c you fall for a persons little quirks. So even if you're pretending to be someone else all the small things someone falls for are yours.

Anyway, it's basically She's the Man/Twelfth Night with a Faberry twist. It will also include small amounts of Brittana and brief Artina, Puckurt, Finchel, Quinn/Finn, Quinn/Jesse.

It pretty much follows movie exactly for the first few chapters then I started adding extra scenes and reinterpreting scenes to fit with what I want.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or She's the Man/Twelfth Night. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.

-(Local Park Somewhere in Lima)-

*Sigh* Summer time in Lima actually isn't all the bad. Well at least when you're hanging out with your friends doing one of the things that you love the most. Soccer. There's a reason they call it the Beautiful Game. There is nothing like runner on grass, wind whipping through your hair, as you score yet another goal destroying the other teams moral. Especially, when you and your friends start showboating after every goal. Just because it's a "friendly" little pick-up game in the park doesn't mean we have to go easy. Also, just because we're a bunch of girls wearing bikini tops, short shorts, and bare foot (it's summer might as well work on our tans while playing. Plus knee socks leave a really awkward tan lines) doesn't mean we aren't any good.

After the game is over (the other team got tired of losing), I kick the ball through a tire swing as Jesse runs to catch the ball on the other side.

"Oh she shoots, she scores. GOAL!" yells Jesse after he smoothly plucks it from the air and jogs back to me. "Nice kick."

"That's right." I smile. "Give me the ball." I ask while reaching for it, but Jesse is trying to play keep away with it.

"Very nice kick." Jesse then tosses away the ball and lifts me up over his shoulder spinning us around.

"Jesse!" I shout playfully slapping his back. "Put me down!"

"Ok, like this." He then plops us down a bit clumsily on our picnic blanket with his charming smile in place. "Oh sorry." He says grinning still hovering above me.

"Hey." I say smiling, and put my hand behind his head to bring him down for a kiss that he happily accepts.

Pulling away grinning, "Ok, you're really getting good."

"So are you." I say in a teasing voice. "I mean, when we first started dating, you couldn't kiss at all."

"I mean at soccer."

"Aw, really?"

"Yeah, you're probably better then half the guys on my team."

"Probably more than half." I reply with a smile and a little laugh and lean up for another kiss. He can be really sweet particularly when he's complementing me on my soccer skills.

He pushes me back a little "What do you mean I couldn't kiss at all?" he asks with a slightly offended tone.

With nonchalance I say, "Don't worry. I've taught you well." And pull him back down to continue our little make out session.

-(Carmel High School Athletic Fields)-

"I know." I say to Brittany on our way to our practice field with the other girls on the team walking behind us.

"Ok but seriously. Don't you think you would like Boston better? I mean there are more ducks there."

"Yeah, probably Brit, but it's always been about going to New York for me. Maybe you can get Santana to take you to Boston to see the duck statue." I say with a knowing smile and gently get hip checked by her.

"Hey you guys wait up." I vaguely hear Santana yell in the background.

We all stop once we reach our field, but our school's show choir is out practicing on it. Seeing Ms. Corcoran a few feet ahead on the sideline I walk up to her and ask "Ok, what is Vocal Adrenaline doing on our field?"

"Oh, sweetie you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" I ask with great interest.

"That cheap ass we have for a principle cut the girls soccer team," snarked Santana when she finally caught up to us.

"Wait what?"

"Figgins said they where using the money to pay for the new lights in the auditorium for Vocal Adrenaline today." Giving Ms. Corcoran a dirty look when she was finished.

At least, Ms. Corcoran has the decency to look a bit ashamed. "Look girls I'm sorry. I didn't know that Mr. Figgins would do that, but what's done is done. Why don't you go ask coach Tanaka if you can join the guys team." She suggests and points to them practicing on the other field.

Hmm not the worst idea I've heard, so the girls and I head over to go talk to him.

"Hi, girls. I heard the bad news." Coach Tanaka says with indifference once we reach him.

"Bad?" I incredulously, "Try catastrophic."

"What do cats in the tropics have to do with our team getting cut?" Brittany asks confused.

I just ignore her for the moment assuming Santana will explain it to her and continue talking to Coach Tanaka. "Now college scouts won't even get to see us play."

"I know. If there's anything I can do , just say the word."

"As a matter of fact, there is. We want to try out for the boys team."


I raise and eyebrow and keep my HBIC face on so he knows I mean business. I see he finally realizes this as his face falls into a frown and he quickly spouts out, "Anything besides that."

"Coach, come on! You know we are good enough." Well at least I know San, Brit, and I are, but that's all that matters to me.

"I don't know that that's a thing that I know."

"What?" Santana scoffs

"All we're asking for is one shot." And I hear a murmur of agreement from the other girls behind him.

"Girls," coach starts, "We have 2 weeks before school starts. Then we open against McKinley. A rivalry game. We have to win."

"And we can help you win."

"Hey baby." I hear Jesse yell from behind me.

I turn around and let out a cheerful, "Hey," thinking he can probably convince the coach to let us try out for his team since he is the captain and all.

"What's going on coach?" Jesse questions once he reaches our group.

"The girls here want to try out for the team."

The guys behind Jesse all laugh and he smiles asking "You aren't serious."

"All right, All right." Tanaka yells getting everyone's attention back on him. "You're all excellent players. But girls aren't as fast as boys. Or as strong. Or as athletic."

"What?" I say as I hear the boys agreeing with every point Coach Tanaka makes

"This is not me talking. It's a scientific fact." Crossing his arms talking as if it's an absolute truth. "Girls can't beat boys. It's as simple as that."

"Ok, Jesse." I turn to him with a smile. "You're the team captain. What do you think about it?" Coach Tanaka is about to be proven wrong I think smugly

"I think the coach said it all."

WAIT WHAT? I look at him in disbelief. "Yesterday you told be that I was better than half the guys on your team."

"What?" The guys behind Jesse question looking at him and then at me believing that I was lying.

"I never said that." He replied haughty.

"What are you talking about." I shake my head baffled on why my boyfriend is lying. "Why are you lying!"

"Quinn! End of discussion." He crosses his arms and raises one eye brow trying to make it appear to everyone that what he says goes.

Oh no he didn't. "Fine. End of relationship." I turn around to leave as I hear all the guys go "Oh!" and see the girls laugh at him and Santana give him the you got served look.

"Baby don't be like that." I hear him start to grovel, "I….I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"Aww," I smile sweetly, "You are so full of shit!" and I throw the soccer ball in my hands at his head and walk away.

When a catch up to Brittany and Santana they both throw an arm over my shoulders and lead me between them to the parking lot.

"You did the right thing dumping that misogynistic pig." Says Santana.

"Jesse a misogynist? Why didn't I just go to him when I pulled hamstring?"

I couldn't help but smile. "A misogynist isn't the same thing as a masseuse, Brit."

"Oh ok! Do you need a ride home?"

"No it's fine. I think I'll just walk home today. I need to clear my head and figure out what I'm going to do." I pull my hoodie on and grab my Ipod out of my gym bag before I make my trek home.

-(Outside Quinn's Mom's House)-

As I'm turning to go into the walkway to my house, just jamming out to the tune blasting through my headphones, I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do. Lost in my thoughts and song, I don't hear Mercedes pulls up in her car behind me.

"Quinton." She yells. "Quinton!"

I keep walking towards the house when I drop my soccer ball. I lean down to pick it up. When I right my self: ball in hand I fell myself being yanked from behind.

"Gah! Ow." I turn around to she the perpetrator. I give Mercedes a look that says what and yank the ear-buds from my ears to hear what she wanted.

"Ew. It's you." She pulls off her glasses and sighs then gives me a once over. "God, you and your brother look scary alike from behind. I think it's your total lack of curves." She says in a condescendingly cheerful voice.

I give her a sarcastic smile in return. "Hi Mercedes. It's so good see you too."

Ignoring my sarcasm she asks. "I'm looking for Quinton. Where is he?"

"I don't know."

"Just remind your brother how lucky that boy is to be in my life," She sasses. "And tell him to give me a call if he wants to stay in it. OK?"

"OK. Does he have you're number? 1-800-IM-A-DIVA?" I laugh at my own little joke.

She scoffs and storms away.

I turn around with a smile and continue my journey to the house. "She will do great things."

As soon as open the door, I see my mother literally vibrating with excitement.

"I have a surprise for you!"

"And this is why I quit bringing friends over," I mumble to myself. I try and slip by her telling her that I've had a bad day.

"This is just the to perk you up."

I almost made it to the stairs when she put her hand over my eyes.

"Hold on. Keep you eyes closed." I feel her leading me into the living room. "Eyes closed. Eyes closed, closed, closed," she says as she lets go of me.

"They're closed."

"Surprise!" She yells holding up a white poofy dress and my face falls. "Beautiful gowns for my darling debutante." Moving around picking up and showing me the different dresses she picked.

I thought she had given up on the whole debutante thing after she and dad got divorced. I guess I was wrong.

"Mom, have I not told you a thousand times? I have no interest in being a debutante. It's totally archaic."

She huffs, "How could I wind up with a daughter who only wants to kick a muddy ball around a field all day?"

I sigh, "The world has been set right, Mom. The school cut my team." I turn around to head up to my room feeling disappointed again.

"What no soccer?" I hear the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah you heard right. No soccer."

"How sad," voice still teaming with excitement.

"Yeah, I can see you all torn up about it," I say as I turn around looking at her holding up one of the dresses.

"Well, Jesse's going to love you in this."

"Yet another reason not to wear it. I dumped him." Stupid asshole I think and turn to try yet again to escape to my room.

"What? Why?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I throw over my shoulder and keep walking.

"He's so handsome and rugged and chiseled and great." I turn to look at my mom incredulity once I reach the top of the stairs, and she appears to he fantasying about my ex.

"Then why don't you date me mom?" I say sarcastically and walk away when I hear her laughing about the thought saying that no, she couldn't.

On my way to my room, I see Quinton furiously packing a bag.

"Hey Quinton." I sit on his bed and observe him pick up more clothes around the room and stuff them into his bag. "You OK?"

"Yep." He replies and grabs even more stuff.

"Mercedes was looking for you." I tell him with disdain. I hear him groan in response. "Why do you even date her, anyway?

He turns around and smiles "She's hot," he says simply.

I glare at him.

"It's a guy thing."

"But she's a bitch," I say with an eye roll and a fake gag. "Hey you know, you could use the front door, " I tell him when he tosses his bag out the window, and then recline on his bed.

"Mom can't see me." He says as he grabs his guitar and puts it in its case. "She thinks I'm staying at Dad's. Dad thinks I'm staying at Mom's. In 2 days, they both think I'm going away to school. That is the beauty of divorce."

"Where are you going?"

"London. For a couple of weeks." He ties a rope to the handle of the case and lowers outside.

I'm shocked into sitting position,"As in London, England?"

He turns around, "Yeah my band got a slot in a music festival there."

Is he really that big of an idiot? He's about to start at a new school and he wants to fly across the ocean to play music at some festival. "What are you going to do about school?"

"Yeah, I was kinda hoping you could help we with that."

Of course he did. I always have to bail his butt out of trouble.

"Could you just, I dunno, pretend to be mom, call McKinley and tell them I'm sick? Something that lasts like 2 weeks like the flu or oh mad cow?"

"Quinton, you just got kicked out of Carmel for skipping. This isn't exactly the way you want to start out," I say trying to knock some sense into him.

"I want to be a musician! And last I checked they don't need to know trigonometry. And besides, if you want to chase your dreams, sometimes you got to break the rules. Right?" He asks as he steps outside the window.

"You know the percentage of bands that make it to the big time?" I ask as he holds himself up by his arms on the window to listen to me.

"Probably the same as female soccer players." He throws back at me. "I will see you in 2 weeks." And he lowers himself down.

"Quinton. Quinton!" I yell trying to get him back here.

I'm startled when I hear our mom ask from behind, "Were you just talking to your brother?"

"No. Yes." I can't believe I'm actually about to cover for him. I lamely grab the phone on the table beside me, "On the phone. He's at Dad's. Bye, Dad." I say awkwardly.

"Picture this," I hear her say. Thank God she bought it "We're at the country club, they call your name, and you emerge in this." And she lifts up the most horrendous frilly white dress. "TaDa!"

"Yuck!" I grimace in disgust. "No. Sorry, Mom. I have a strict no-ruffles policy." I move to get off the bed to get into a room she's not to avoid more craziness.

"Sometimes I just think you might as well be your brother." I hear mom say and walk away in defeat.

I walk up to his mirror and grab the picture of him wearing the same cap that I'm wearing now when an idea pops into my head. I mean my mom thinks I might as well be Quinton and Mercedes said I looked like a by from behind… I grin as my plan finishes forming in my head. "You know what?" I say to myself in the mirror. "If you can't join them. Beat them."

I immediately call Santana and Brittany to tell them my brilliant plan.