A/N: So I was bored and ended up writing this. And I thought I might as well upload it. So this is my second fic but I promise not to abandon the other one :D Enjoy!

Summary: "I'm sorry but, you, Haruno Sakura have just told me that you think you may have slept with the infamous beauty that is Uchiha Sasuke?" "Yeh…". Only in the town of tokyo.

Disclaimer: If only I had thought of naruto first *thinks back to random time in history*

In the town of Tokyo, you could ask any woman if she knew Uchiha Sasuke and their immediate response would be one confirming their in depth knowledge of him. Yes that's right, Uchiha Sasuke was a notorious charmer to the ladies of the city. His name was on the tip of every woman's tongue and the tip of every woman's tongue was somewhere on him.

His beauty was rare and hypnotic, one unrivalled amongst any man you could ever meet in a lifetime. His intense gaze could captivate you and immediately lead you astray, forcing you down a criminal's path as if you had been convicted for an addiction to heroin; only in this case it was lust. Every woman would indulge in this addiction and crave desperately for more of him. Even if it were a mere glance, their minds would become infected with his image and smell.

Uchiha Sasuke was a god amongst people. However, there was one thing that women never took into consideration when bedding him. The aftermath. Yes that dreadful aftermath of the passionate night that ended only hours ago. Uchiha Sasuke may have been god-like but there was one thing he wasn't and that was a sticker.

He hated and I mean hated sticking around. Oh don't get me wrong, he was happy to play the game but as soon as the demo was over, the only thing left lingering would be his cologne.

So I guess you are wondering where this is going? Patience is a virtue you know. Ahem, without further ado I present the tale of the not so usual love story of Uchiha Sasuke and none other than Haruno Sakura.

¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Little Miss Naïve ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦

Haruno Sakura was not a city girl. She had grown up in a conventional family home situated in the small town of Konoha where everyone knew everyone. It was a quiet and safe town where the term 'drama' didn't exist in the town's vocabulary.

Throughout life she wished to leave the secure confines of its four walls and explore the un-known land that was Tokyo, the city that inhabited anything from models to drunkards, success to crime and most certainly a lot of drama. So at the age of 18, she fled her home, leaving her family to mourn their 'loss' and began her new life in the city. During the first few months of her arrival, her life had been seasoned with a spice only attainable in Tokyo. She now lived the life she had envied when reading trashy magazines about upcoming movies and celebrity affairs. She, Haruno Sakura, a village girl was now experiencing life in its true light.

Sure it had been hectic at first, but with the help of her newly acquainted friends, Yamanaka Ino, Hyuuga Hinata and Tenten, she was able to fly through the next few years in a breeze.

Which brings us to the present day. Sakura had a few months ago graduated from Tokyo U and was now in the midst of celebrating full entitlement to adulthood. At the age of 21, she had become accustomed to life in the city, fully aware of every possible danger and delight.

She sat, legs tightly scrunched up against her chest, on her leather couch recovering from the wild night she had spent with her friends partying into the early hours in celebration. Her mind pulsed with pain as the force of her hangover overcame any sort of comfort the sofa provided. It was as if the hangover had sprouted arms and legs, and had wrapped them tightly around her skull, squeezing the hell out of it. So, in order to distract herself from the little monster in her head, she let her mind stray over the morning's earlier events in which she had had the pleasure (or displeasure, she still wasn't too sure) of finding a dark, handsome man lying comfortably under her quilts.

Now, Sasuke usually had woman drooling all over him when they saw he'd been in their company for an eventful evening, so you can understand why he was totally unprepared for the reaction that screamed from the pinkette's mouth…

"AHHHHH!" Sakura's voice quaked thunderously as she scrambled for the covers and leapt from her bed, the springs rebounding to buck Sasuke's (naked) sleep racked body.

"What the fuck!" he spat instinctively with a growl curling in his throat. He really didn't need any of this before he had gotten the chance to wake up naturally. His eyelids cautiously lifted to reveal two smouldering black eyes, burning with anger as they swept across the ceiling, down the pale walls to slowly absorb his unrecognisable surroundings and-

He stopped his scrolling eyes. Cold… in the lower regions. Why?

His question was soon answered when both eyes landed on the naked site of his lap. Immediately his eyes darted to his side, catching a bulk of white hanging in a crumpled heap, hiding a certain female's body from exposure. He dragged his eyes up her length, careful to scrutinise every unnoticeable movement and every heave of her chest as she desperately tried to calm her breathing. Finally, after what was surely the longest look over she'd been through, his eyes reached hers. Ignoring all primal instincts to climb towards her and kiss her hard, the only thing dominating his mind was the thought of her being the one who woke him with that inhumane screech. And taking his only form of cover.

"Who the fuck are you?" Sakura bit out, interrupting Sasuke's train of thought.

"Hn, more like why the fuck are you screaming." he said whilst pulling his body from the bed (Sakura didn't miss how his muscles tensed, revealing a more defined shape to them) and got to searching for his clothes.

The quicker he found his things, the quicker he could leave and never see this crazy woman again.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Looking for my clothes, what does it look like." Sarcasm saturated his reply as he started having some success in finding his garments.



"In my room!" her breathing was quickening beyond the point of healthy, "You have the cheek to prance around looking for your clothes whilst being fucking naked in my room!"

It was early, she was hung over and she was pissed. These three things weren't exactly a match made in heaven and trust me, when it came to Haruno Sakura's temper, you made sure to make yourself scarce.

"What do you expect, you have all the covers." And I'm not prancing around. Sasuke's mind gritted out in a sigh.

"Yeah well I'm not exactly gonna stand around with my whole body on show."

"That would suit me." he replied. Sakura swore she could hear him smirking.

"Besides," he continued, turning around to reveal his rippling muscles and what Sakura thought to be quite a nice- "I think we've passed the formalities." Sasuke motioned towards the crumbled mattress covers that were the only other witness as to what went on in their fiery moment together.

Sakura could only agree, albeit silently, with him. They had long since past the stages of level 1 and had already entered into the boss round. She sighed a long and deep breath. She hardly knew this guy and already she was feeling the stresses of being in a relationship.

When it came to boyfriends, Sakura was always lucky. She'd had her fair share of good relationships throughout her years in Tokyo, all of them lasting for as long as they could until, finally, it was time to end it. This however was a totally different situation. The man she stood opposite to had, using his actions, made it very clear that he wasn't the stick around type, thus their moment only lasting for a night. This, she was new to.

Ah I digress.

Sakura took advantage of his back facing towards her and stared fixedly at the curvature of his bottom, admiring its firmness and imagining how nice it would be to run her hands over it every. Single. Day.

Seriously, hormones are a complicated part of the human anatomy.

After what seemed to be an eternity of intrigued staring she managed to snap out of her daze. In front of her now was a scruffily dressed (sexy looking) man who stood smirking at her dreamy expression.

"Now that you've managed to stop staring, could you move." His tone was commanding, the type used to address a dog not a 21-year-old woman.

Registering with reality, Sakura managed to finally growl out a retort, "Excuse me, don't talk to me like that, I'm not your lapdog."


"That's not a word."


"Are you deaf?"


"Then you would have heard me say that 'Hn' isn't a word."


"Get out!" she barked, her efforts to tolerate this guy all in vein. Opening her bedroom door roughly, the hinges protesting with a short whine, she ushered him out with the wave of her hand.


Her mind slowly drifted away as her reminisces were swallowed into a black void and the deathly pulse returning to mock her. Why did I have to shout earlier? Was all she could think regrettably as the pulse became stronger almost like it had a truck ramming against the bone of her skull.

The only thing that was able to move her was the smell of freshly ground coffee beans, which, she'd concluded over the years, was the best medicine to treat a hang over (and the standard pain killers of course). The smell was a delight to her nose; it weaved through the air towards her and teased the entrance of her nostrils, getting stronger with every passing moment. And after what seemed to be forever her best friend appeared in the doorway, hands supporting the weight of a tray topped with two mugs and a plate of umeboshi.

Ino was very accustomed to the consequences of an all-nighter, drinking until she was incapable of lifting another glass (even then she sometimes got others to help with that), so her head was more or less pain free when she woke up to the pink haired woman's screaming.

"Morning forehead, you ok?" Ino spoke groggily whilst setting the tray down and taking the other end of the couch.

"No, my head is spinning." she whispered, "Thanks" she said in another whisper as she took hold of her cup and impatiently drained the bitter liquid.

"Yeah same. So did ya get any?" Trust Ino to ask such a thing in the morning -at least get past eating breakfast.

"As a matter of fact I did." Sakura's voice perked up triumphantly for a moment.

"Ooh who?"

"I don't know. But the guy was a real jerk."

"How so?"

"I dunno it was just him. So arrogant! Stupid asshole, making me…" Sakura mumbled off.

"Well at least tell me that the sex outweighed that?"

"Ino, it was the best I've ever had."

"Wow he must have been goooooooood!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh yeh, off the subject for a sec, guess who I saw coming out of our apartment block this morning." Ino's voice rang with excitement; a sound Sakura didn't want to associate with at this time of the morning.

"Give up." she said in order to escape the misfortune of being in a room with such a loud pitch.

"Uchiha Sasuke!"

"You mean the man every woman loves?"

"Oh my gosh yes! Forehead, he's like the most sexiest man to ever live!" She shouted –Sakura could have sworn she saw her leap.

"Ok, tone it done."


"What does he look like again?" Sakura breathed already exasperated with all of Ino's exhilaration.

"How could you forget?"


"He's got feathery black hair that looks like it's permanently perfect, the blackest eyes ever! Pale skin with a defined jaw and the sexiest bod-"

"Sorry what?"

"I said, he's got the blackest hair and eyes that are sooooo sex-" Ino was yet again cut of by Sakura, this time however, by her expression. Sakura had gained a few shades of red that out shone her hair by far. It was at that moment that Sakura realised what had just happened in the early hours of the morning.

"Forehead what's wrong?"

"Ino…I think that I may, just may have slept with him…"



"Geez Ino, it's not as if I murdered someone."

"I'm sorry but, you, Haruno Sakura have just told me that you think you may have slept with the infamous beauty that is Uchiha Sasuke?"


And with that, Haruno Sakura's morning had just upped a notch on the drama scale. Drama like this only happens in the town of Tokyo.

I hope you like this story. It took me an afternoon to write (im lazy) with the vibration of my fan panging in my ear lol. I would appreciate it if you review, cus reviews make me happy. And it's my birthday tomorrow so it would make me extra happy to read them.

Have fun reading (btw this will have lemon in possibly the next chapter)

Byebi xoxox

Edit - 9th February 2011