
You won't help him?" Shippo asked quietly. It wasn't often that he and Sesshomaru spoke. Said demon was often silent, his golden eyes taking in the information he sought... dissecting it and throwing it out just as quickly with very little said.


Shippo scratched his head in thought as he watched Sango make her way toward the retreating monk. Hands expended toward her in a placating manner, Miroku looked to be pleading with Sango. Her eyes were narrowed, her weapon of choice lifted and ready to pummel the monk for his transgressions.

"I don't think she's buying it." Shippo said instead.


Shaking his head, Shippo jumped from the tree limb he'd utilized as a vantage point, landing softly on the ground just shy of Kagome's sleeping blanket.

Sesshomaru was an odd demon. For all his scariness, he was nothing more than peacemaker tonight, and Shippo had to wonder just why Sesshomaru had opted to warn the monk, instead of letting Sango find him unawares.

"Why'd you help him?" Shippo asked as he curled up on Kagome's bedding.

When no answer was forthcoming Shippo merely shrugged his shoulders and closed his eyes, the familiar sounds of Miroku pleading with Sango lulling him to sleep.

Sesshomaru stared off into the distance, a small smirk of amusement sliding across his features. It had been weeks since they'd last found a trace of Naraku. It was interesting to see how this group worked through their frustrations. Inuyasha and his mate frequently disappeared, and while the others, aside from the spying monk, knew nothing of what transpired between them, it seemed that mating was their preferred release from a trying journey.

The monk practiced his perversion freely, releasing his tensions through the actions of others, oblivious to Sesshomaru's watchful eyes. Sango frequently found release in beating the monk into submission for those perversions. It wasn't that the woman enjoyed hurting said monk. If her scent was any indication, the woman found pleasure in cleaning the monk's mild injuries, her hands brushing over his skin, often lingering longer than what was proper. It seemed that soon enough the two would be finding their release in ways similar to that of Inuyasha and Kagome. The children were, for the most part, oblivious to the night-time interactions of the adults, most often playing and sleeping, ignoring the chaos that shifted around them daily.

And he?

He'd unknowingly become both peacemaker and observer. The problem? It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep from laughing at the group's antics...

***This is the last bit of this story. I doubt I'll add to it, but hey- you never know, right?***

You'll have two more oneshots coming your way: A dare from psycochick32 that I am still fine-tuning, and a oneshot written for lj.

I am also working on a possible new fic, though I am still working through the details of that particualr story. It may be awhile before I am ready to post it.

There will be another two poems posted to Unspoken in a bit, and then I plan to finish the next chapter for Deserted which is started, but still needs more added to it.

I am also planning to revise several older stories soon- Birth Rite and If Only In My Dreams to start with. Birth Rite will eventually be continued as I am not quite finished with it.

I left it hanging, rushed its ending and am unhappy with the final product. But given the atrocious grammer and punctuation in both (among others), it'll likely be awhile before I am able to have either ready.

Lol- I may need to find me a beta...

