I never realized how much I actually hated that girl until the day I died. She had saved my life and nurced me back to health, and I had still hated her. For everything she had done for me, I despised her with every fiber of by being. I don't know if she could tell. But something inside me says that she did. That is why she killed me...

She found me the day after the accident. That monster was coming too fast, but I was sure I could make it. I was on the edge of death, my body horribly broken, and she took me in. But the moment she placed me inside the monster which she rode, I knew the life that I had come to love was over.

She took me to this cold, stark place. It smelled strongly of fear. There was a twoleg there as well, a male. He prodded me until my broken body screamed to fight back.

But I could not.

I was put under, and when I awoke, I was covered in hard, white cloth. A large plastic cone encircled my head. I tried in vain to remove the foreign articles from myself, but the female would not allow this. She took me back to her nest. There, I was fed large, synthetic chunks of what was once meat. I was not allowed beyond her walls, forced to make my dirt in a small box filled with stones. I would yowl at the woman, but she would just laugh and pat my head.

I'm not sure how long it took me to heal. But when I did, the female allowed me to rome outside of her stone den. Only then did I discovered what she had done to me. I was no longer a male. She had castrated me. And even if I my injured legs would allow my to jump her fence, my clan would never accept me.

And that's when I lost it.

I did all I could to make this woman's life a living nightmare. Her arms were covered in deep scratched, and her den was riddled with broken pieces of her items. She would look at me with her sad eyes, but it did not matter to me. I would have rather died an apprentice, almost a warrior, that have become a kittypet.

One day, she took me to another dark and fearful place. The constant bark of dogs made my fur bristle. She exchanged words with another twoleg before I was taken away. I never saw the woman again. I was placed in a nest, dark and cold. Shimmering branches surrounded me. I clawed and yowled, but I could not break myself free. I was trapped.

Many twolegs came and poked their paws into my nest. And every time I would hiss and lunge at them. I never spoke to the other cats around me, but I watched as they were removed from their dens and taken away by twolegs.

I do not know how long I was in that prision. But I was eventually removed by a man. His grip reminded my heavily of the man who had removed my gender. I was taken to another room. This one smelled of death.

The man was quick though. I swift pinprick in my leg and a rush of fluids. I let out a weak hiss, but the man only shook his head. My eyes began to feel heavy, and I looked up at him with dangerous glare.

But I could do nothing.

My mind blanked as my body was distroyed. My insides churned, but I felt no pain; only the strong, sweet feeling of death passing over me.

/Starclan!/ I thought. /At last I come!/ But I was not greated by a fellow clan cat. I slithered through darkness, fear engulfing me, before I was dumped heavily onto hard rock.