Ch. 1

I don't own HANA YORI DANGO-korean version/ japnese version, just a fan that wish to recreate another plot of the story. DON'T SUE ME please~!

First time writing a fanfic; please constructive critisim only~! Thanks!

This take place after tsukasa get amnesia, and tsukasa is relunctant to be nice to tsukushi.

After another serious accident,

As the F4 walked out with tsukasa for frest air, tsukushi ran out and stopped in front of tsukasa. The sudden occurrence of the annoying brat is starting to piss him off. Tsukasa felt the raising anger that he tries to swallow down, not for the sake of giving face to the annoying stranger, but for Rui.

Really for the life of him, tuskasa could not understand, where and why Rui picked up this wild and rude cat from. Rui's unique taste is really leaving tsukasa puzzle and confuse as to where this annoying girl's charm lies.

Tsukushi stared hard, her eyes brimmed with determination, as she stopped the once Fearful F4. Tsukasa just stared blankly at her, hollow of any recognition or familiar fire that use to burn for her when he looks at her. Slowly, the anger starts to boil in him, as he reminisced the past few days of strange and unwelcome ways of tsukushi.

And today made no difference; tsukushi stuck her family business sticky on his forhead, and then waited for who knows how long. No reaction, just a blank and angry face stared back at her. Days after days, tsukasa continues to sprout out hurtful comments to her, her emotion plummet as she felt the pine needles that tsukasa throws at her.

Rui watched as tsukushi walked off by herself, again the lonely back of his love slumped in depression. His eyes flicker with longingly for tsukushi and the twinkle in her eyes when she smiles. Unaware of tsukasa, Rui did not notice the figure on the bed that was quietly observing him. Once tsukushi was out of ear shot, tsukasa called out to Rui: Rui!" Rui's relunctantly turn his attention from the place that tsukushi was standing to the obnoxious tsukasa on the bed. "Yo", Rui's signature light reply was laced with slight tiredness and bitterness. Tsukasa blinked, confused of his new behavior, but shook it off and respond: "Rui, I don't understand why, but if you really love someone you should just go for it, it is because of your kind nature that whoever you love will always slip from your fingers. Just go for it. And please can you stop her from coming to see me? It's really annoying now; I don't understand why you guys keep letting her in." Rui just silently stare and comtemplate his words and then slowly walked out without a word.

"My name is Yumi", a pretty girl smiled at tsukushi as she handed her a drink from the can machine. Her smile seems too bright in the gloomy atmosphere that tsukushi seems to emit around her. Tsukushi force herself to smile in return, and then took the kind gesture with heaviness. "Oh, hey you there! I can help you out", yumi cheerfully called out to the struggling figure behind tsukushi. Tsukushi turned and sees yumi trying to help tsukasa out. It all seems to come too quickly for Tsukushi to realize, Yumi and tsukasa slowly became close. They talk and they laugh, yumi's hands are always hugging tsukasa's arm, the way girlfriends do and tsukasa paid no mind to it. What made it more hurtful, and shocking is that tsukushi's bento was thought to be made by yumi. Rui saw all this, as yumi's ways become sinister and manipulative. Tsukushi could only sit back and let it happen, she was really unsure whether yumi is really an enemy or not until she finally received the wedding invitation by yumi and tsukasa.

Rui took the invitation from her hands and read, his brow contort into anger, but then he calmed. "Tsukushi, I think you should go, don't give up on him," Rui said calmly with a pat on her shoulder, he left.

Tsukushi could only contemplate and gripped tightely onto the invitation that seems to dug heels into her heart. The painful ache her heart felt became dull and numb now, and she thought over the night whether she should give up on tsukasa. Then she cried, she cried and cried.

-at the engagement party, tsukasa met tsukushi at the pool by accident-

Tsukushi called out to tsukasa to stop him from turning around and leaving. "What?" came the cold strange reply she had heard over these past few month from. Tsukushi slowly held up her hand to him. Tsukasa stared at the star necklace that gleamed in the night, and asked her what she was doing. "I am giving this back to you," tsukushi reply. Tsukasa eye her questioning and then sighed and said " look,I don't know what it has to do with me, but if you want to throw it away, just do it yourself!"

"Fine", tuskushi said and with a heavy heart, she threw the star necklace to the pool. Tsukasa felt a thud in his heart, like something just broke as he saw the necklace drop to the bottom of the pool. "Let me just ask you one more question", tsukushi whispered in the quiet night. Sighing, tsukasa nodded. tsukushi turned and faced him then asked " Do you know how to swim?" Her eyes no longer with show tiredness but a small spark of hope flamed in her eyes. Tsukasa impatiently replied " of course not, never did and never will". With a strange chuckle, Tsukushi replied " yes you do, and you did". With that curt reply, tsukushi started her attempt to bring tsukasa memories back. She began to talk about each and every memoriable and precious memeories between them, but the blank face continues to stared back. With the final attempt, tsukushi decided to risk her life, and with that she did.

Slowly, she began to step back, with each step at a time, until she reached the edge of the pool. Slowly as if time slowly slowed down, she lean backward and fell with a heart thudding splash. Tsukasa stood grounded unable to move and just stared at the strange girl, who did not surface from her bold stunt. The ripples and waves slowly come to calm on the waters and then there was just silence.

A white figure zooms past him and dove into the pool. Rui felt his heart explode as he saw tsukushi fell into the pool. His mind was blank, and the only thing he felt was fear. Tsukasa could only stare at the nervous Rui as swam to tsukushi. Rui soon surfaced with the unconscious tsukushi, his expression was one that Tsukasa had only witness once when Rui was brought back from the car crash without his parents. Rui heavy pants and raspy serious voice " T-tsukushi! Tsukushi, please, no, no, oh god—please just wake up!" Rui repeated this over and over as he does CPR with the non-responding tsukushi. Tsukusa can only stare blankly over the scene. Tsukushi's face began to turn blue, but Rui would not stop, with a final effort he breathed into her. Tsukushi coughed. Rui could only cried, and apologize over and over " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should'nt have keep forcing you to fight to the end, T-tsukushi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he repeated this as he cradle her head gently.

The crowd started to form around them, and suddenly soujiro jumped in followed by the paramedics. They pried apart the tight but gentle grip of Rui, and lifted tsukushi onto the stretchers and carried her towards the ambulance with Rui anxiously following behind. The crowd then slowly disperses leaving behind a lonely figure who stood awkwardly still.

Tsukasa just numbly stared at the star necklace that dropped from Tsukushi's grasp as she was picked up from the ground. Slowly, he bent down and shakely touched the wet star necklace, unsure what he wanted to do. Unknowingly, he let out a shakily laugh, and then he crumble over and shook. He doesn't know, whether his face was wet by his tears or by the wetness of the ground, but he felt fear and pain and all he could do was cry.