So here we go new story new start going to take this a bit slower, I have been reading loads of massive long stories on fan-fiction, and I really noticed how much time and effort goes into them and I hope I can be just a fraction as good as what these guys are.

This prologue is literally set right after my last story ended.

Life is weird Kurosaki Ichigo thought. He had just finished his first ever captain meeting and yet it felt so out of order to him. Sure he had meetings before but at those he had been either bored or nervous, but at this meeting it felt just right. He was never a really a "normal" teenager. I mean what kind of 15 year old runs around town kicking bullies arse with a 7 foot Mexican kid. Yet as much as it had happened he never felt happy. I mean he got a sense of pride saving ghosts from trouble but never happy. Then she had come into his life and he had never been happier. She gave him the ability to go above and beyond to protect everything he had ever loved. It was kind of ironic really. She gave him the basic power to protect his loved ones and now she was the one he would protect more than anyone. He smiled; damn he loved this girl so much. Her raven eyes would make him lose any thought he was having at the time .They were like a pool of innocence, no harm could ever come to her, he wouldn't let it. His dad was the person that helped him decide if he loved her. He can still remember goats chin question. "So son why did you pick Rukia over Orihime?" At first Ichigo was caught off guard by this question. He had just finished his vizard training. He remembered he went as Rukia's nickname for him, he smirked if she would of seen him he would of never heard the end of it. Yet the old man's question still caught him of guard how did he know he had chose Rukia already. Damn know it all. What was Rukia to him at that point?

She was annoying, aggressive, emotional, passionate and most importantly to him caring. Yet why did he choose her over Orihime? Of course he knew of Orihime suffocating crush on him, despite what people thought about him being dense, he wasn't. He always knew. He hated it. Ignorance was bliss as far as he was concerned, yet he continued to watch as the girl fell into a deeper form of one way love. Orihime's body was fantastic but that didn't excite him. She was needy and annoying, and from what he knew Rukia was insecure when it came to Orihime. It was her personality that set her generations apart. He loved her and after his confession to all of the Gotei 13 and his friends, she couldn't let go now. Well as far as Ichigo was concerned tough shit. Rukia was his and her jealousy wouldn't get in the way. He already handed out arse kicking's for Renji and Byakuya for her, and he wasn't going to stop now.

As he walked out of the meeting he saw Rukia walk towards him. Damn she was so hot he thought. Every time he saw her it just blew his mind, no matter what she wore. His teenage mind started to kick him including her with lack of clothes. He smirked as she raised her hand and he knew he was going to get a sweet kiss for asking for her promotion. He closed his eyes and waited for the joy to commence.


The first thought that came into Ichigo's mind was damn Rukia got a stronger kiss than he remembered. Then he realised that unless her lips and turned into a fist, he was pretty sure she hit him.

"Rukia what the hell"

"BAKA, you could of least told me you were going to ask them to promote me"

"Kurosaki-taicho are you ok?" Momo came running out with Isshin and the other captains.

"Yeah, I'm fine Momo and please call me Ichigo" then he turned to Rukia and said
"Rukia I'm sorry I should of said something, but I needed to make a decision, and it wasn't fair for Momo to be dropped. So my father was the best option. That way you would get to stay in your division and you get a captain I can trust to look after you."


Ichigo had his foot raised to kick his dad but Rukia had beat him to it

"Kurosaki-taicho if you please quit yelling there is much paperwork to do at the 13th and I would suggest we get to it instead of shouting. Although your son is an idiot, I love him very much and it is not Christmas yet." Rukia said in her every so annoying school girl voice.

"Aww, Rukia my third daughter how romantic and of course but please like Ichigo call me Isshin or papa. You were family even before my son confessed his un-ending love to you."

A vein appeared in Ichigo's forehead.

"Rukia what way is the direction of the 13th division headquarters?"

Rukia looked up and adjusted to her surroundings, once she got it right

"Over there Ichigo, why did you ask th..."

"Bakudo #8 Seki."

Everyone watched as Isshin flew over to where Rukia had pointed. Rukia was about to comment when she felt two pairs of arms go round her waist. At first it startled her but almost instantly she relaxed, it felt so right. She turned to face Ichigo smirking at her.

"Sorry but he was annoying me."

"I agree nice shot by the way."

He couldn't take it anymore he pushed his lips onto hers to which she gratefully returned.

"My my Kisuke, he's quite the romantic one isn't he."

"Indeed he is, I think he will be an amazing captain."

"I agree, Yama-ji seemed to think he will take his spot once day, and I agree."

Kisuke chuckled.

"That's if Rukia-chan lets him"

"I bet you he proposes to her after a captain meeting Kisuke."

"Hmm I'll take you up on your bet, however I reckon it will be during or after a battle."

All of a sudden Byakuya appeared in front of the two older men.

"10'000 Yen on him proposing on the Kuchiki Grounds."

"Done" both older men said in unison. As Byakuya was about to leave Shunsui lifted his hat.

"Oh and Byakuya no cheating and giving him any kind of "push"

Byakuya smirked. His senpai knew him well.

"I would never do anything of the sort" and with that he left.

After a quick 5 minutes of kissing, Momo thought it was best to break it up.

"C'mon Ichigo-dono, it is time we met your division"

Ichigo nodded and said farewell to Rukia and followed Momo to his, yes that was right his division. He spent the afternoon getting used to his 198 other seats and then he met some of the new recruits. Since news of Ichigo's captaincy, the 5th's division apply rate had risen by %300. Momo was overjoyed, some of the other divisions not as much. After a quick spar with Momo to show off to his division, he went to his office to begin his paperwork. He was met with a large pile. He smirked he remembered his training with Gin and how easy it had been for him. As Momo finished her first two sheets she saw her captain resting on his chair with a smirk.

"Ichigo-dono you need to finish your paperwork."

"I thought I said for you to call me Ichigo and anyway I'm done"

Hinamori's mouth hung open, he was done how? Not even Nanao or Shiro-chan was that quick.

"How... did you do it that quick?"

"Oh this is so easy compared to school in the real world, anyway come with me we need to sort something out."

Momo got up and followed him. They walked quite a while until they came to a hill.

"Ok this will do great, listen to me Momo you have a reputation of being one of the worst mentally prepared lieutenants. I didn't want to demote you because I feel I can help you, and although you don't want to admit it, you loved Aizen like a parent and trust me I know what it is like to lose a parent. However, you have to remember that Aizen was a bastard. He even screwed over his own Espada just to feel his needs. He was a disgusting individual Momo."

Momo started to cry she knew it was true but she couldn't let go. She loved him, but he still had pull over her.

"It's true Ichigo, I loved him and I still do. When I go to sleep I have horrible nightmares. I have lost so many friends because of him so why can't I let go?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to enter your inner mind to find out why."

Ichigo stabbed his sword in the ground and went into his Inner world. Momo did the same.

"Zangetsu can you take me to Hinamori's inner world."

"Of course Ichigo."

In a flash of light he went into a sky with multiple clouds on it, it was a little weird, thought Ichigo. Then again this was coming from the guy who had sideways buildings. As he arrived he saw Momo and a figure next to her who he guessed was her Zanpakuto. As he had a brief exchange with Momo he began to look around, then all of a sudden he felt a massive Reiatsu explode behind him. As Ichigo turned around he saw a figure walk from a cloud. Ichigo's eyes widened it couldn't be.


Hope you enjoy this is prob my most favourite chapter I have ever written, loved writiting it hope you enjoy reviews all way guys



Hey I fixed every error I could find and re-read it about three times. If there are any errors you see I am sorry, I did my best. And the new chapter was awesome I loved it. And thank you again for chosing me to be your beta reader. I really appreciate it.
