4:00, still too early to get up, especially for a Sunday. There's gotta be something I'm missing. Why would the Li Clan be so intent on getting Okaa san's cards? Zumu sama would never have asked Odou san to do that. Even before they met, she always respected Okaa san simply because she was the Cardcaptor. And it's not like the Li Clan has any use for the cards, only their master and those within the contract can activate their magic. So why? It just doesn't add up.
Seiru rolled out of bed and pulled a small picture out of his school bag. It was of him and Syaoran wearing matching battle costumes, from the day Syaoran taught him to use his sword. Seiru remembered it fondly. Sakura and Syaoran had been granted magic in order to defeat a new enemy, and they used that time to teach Hanna and Seiru how to use their powers.
"Alright Seiru, I'm gonna show you how to summon your sword, so pay attention."
"Are you paying attention?"
"Are you sure?"
"Odou san."
"Alright, alright. Now, the first thing to do is concentrate your magic. Don't try to force it, let the power flow through you and into the sword." Syaoran held out the tasseled medallion as it instantly transformed into a broadsword. "Now you try."
Seiru held his own medallion out and concentrated as hard as he could, but nothing happened.
"Like I said, don't try to force it. Think of your sword as an extension of your body and let the magic flow."
Seiru looked up in the sky and saw Sakura and Hanna flying through the skies with the magic of the FLY card. Sakura and Hanna were also wearing matching costumes. "Hey Odou san, can I fly like that two?"
"Hm? Well of course, you'll be under the same contract with the cards as Hanna, but more as a secondary master. Of course, you won't be able to use the cards until you can summon your sword."
Sakura and Hanna flew down to join the boys and allowed their wings to disappear.
"Odou san, Odou san, did you see me? How cool was that?"
"Pretty good Hanna, looks like you got the hang of it pretty quickly."
"Uh huh, Okaa san says I'm a fast learner."
Tomoyo and Renae, who had come to film/watch the training practice walked over to join them.
"Hanna chan, that was absolutely wonderful! The way you and Sakura chan flew through the skies, the way your wings matched the color of your costumes, and what control, you looked like you had been flying your whole life! And Sakura chan, one could hardly tell it's been more than 15 years since you've used magic!"
"Tomoyo chan…"
"I don't know what future lies ahead but, even if it's just for now, to be able to film Sakura chan again wearing my special costumes… and now Hanna chan as well… forgive me, I need a moment."
"…Tomoyo chan…"
"Just please don't make me wear anything cute."
Seiru held out the blue orb and tried again.
"So Seiru, what did
you think? Pretty cool huh? Bet you wish you could fly."
"Please, it's just saying a spell. I can use FLY too ya know."
"OK then, so let's see your sword."
"Shut up."
"Hanna, leave your brother alone. Seiru, just relax. Relax and just let it happen."
Seiru closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Once more he concentrated on the medallion, imagining it as a sword decorated with the symbol of the Li Clan, just like his fathers'.
"Seiru, you can open you eyes now."
At the sound of his father's voice, Seiru opened his eyes, astounded at what he saw. There in his hands was a small broadsword, the blade no longer than his arm. It was exactly as he had imagined it, exactly like his father's in every way, right down to the symbol of the Li Clan on both sides of the hilt.

He'd been so proud of himself that day, and he'd owed it all to his father. Sure, all that training had been tough, but it was an experience that Seiru wouldn't trade for anything.

Erika stood outside an old mansion similar to where Eriol lived, except this place was in a secluded part of town and a good distance from Tomoeda. Erika checked the time on her phone before entering. She was greeted by a young man with a dark feel about him. "I came to speak with Leiyun. Something interesting happened at school this week that I thought he might wanna know."
The man lead Erika into another room of the large house, where another young man sat reading a Japanese manga. "Erika, this is unexpected, how nice to see you again."
"You know, it's creepy when you talk all formal like that. Anyway, I have some place I need to be, so I'll make this quick. We got some interesting transfer students this week, and one of them has the presence of a Li."
The young man named Leiyun put down his book and looked up at Erika with a semi-surprised look on his face. "Strange, I haven't heard of anyone else from the Li Clan coming to Japan, have you Jin?" The man named Jinyu didn't say anything, but merely shook his head. "Are you sure he's a Li?"
"Positive. He claims his name is Amamiya Seiru, and the girl with him is going by Amamiya Renae. They say they're Tomoyo chan's cousins. And get this, Seiru kun looks almost identical to Syaoran kun."
"Almost, how are they different?"
"He's defiantly older than Syaoran kun for one, and his eyes are the same as Amamiya Hayashi's."
Leiyun pondered on Erika's description of Seiru before addressing Jinyu once more. "Jin, did Syaoran leave for Kinoshi hospital already?"
Jinyu spoke for the fist time, his voice more harsh than Leiyun's. "Yes, he and Karen left about a half hour ago."
"Good, I don't want him getting wind of this, especially after what happened last week. I was reading an interesting manga series a while back, and I have to wonder if there is a connection between the series and this boy you say looks like Syaoran. The book mentions other worlds that co-exist with our own, and in each of these worlds exist the same people, yet they live different lives. There were people that visited the shop the story seems to center around with the same names and faces as Syaoran and the Cardcaptor. I didn't pay much attention to it at first thinking that the artists must have seen them from somewhere before, but now I wonder about the true basis of the story. After all, many 'fictional' stories have been known to be rather accurate to real life, so it's possible this Seiru and Renae might be from another world themselves."
"Are you saying Seiru kun is actually Syaoran kun from another world? Then what about Renae chan?"
"No, I don't believe that he could really be Syaoran, but he could still be a Li, and possibly even Syaoran's son. The other girl could just be a friend who happened to come here with him. What I want to know is what they're doing here in the first place. Dose the Cardcaptor girl know who they really are?"
"No way, Sakura chan was just as surprised as everyone else when they arrived in our class. The only ones who seamed to know what was going on were Tomoyo chan, Eriol kun and Meilin chan. I'd bet Kai kun and Miho chan probably know though. Sakura chan seams to notice something, but she's too dense to figure something like that out. I think Onii chan might know two."
"Alright, I'm going to look into this on my own and see for myself if this 'Seiru' is truly Syaoran's son from another world or not. Erika, if you would..."
"Sorry, but I don't have time to help you in your little reconnaissance mission, I have a lunch date with Mike."
"It's already 12:30, someone's running late."
"I like to remind him of who's in charge, otherwise he'll start thinking he can do whatever he wants."
"Manipulative, aren't you?"
"Not that you've got much room to talk."

Hanna sat in the living room of her childhood home reading a book with the words "Charms and Spells: A beginners guide to everyday sorcery" written in Kanji on the front. Across the room from her was a 13 year old girl with long chestnut brown hair and auburn eyes, reading her favorite new shojo manga, Romeo x Juliet. The girl put her book down and looked at the clock on the wall. "Where is he? I told Kamaki kun to be here at 12:00, he's a half hour late."
"Relax Nadeshiko, I'm sure he's just running late and he'll be here any minute."
"But what if he disappears like Onii chan and Renae chan? Then we'll have another person to look for."
"Well, that's one way to pick a guy. If Kamaki kun disappears, you'll have to go out with Natsume kun."
"That's not very funny Onee san."
The girls heard the sound of someone clearing their throat in another room, and Hanna giggled to herself. And Yukito san thought Uncle Toya had it bad. "By the way, isn't Natsume kun coming?"
"No, he had an important errand to run for his father, but he said he'd try and make it if he finished early."
The long anticipated doorbell finally rang, and Nadeshiko got up to answer it. As she opened the door, she saw a boy her age with crimson red eyes, and his dark brown hair was spiked in the back. "Kamaki kun, where have you been? You were supposed to be here a half hour ago."
The boy grinned at Nadeshiko playfully before responding. "What, no 'Hi Kamaki kun', 'Nice to see you again Kamaki kun', 'What'd ya get on number 12 of the math homework Kamaki kun'?"
Nadeshiko sighed in exasperation before returning to the living room. "Just get in here, and we didn't get any math homework yesterday because of all this weirdness with Onii chan and Renae chan disappearing, or did you forget the whole reason I asked you to come?"
"Naa, you're so mean Nade chan."
"And you're a pain in the neck. Onee san needs our help to find Onii chan and Renae chan."
"Oh yea, hello Hanna nee chan."
From out of nowhere, Kamaki felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. Hanna and Nadeshiko looked behind him to see that the one who had hit him was Syaoran. "And what prey tell do you mean by calling her that?" Just as suddenly as he had entered, Syaoran found himself being pushed out of the room by Sakura.
"Syaoran, you promised you'd behave yourself while Kamaki kun was here."
"I promised as long as he behaved."
Nadeshiko sighed again as they heard Sakura pushing Syaoran up the stairs. "Odou san… he's so embarrassing."
Kamaki placed his hand on Nadeshiko's shoulder and spoke as cheerfully as ever. "It's alright Nade chan, your dad's just looking out for his daughter." Then, Kamaki rose his voice so that it could be heard upstairs. "And I totally respect him for that!"
"Not buying it." Syaoran's voice echoed through the house, as well as the sound of Sakura scolding him once more.

Hanna, Nadeshiko and Kamaki sat on the floor in a triangle, with a hair brush and the hilt of Seiru's broken sword in the middle. Hanna got her spell book back out and addressed the others. "Now, as I said before, yesterday I tried using a location spell to find Seiru and Renae chan, but for some reason it didn't work. I have a theory, but first I want to try the location spell again with the three of us in case they're just simply too far away for my powers to reach. Everyone put your hands together." Nadeshiko and Kamaki did as they were told, and concentrated on lending their magic to Hanna. Hanna focused on the spell and the two items laid out in front of her. When nothing happened, she dropped Nadeshiko and Kamaki's hands. "Hoe, it's not working, and that can only mean one thing."
A grim expression crossed Nadesiko's face. "O-Onee san… they're not-"
Hanna waved her hands in front of her face frantically. "No, no of course not! If they were dead the spell would still lead us to them. No, the only reason for this spell not to work is that they must be in another world."
"Great, there are millions of worlds out there, how are we supposed to find them?"
"No problem, all we need to do is modify the spell a little bit and it'll tell us exactly which world to go to. And we can use the THROUGH card to help. There's a spell in this book for traveling dimensions two, but it's a tricky one so it'll take all of us to get it done. But don't worry, I'm sure we can do it. It's like Okaa san always says, it'll defiantly be alright"

Renae walked groggily into the foyiea as Miho sat on the couch eating a rice ball while typing away on her laptop.
"Morning sleepy head."
"Morning Miho chan, where's everyone else?"
"Eriol should be around here somewhere, and Tomoyo chan said she'd be right back."
"Tomoyo chan's here? What about Seiru, where's he?"
"Dunno, he was gone already by the time I got up."
"I see." Renae thought about the night before, when they learned that the Syaoran of this world had betrayed them. Seiru had taken it so hard, Renae hadn't seen him like that since Sara died. She wanted to make sure he was alright, but wasn't sure what she could say to him.
"I kinda know how he must feel, it's not easy finding out someone you looked up to could do something that."
"We're not talking about Seiru and Syaoran kun anymore, are we? Is this about Kai kun?"
Miho looked at Renae with a shocked expression. "You really are Tomoyo chan's daughter, huh."

Seiru walked up to a small strip mall and looked at it with confusion. That's strange, This is the address of where Odou san lived when he came back from Hong Kong, but there's nothing here. Seiru tried to think about the place Syaoran had lived the first time he came to Tomoeda, but his thoughts were interrupted by a pair of familiar voices.
"You're lying again."
"It's true, they say there's a dog out there that never dies. It has magic powers and can even keep people from dying just by touching them. There's also a horse that has the power to heal any injury."
Seiru looked in the direction that the voices were coming from and saw Chiharu with another of their classmates, Yamizaki Takashi.
"Right, and the pig really flies, huh?"
"Actualy that's just the rooster, but really it can only levitate. The pig shoots lasers from it's eyes."
Seiru ran up to the two, who almost mistook him for Syaoran. "Mihara san and Yamizaki kun, right?"
It took a moment for Chiharu to realize who he was before she could respond. "Amamiya kun, what are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for Meilin chan's, do you know where she lives?"
"Yea, she lives in an apartment complex a few blocks away."
"Of course, the apartments, thanks a lot."
As abruptly as he had appeared, Seiru disappeared around the corner towards the apartment complex's.
"Amamiya kun really dose look a lot like Syaoran kun dosen't he?"
"Maybe he's Sakura chan and Syaoran kun's son from the future."
"Takashi kun, even you should know better than to joke about something like that."
Seiru climbed the first three levels of the apartment complex, checking the names on each door on the way. Finally, Seiru came across the apartment he had been searching for, the one with the name "Li" written in Kanji on the door. Seiru reached for the doorbell underneath where the name "Li" was written, but stopped when he heard voices coming from the next apartment over.
"Kai, you've got to start taking this more seriously. Tachibana sempai told me you weren't in school again yesterday. Your really going to loose Miho chan at this rate, and don't pretend you don't care!"
Seiru easily identified the speaker as Meilin, but he herd another voice he didn't recognize, one that squawked like a parrot. "Baka Kai, baka Kai."
Next Seiru heard Kai's voice, which was more muffled than Meilin's and the bird's. "Et two Pero?"
The doorknob to Kai's apartment turned as Seiru heard Meilin speak once more, this time to the bird called Pero. "That's right Pero chan, straiten him out for me will ya?"
"Baka Kai, listen to pretty Meilin."
"Now that's just cruel Mei chan, quit turning my bird against me."
Meilin opened the door and saw Seiru standing there with a confused look on his face. Like Chiharu and Takashi, Meilin nearly mistook him for Syaoran. "Sy-Seiru kun, what are you doing here?"

Back at the Reed manor, Renae joined Miho on the couch and grabbed a rice ball off the table. "Miho chan, what's going on between you and Kai kun?"
Miho took another bite from her rice ball and stared at it for a minute before answering. "Mizuki Kai sempai… is really my older brother, Tanaka Mikai. I don't really know much about it all, but about 6 years ago, Odou san died in a car accident while on a business trip in Hong Kong. After that was when Onii chan ran away from home, and then not long after that Okaa san got really sick. I was just a little kid back then and couldn't control my powers, and because I couldn't control them I accidentally set our house on fire. Kaho san saved me from the fire and took me to England to stay with Eriol. Eriol taught me how to control my powers, and supported me when I decided I wanted to look for Onii chan. My search eventually brought me back here to Japan, where I eventually got to find Onii chan again. But then I realized that he wasn't the same Onii chan I remembered. Onii chan wasn't always the way he is now, he used to be really sweet and considerate, and he always got the best marks in his class. He was great at sports, especially archery, and he was really popular two. I always used to think that I'd be OK if I found Onii chan and he was different than the way he used to be, it would be alright because we could be together again. But I never expected him to change this much, and now that I've found him, I wish I hadn't."
Renae sat silent for a few minutes with a sympathetic look on her face. "Don't you think… Aren't you being a little hard on him? People change, whether we like the change or not, but it's not about how much they've changed or how much time has passed. To let a bond like that go so easily, isn't that even more painful then loosing your brother? No mater how much someone changes on the outside, a part of them will always remain the same. And you know, I'm sure Kai kun feels guilty for leaving you, but he'll never be able to forgive himself, if you don't forgive him two." Renae took her eyes from Miho and stared at her un-eaten rice ball. She spoke from experience.
"Renae sempai, are you…"
"Renae chan makes a really good point." Miho and Renae looked up and noticed Tomoyo entering the room. "Miho chan, the first step starts with you. You always talked about how much you loved your brother, so are you really willing to let him go without a fight? After all, you didn't spend all these years searching for him just to block him out of your life forever, did you?"
"Tomoyo sempai."
"Of course, the decision is yours alone to make, and no one else can make it for you. Not I, or Mizuki sensei, or even Eriol kun. The choice to forgive Kai kun must come from you, and what you feel in your heart is right."
"Tomoyo sempai, and Renae sempai two, thank you."

Meilin led Seiru into the living room and directed him toward the couch. Seiru knew Syaoran didn't live here anymore, but he could still feel his presence in the air. The atmosphere made Seiru feel nostalgic for home, despite having never been there before. Seiru had felt more at home here in this small apartment than he had during the entire stay in this twisted, messed up world.
"I see, so Tomoyo chan told you about Syaoran then?"
"Yea, and I was wondering if you could tell me anything else about it."
"I'm sorry, but I don't really know much about it myself. I don't have any powers, so I'm left out of the loop when it comes to the inner workings of the Clan. But, I've heard a few things here and there. I'm sure they told you about how Syaoran was the Li Clan Chosen One, right? Well, when Syaoran came back the first time to help Sakura chan fight the Dark Ones and capture the Dark Forces, he did so against the orders of the Elders. When he didn't go back after they told him to, they took away his title and struck his name from the Book of Li."
"What's the Book of Li?"
"Wow, things really are different in your world, I'm a little jealous. The Book of Li is where they keep records of everyone important in the Clan. It's an honor to have your name in there, but it's a huge dishonor if they cross your name out."
"I think I'm starting to get it now. He must be doing what he's doing to try and become Chosen One again. But what I don't get is why he'd be doing all this for a title he threw away. If he really cared about being Chosen one so much, then he would have gone back when they told him to. I'm sure your Sakura chan would understand if he'd just explained the situation. Another thing I wanna know is if he was trying to help her, why didn't he stay until she finished capturing the Dark Forces? I mean sure, it wouldn't have really changed much, but I just can't see him abandoning her when she really needs him."
"I'm sorry, I really don't know what Syaoran's reasons are. I wish I could be more help to you Seiru kun, but I really don't know about what's going on anymore. Syaoran was always the one to tell me about these sort of things before."
"No, it's not your fault Meilin, and I'm sure this is just as hard for you as it is for me. I know how close you were. I guess the only way I can really find out the truth would be to talk to him directly."
"That might not be such a good idea right now."
"Syaoran didn't come back alone, he's here with our cousins, Leiyun and Jinyu. Leiyun was the Chosen One before Syaoran, and he's also the one who taught him how to fight. And Jinyu is the Li Clan protector, he's the strongest fighter in the Clan, and he's also a trained assassin."
"Now I know things are messed up. Zumu sama would never allow something like that, she's always worked towards keeping the Clan peaceful. Uh, sorry to interrupt, please continue."
"I know you mean well Seiru kun, but if you show up there you could wind up causing more harm than good. I don't know the full depth of what kind of trouble Syaoran's in, and as mad as I am at him, I still don't want anything to happen."
"I understand, and it might not be such a good idea for him to see me anyway. Odou san's a lot easier to catch on to things like this than Okaa san, and he might figure out who I am. It'd be kinda hard to get answers from him anyway without telling him." Seiru got up and started for the door.
"You're leaving already?"
"I left pretty early in the morning, so I'm sure Renae's worried about where I am."
"You could have left a note or something! Geese, you really are like Syaoran- oh, I mean the old Syaoran- uh."
"It's alright, I know what you mean. I'll see you at school tomorrow Meilin chan."
"Wait a sec, let me get Kai, he can give you a ride back to Eriol kun's."
"No, it's fine, I can walk. Wait, Kai kun drives?"
"Uh- don't ask."

Tomoyo joined Renae on the couch as Miho went to the kitchen to get more rice balls. "The advice you gave to Miho chan was rather insightful Renae chan."
"Thanks, you gave some good advice two though."
"However, I couldn't help but wondering about the source of what you said about Kai kun. I agree that Kai kun has some issues to work out as well, but I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to it than just interpreting from another person's point of view." Renae looked back at Tomoyo as she thought about what she had said. Now she knew what Miho meant when she said that she really was Tomoyo's daughter. "Renae chan, is there something that you haven't forgiven yourself for?"
"You always did know what was on people's mind, and it always seamed like you could read me like a book."
"Perhaps it is because that, even though you are from another world, you are still my daughter non the less. Renae chan, if it's alright for me to ask, would you mind telling me about what's on your mind?"

"Dose it have something to do with Seiru kun? Or perhaps it is something involving Gin Reed."
"I remember the first day we met, when we were trying to find out how similar our worlds were, you mentioned that name. Then afterwards you and Seiru kun looked as if you were a puppy who had just shredded her master's shoes. The puppy realizes the master is upset, so she backs into a corner with her tail between her legs. I'm sorry to compare you to a dog, but it just sort of reminded me of that."
"I guess you could say it was something like that. It goes back to when we were kids, when I first started using my powers. You see, Gin Reed was Clow san's brother. Like Clow san, he also had his own set of cards, except Gin san's were called KAOS CARDS. I'm sure they mush have been called something else in the beginning, but Gin san was killed in a duel against Clow san-"
"Clow san killed his own brother?"
"Oh, no, it wasn't anything like that. I don't know the full story, but from what I've heard, when Gin san was creating his cards, he started to delve deeper and deeper into Kaos magic."
"It's a dark form of magic. How should I explain it… it's a magic that draws from the user's darkest of- well, it comes from the darkness inside your heart. Gin san didn't start out bad, his cards were originally created to benefit humanity. Gin san created his cards as practice for his ultimate card, THE LIFE. But he eventually became obsessed with the card, and eventually became a threat to himself and others around him. It's a taboo to use magic to tamper with life. After Gin san died, his cards became ghost cards, drawing on the most destructive sources of their powers. That was why Clow san sealed his cards away for Sakura chan, he didn't want the same thing to happen to the CLOW CARDS. It was also one of the reasons the Dragons took the SAKURA CARDS with them when Sakura chan gave up her powers. With no one else to claim them and supply them with magic, the SAKURA CARDS two would have died and become KAOS CARDS, this time with no one to stop them."
"I see, so that was why. But what dose that have to do with you and Seiru kun?"
"Gin san reincarnated himself as a Lycanthrope, Lycan for short, and he became the KAOS CARD Guardian of Despair, opposite of Damien, the KAOS CARD Guardian of Destruction, whom had once been Gin san and Clow san's joined guardian opposite of Kero chan. When Clow san and Gin san went their separate ways, Clow san kept Kero chan and created Yue san, and Damien san went with Gin san. Like Kero chan and Yue san, Lycan's source of power is the sun, while Damian san's is the moon.
When Lycan reincarnated, he sought to continue his work on his LIFE card, but he couldn't do it himself now that he was no longer human. That was when he forced Sakura chan to become his Cardcaptor, hoping that she would finish the card for him."
"Sakura chan was dragged into this?"
"Lycan saw in Sakura chan what he thought he saw in himself. Lycan san had convinced himself that what he was doing was for the benefit of everyone, and at the same time he saw Clow san's cards as selfish and impractical. And you know how Sakura chan is, she's always trying her best for others, so Lycan believed her to be the same as him. Fortunately, Syaoran kun, who had been selected by Damien to be a Kaos Cardcaptor as well, was able to save her from Lycan and his Elixir of Fire."
"Elixer of Fire? What is that?"
Renae shuddered as she remembered it. "It's a magic substance that Lycan created with his own Kaos magic, which amplifies the user's Kaos magic to the point where they're lost in it."
"That sounds horrible! Thank goodness everything turned out alright."
"Yea, for a while. Lycan came back about 6 years ago and made me his Cardcaptor the same as Sakura chan had been."
"I see, so then Seiru kun was as well?"
"Yea, and Sakura chan wasn't too happy about it either."
"But everything turned out alright in the end didn't it? You don't appear to be taken over by evil."
"… I guess it did, Lycan and the KAOS CARDS were destroyed for good and everything…"
Tomoyo noticed the grim expression that now lingered in Renae's eyes. "Renae chan?"
"… During the final battle against the KAOS CARDS… I was still under the influence of the Elixer of Fire when I… I told Seiru that I… that- that I liked him."
"… I see. I thought as much. I could tell from when we first met that you had feelings for Seiru kun. What happened afterwards, he didn't reject you did he?"
"That's just it, I never got an answer from him. He had to leave for Hong Kong almost right after, and we haven't really had much of a chance to talk about it since he came back."
"May I ask why not? It seams that you would have hade plenty of opportunities."
"It's because I'm such a coward. I know I'm not his most important, because he already found her."
"Mandera Sara chan. She was Seiru's first real love, and she sacrificed herself to save him and Hanna chan. He tries to hide it, but I know he still cares for her more than anything. Sieru would never say it, but I really hurt him back then. Next to Seiru, Sara chan was my best friend, so for me to say those things about her that I did… and then for me to confess my own feelings… especially in the way that I did…I just can't face him after that."
Tomoyo looked at Renae with understanding eyes. "I understand Renae chan… I'm afraid that would be something you got from me. I am a coward as well."
"You? But your one of the bravest, most together of people I know."
"But I am a coward none the less. I two am afraid that the one I love will not love me back."
"You mean Eriol kun? I can assure you that you don't have anything to worry about in that department, trust me."
"It's the same as if I were to tell you that you have nothing to worry about with Seiru kun though. Eriol kun has someone else that he cares for, and unlike Mandera san, she is still with him."
Renae was shocked by what Tomoyo was saying. She had never heard of her father loving anyone other than her mother. "Wh-who? Who could possibly be better for Eriol kun than you, Tomoyo chan?"
"The same person he loved as Clow Reed, Mizuki Mika's reincarnation, Mizuki Kaho sensei."
"… Mi-Mizuki… Kaho san?" Renae stared back at Tomoyo in half disbelief, half shock. She always thought Eriol and Kaho seamed close, could Clow have known and loved Mika in her world as well? Renae put her un-eaten rice ball down on a napkin on the table before getting up. Tomoyo didn't dare look up at her, but she could still sense that Renae had been hurt.
Renae left the room and headed down the hallway, only to be stopped when she bumped into someone. Renae looked up to see Eriol with a woman she recognized instantly as Mizuki Kaho.
"Ah, Renae san there you are. I want to introduce you to Mizuki Kaho." Renae looked from Kaho, to Eriol then back to Kaho.
"So you're the one Eriol told me about. I don't know if you knew me in your world or not, but it's very nice to meet you Renae san."
A concerned look crossed Eriol's face as he saw tears forming in Renae's eyes. "Renae san, are you-" but before Eriol could ask, Renae sprinted down the hall and out the door.

"Pay the price" Fei Wang's voice rang through the air as the world in which Syaoran and Kimihiro were in began to crumble.
"So, he won't let us out of here unless we pay a price?"
Syaoran clutched the feather containing his clone's soul as he came to an ultimatum. "If it's something I can give-"
"If you give more than is necessary, it'll only cause damage." Kimihiro took Syaoran's hand and explained to him the conditions required to pay a price. "It'll cause damage to your body in the physical plane, your fortune in the stellar plane, and your soul in the heavenly plane. If Yuko san were here, I daresay she would inform us of the price… but she's… not here anymore. It's impossible to make such judgments about ones self, however, we are both the same and not the same as one another. We might be able to judge whether each other's prices are appropriate for leaving this place."
"That final curse that Fei Wang cast."
"If it's not important to you, then it's useless as a price."
"But if I cast away what is truly important to me, then there's no point."
Syaoran and Kimihiro then realized what their individual prices would be, and were able to agree without a word.
"I know that even if I leave, it won't prevent what has already happened from occurring. No doubt that some people will be sad, and other angry, because of my decision. Even so I choose to pay this price."
"I two cannot think that this price shouldn't be paid. Even so, because I made my decision to wait, I choose to pay this price."
Without the slightest doubt that their prices were of the right amount, Syaoran and Kimihiro began their transitions back to their respected worlds.
Before parting ways, Kimihiro gazed upon Syaoran with a look of gratitude. "Thank you, for bringing about my existence."

Syaoran returned to Clow Country's ruins where Fai, Kurogane, Mokona, and Princess Sakura waited for him. Like Syaoran, Sakura clung to the feather which contained her clone's sealed soul. Tears had formed in Sakura's eyes as she thought about the loss. "I- The other me- disappeared. She said she had known that this would happen, and that you would come back for sure, and so… As long as you and I and their memories remain, it won't be the end. So-" Sakura was interrupted mid-sentence as the feathers she and Syaoran carried glowed a magnificent pink. The feathers then disappeared inside Sakura and Syaoran, and the two collapsed semi-conscious.
Fai and Kurogane caught them and lay them down on the ground. Kurogane pressed his fist on Syaoran's head, hard enough for him to feel it, but gentle enough not to hurt him. "He left before I could punch him, so you take it instead."
"The two of you should sleep for now. You can make your beginnings afterwards."
Still retaining a small amount of consciousness, Syaoran looked to Fai, then back up to Kurogane. He thanked his friends, then passed out.

I should probably be getting back soon. It's starting to get late, and I'm sure everyone's worried about me. But I can't go back just yet. Something… I feel like there's still something I have to do, and I won't know it until it happens. There's a reason we're here, a reason why all of this is happening. It's not just some coincidence, because those things don't exist. Coincidence, chance, everything that happens is for a reason. All there is, is inevitability… hitsuzen. As Seiru walked down the empty street, he lifted his gaze to the sky. The setting sun had painted the sky a stunning mixture of red and purple, and the sun it's self had set just bellow the surrounding buildings. This is hitsuzen as well, just as it is hitsuzen that the sun will set on this day; and rise again to greet a new day, where anything is possible. And perhaps the anything, of tomorrow will bring the answers I've been looking for along with that new day. Seiru stopped and paused a moment as he heard a pair of voices from the distance. One was a female voice, which Seiru did not recognize, the other a male, whom Seiru knew all too well.
"Didn't anyone tell you not to sneak up on people?"
"Don't get snippy with me, Leiyun's the one who told me to come with you. You think I don't have better things to do then baby-sit some grumpy teenager?"
"Then go, no one's stopping you, and I can make it back on my own."
Seiru watched the two from behind a nearby building. Syaoran was with a young woman a few years older than him. The girl had a familiar feeling about her, though she didn't resemble anyone he had known from his own world. Her pretty auburn hair was pulled back into a French braid, all except for her bangs which framed her face well. She didn't look like she was from the Li Clan, or even like she was Chinese, but she was with Syaoran, and mentioned one of the people that Meilin had told him about. Li Leiyun, the former Li Clan chosen one. Seiru's attention was diverted from the conversation when he noticed something off about Syaoran's posture. He had his left hand buried in his pocket, but his whole right arm hung limp at his side. Seiru brushed this off, he must have been imagining it.
Seiru had little time to dwell on Syaoran's arm, as he heard an unpleasant tone directed towards his hiding place. "Hey! Who's over there?"
What? How'd he know where I was, he doesn't have any powers to sense me here.
"Who are you, and why are you spying on us?" Seiru didn't look in fear that he would give his position away, but he could hear Syaoran's footsteps coming closer. Seiru decided not to risk Syaoran finding him, and sprinted off down the ally way. Syaoran saw his silhouette and ran after him. "Hey, come back here!"
The girl Syaoran was with ran after them, but was unable to keep up with their full force speed.

Seiru ran as hard as he could, but Syaoran matched his speed with ease. He could never get away from him, and every time Syaoran called out for him to stop, Seiru felt an impulse to stop and face his father. But he couldn't stop. He couldn't let Syaoran see him, it was bad enough that he was in Sakura's class. Just his face alone was a dead give away of his identity. Syaoran was always the type to figure these things out with ease, it was one of the things Seiru admired about him. Using magic was out of the question as well. Even if he couldn't feel the presence, Syaoran would easily identify the spell. Plus there was the risk of Sakura noticing it, it was even worse for her to find out who he was. His only choice was to run, and hope that Syaoran would tire first.
As Seiru mulled over the situation in his head, Syaoran had gained speed and closed the gap between the two. Once he had gotten close enough, Syaoran went for it and tackled Seiru to the ground. Once again, Seiru was unable to get away from his father, even in an alternate reality.
"Now I've got you. Who are you, and why were you spying on me?"
Seiru did his best to keep Syaoran from seeing his face. Fortunately the streetlights hadn't turned on yet. As long as he could keep Syaoran from getting a good look at him, he was safe.
"Answer me, I'm not letting you leave until you do."
"I- I'm sorry. Your right, I shouldn't have spied on you, you just reminded me of someone I know."
"Don't think I'm letting you off the hook just like that. I can tell by the sound of your voice, there's something you're not saying. Now tell me who are you?"
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that."
"Why not, what are you hiding? And why do I feel like I've met you before?" Convinced that he would not run anymore, Syaoran allowed Seiru to get back to his feet.
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that either. I know it's weird."
"You're right, it is weird. Do you expect me to just let you go like this?"
Seiru lost himself for a moment, thinking how this Syaoran was exactly like he'd always heard his father was when he was younger. "You always were suspicious of everyone, weren't you?"
"I knew it, we have met. Where? Who are you?"
"No, we haven't met." Seiru paused for a moment before continuing. He knew there wasn't much use in arguing the point, he was never capable of keeping anything from Syaoran. "At least… you've never met me before."
"What's that supposed to-"
"You've never met me before, but I've known you my whole life. I always looked up to you, I wanted to be just like you. So, to hear that you…" Seiru's reservations from before were replaced by a range of emotions. He felt angry, hurt, and betrayed at what Syaoran had done to Sakura. "How could you! How could you do something like that?"
Syaoran was confused by Seiru's sudden change of topic and disposition. It was too dark to get a good look at him, which made the situation all the more surprising. "What are-"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about! How could you do that to her? To her, of all people! She's the most important person to you isn't she, yet you hurt and betrayed her. How could you do something like that?"
"H-how did you know about that? And anyway, what business is it of yours what I do? What's it got to do with you?"
"It's got everything to do with me. I grew up hearing the stories about the great Cardcaptor duo. All the great adventures, all the difficult battles. Each battle more difficult then the last, but it didn't matter because they were together. As long as they were together, they could do anything, because they helped each other through the rough spots. Don't you even remember those days? You fought by her side, even when you were supposed to be rivals. And then when she became the official master, you continued to help her and support her. You were always there for her, whether it was against Eriol kun's trials to transform the cards, or when Yukito san rejected her feelings, it was you who was always by her side. And it was your magic that helped transform LIGHT and DARK to break Eriol kun's spell. How can you just throw all that away? How can you let someone else take your place, let alone that Dark One, Chang Eron?"
Syaoran was dumb-founded. How could this boy know so much about him, especially the things that happened when he and Sakura were completely alone? "H-how do you know all of that? Who- who are you?"
Seiru didn't say anything. His mind swarmed with the stories he had heard. How could he give all that up? The streetlights began flickering, and the streets were now lit well enough for Syaoran to finally see Seiru's face. It was like looking in a mirror, except that Seiru was just a little taller, and his emerald green eyes shone brightly under his chestnut bangs. Syaoran was left speechless, it all made sense now. He was'nt just some loon rambling things at random. He was… but how could he be? A million questions raced through Syaoran's mind, but one kept coming back to him like a boomerang. "Who… are you… but, you couldn't be… could you?"
Seiru continued to remain silent. He merely stared into Syaoran's warm auburn eyes, the only physical feature that ever seemed to separate them.
Syaoran was about to ask again, but he was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Syaoran. What are you doing here?"
Syaoran's nerves sky rocketed when he turned around and confirmed that the voice belonged to Li Leiyun. "L-Leiyun!"
Seiru noted Syaoran's reaction to Leiyun, the man Meilin had told him to be weary about, the one who lead the Li Clan delegation in Japan. The one who currently controlled Syaoran's every move. Seiru's anger began to reach heights he himself hadn't thought himself capable of. This was the man who was responsible for Syaoran's betrayal.
"Karen said you ran off on your own, you should know better by know."
"I- I-"
"Go home Syaoran, and I don't want to hear of you taking anymore detours."
Without looking back at Seiru, Syaoran ran past Leiyun back down the ally way he had followed Seiru through.

Seiru looked at Leiyun with disdain. He had never felt that way before, so full of anger and hate, yet it somehow had a numbing effect which kept him from loosing his cool. "You must be Li Leiyun, former Chosen One of the Li Clan."
"I see you've heard of me, I guess that makes us even. I've heard of you two, Amamiya Seiru, if that is your real name."
"So you know do you? I guess I'm not surprised, to be honest, I'd be a little disappointed if you didn't. I won't ask how you knew that name, it's not important."
"Then I'll do the same. Although I am curious about your name, it makes conversation a lot easier if I know what to call you."
"You want to know my name do you? I suppose there's no harm in telling you that, you already seem to have figured that out ahead of time, and my face is enough of a clue on it's own. I didn't want to say it in front of him, so I guess I'm grateful to you for sending him off."
Unbenounced to Seiru and Leiyun, Syaoran had stayed behind and listened from a dark corner of the alley. He knew he would be in trouble should Leiyun catch him, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him.
"You want to know who I am, then fine. I come from another world, a world where the Li Clan is peaceful, and they respect the Cardcaptor. I am the future Head of the Li Clan, and the second child and only son to Clow Reed's chosen successor. My older sister is the current Master of the Cards, and my younger sister is guardian to the legendary Ring of Aphrodite. I am the secondary master of the cards originally created by Clow, Li Kinomoto Seiru!"
Syaoran was in shock. Not only were he and Sakura supposedly together in this other world, but they had not one, but three children. One being this boy who stood in front of Leiyun at that very moment. And if he really was from another world, what was he doing in this world? Syaoran couldn't leave now, there was so much more he wanted to know.
"So I was right bout you after all. You are the son of Syaoran and that girl from another world."
"You'd better learn some respect. You'll call her Kinomoto san."
"I see you also got Syaoran's sharp toung. So tell me, Seiru, what are you doing here in this world?"
"I don't see why I should tell you that."
"But if you really must know, I don't know how I got here. Four days ago I simply found myself here in this twisted world. It's strange, this world is so similar to mine, except for the differences in the Li Clan and these Dark Forces you seem to have here. And we certainly didn't have a Great Five, or a line of Dark Ones. Now don't get me wrong, my world has it's own share of problems, but I'd rather face the KAOS CARDS again before I'd let the Li Clan sink as far as it has here. I know Zumu sama would feel the same way."
"'Zumu' is Chinese for 'Grandmother', I take it that means Aunt Iran is in charge."
"It was only meant to be temporary. After the Ach clan killed Zufu sama, there was no one else who qualified. Odou san was only a baby at the time, and tradition says that only a son with magical abilities may take over as Head on his 21st birthday, but then he lost his magic when he was 18. It was preferred though, because if Okaa san hadn't given up their powers, he would have died, and I wouldn't be here today. Now I'm next in line, and now that I've finished my training, I'll take over for Zumu sama when I turn 21 in three years."
"I see, so killing you would put the Li Clan of your world into quite the predicament."

"No reaction, even though I just mentioned killing you."
"I'll admit, I might be a little worried but you see, I can't die, not yet anyway. I still have things I need to do, and there are people back home who need me and are waiting for my return."
"Such confidence, you remind me of how I always imagined Syaoran growing up, just like his father, Ryuuren. I had the pleasure of knowing him before he died, he was a good man, and a strong warrior."
"I guess I'll take that as a compliment then."
"As for how strong you are, I'd like to see for myself. It's been a while since I've met someone who could actually pose a challenge for me."
Leiyun drew out a sword identical to Seiru's and lunged at him with it. Seiru expertly dodged and back stepped out of Leiyun's range. "T-that sword! How did… where did you get that sword?"
"I would say it's safe to assume that Syaoran had a similar sword in your world. I'd even venture to say he must have passed it down to you, he certainly would have no use for it without his powers."
Seiru's anger grew to even greater heights. Never before had he felt so much hatred towards another man, let alone a blood relative. Seiru drew his sword and prepared for battle. He raised his sword in the air and allowed more of his magic to flow through it. "Raitei Shorai!" Leiyun dodged Seiru's attack effortlessly and slashed at Seiru with his sword. Seiru held his ground and blocked Leiyun's sword with his own. "If you're going to fight, fight seriously."
"Heh, I have to hand it to you, you're not bad. Of course, that still doesn't mean you can beat me. But if you insist on ending this quickly, then fine. Playtime's over." Leiyun unleashed a fury of power which knocked Seiru back several feet.
Seiru dusted himself off and got back to his feet. Meilin was right, this guy is strong. Looks like I'm gonna have to go all out here. I might even need the Rights of Kaos. Better save that for later though, I doubt they would have those spells here. Without the KAOS CARDS, there would be no need for Clow san to create that set of spells. I'll save those for a tight spot. "Time for me to get serious as well. Kashin Shorai!" Seiru slashed his sword in Leiyun's direction, unleashing a furry of flames.
This time it was Leiyun who did not budge, and instead held his sword out flat. "Suiryuu Shorai!" Leiyun's water spell clashed with Seiru's fire, causing the whole street to be shrouded in mist.
Seiru stood silent within the mist fog, awaiting Leiyun's next move. When he heard the sound of Leiyun's footsteps, Seiru unleashed another lightning spell in Leiyun's direction. Silence fell within the mist, until the sound of electricity crackled once more. Seiru was once again knocked to the ground, this time by his own attack turned against him. Seiru attempted to lift himself to his feet once more, when he felt the sharp point of Leiyun's sword pressed to his neck.
"I guess I was wrong about you after all. And here I thought I would actually be able to enjoy myself for a change. Taking your life would be a waste for someone like me. But I have my orders from the Clan, you understand." Leiyun lifted his sword, blade still pointed at Seiru. Leiyun prepared for his final attack, when he was blasted by a beam of red light. This time it was Leiyun who was sent hurtling down the street.
Seiru looked in the direction of the blast to find Renae with her staff pointed at Leiyun. "R-Renae?"
"Seiru, are you alright?" Renae ran over to Seiru and helped him up.
"Yea, I'm fine. Thanks for the save."
"Who is that guy?"
"He's Li Leiyun."
Seiru nodded his head at Renae, then turned his attentions back to Leiyun. "Renae, I want you to stay back."
"What? But Seiru, we stand a better chance if we fight together."
"I'm sorry Renae, but this is something I have to do on my own. This is between him, and me."
Renae frowned. Why did he always have to be like that? Nevertheless, she respected his wishes and stood back to let him face Leiyun alone.
Leiyun rose to his feet and faced Seiru once more. "You're either very brave, or very foolish. You would stand a much better chance of defeating me if you fought together."
"I will fight you alone, or not at all. Renae will not interfere again."
"The honor of the warrior. You have a strong heart, Li Seiru, but heart alone will not win you this battle."
"No, but this might." Seiru reached inside his pocket and pulled out an Oufada scroll. He then threw the sword in the air and slashes at it with his sword. "Summon: Steed of Poseidon!" Upon activation of the spell, a stream of water in the shape of a serpent charged at Leiyun full force.
Leiyun ass overcome by the attack as he fell to his knees and attempted to catch his breath. "I see, it's no wonder you were so confident with a spell like that up your sleeve. I won't deny that I was surprised, I've never seen a spell quite like that before."
"There would be no need for this sort of spell without the KAOS CARDS, and so the Clow Reed of this world had no need to create it."
"In that case, I'd be willing to wager you have more spells like that." Leiyun rose to his feet and put his sword away. "Unlike some people, I am not the type to charge blindly into battle. I will bow out gracefully, this time." Leiyun turned his back to Seiru and Renae and walked off into the darkness.

With Leiyun now gone, Renae ran up to Seiru to make sure he was alright. "Seiru, are you-"
"Yea, I'm fine."
Seiru diverted his gaze from Renae, which was all she needed to figure out his true answer. He wasn't hurt, but he was a long ways away from being alright. Before she could say anything, Renae and Seiru sensed a familure presence. "That presence! It's-"
"Onee san and Nadeshiko!"
"And Kamaki kun two." Seriu made a sour face at Renae's correction. He disliked Kamaki almost as much as his father.
Just as suddenly as the presence, a white shimmering hole appeared next to Seiru and Renae. A dimensional rift between time and space. As the rift got bigger, Seiru could start to make out the inside of his house from the other side. Hanna was the first to appear in the rift. "Alright, I made a hole. Score one for me!"
"It's about time Onee san, what took you so long?"
"Why you ungrateful little-" Hanna's rant was interrupted when something cought her eye. Having stayed behind after Seiru's fight with Leiyun, Syaoran had emerged from his hiding spot to get a better look at the commotion. "Hoe? Odou san?"
Seiru turned around and glared at Syaoran for a few moments before turning back to Hanna. "No, that's not Odou san… it's just someone who looks like him." Without turning back, Seiru and Renae entered the portal and returned to their own world.
As Seiru and Renae returned to their own world, Nadeshiko threw her arms around her brother. "Onii chan! Onii chan's back! I'm so glad, I was worried about you Onii chan."
Seiru returned Nadeshiko's hug and petted her head. It had never felt so good to be home.
When Nadeshiko let go of him, Seiru directed his attentions to the two people he missed the most. His parents. Seiru ran up to Syaoran and hugged him tightly. "Seiru? Is everything alright?"
Seiru smiled nostalgically. This is how his father was supposed to be. "Yea, I'm fine. I just really missed you, that's all."
Syaoran exchanged confused looks with Sakura, but decided it best not to ask.
I'm finaly back, back in my own world. I don't even care about all the fuss our disappearance must have made, or that everyone in school will be hounding me with questions tomorrow. I don't care about that stuff anymore. I'm home, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.