Yumi shoved the note card with "MEET ME AT THE PARK AT 4" under her door and ran. She needed to talk to Emma.

Emma approached Yumi in the park, and immediately knew that this wasn't going to be good. Yumi leaned against a tree, with a look on her face that could kill.

Emma stood there for a minute, and then Yumi looked up at her.

"You need to stay away from William." she said matter-of-factly.

"You need to chill out," Emma said calmly. "You rejected him since he first came here, you have no right to just step in and think he's yours." Emma was surprised at how smoothly her words flowed.

"Same with you." Yumi's eyes narrowed. "You're new here. You're an outsider. You cant just come in and judge me, and mess up my relationships."

"I didn't mess anything up." Emma said. "You know very well that you're messing this up yourself. You're a little upset that William doesn't like you anymore. You enjoyed being wanted, and rejecting him and seeing him hurt. And once you realized you don't have that anymore, you have to bring him back in." Emma raised her voice and stepped forward.

"But news flash- its not going to happen. For once, you can't get what you want."

Emma walked away, leaving Yumi embarrassed.

"Are you alright?" Ulrich asked.

"No." Yumi said flatly.

"Listen, what's been going on with you lately?" Ulrich was scared to here the answer.

"Its just… William and Emma." she said, not wanting to talk about it.

Ulrich's eyes narrowed.

"Aren't you happy that he's finally going to leave you alone?"

"Ulrich, I realized that I…"

He walked away. He didn't want to hear.

For all the time that he's known Yumi, he has always liked her. She was simple, but pretty. Her dark hair and eyes sat perfectly on her face, and sometimes Ulrich couldn't stop looking at her. He wished that he had the guts to ask her out, so he could hold her in his arms.

He had always been so shy.

When William came, Ulrich knew he needed to tell her how he feels and fast. But every time he was going to, he just couldn't say anything, and he'd regretted it for the longest time ever. Ulrich was jealous how easy William could tell girls his feelings, and sometimes he was surprised Yumi didn't fall for him.

Now that Yumi said she liked William, Ulrich felt his heart breaking.

"This is impossible," he thought, and he closed his eyes. "Its too late."

He couldn't believe how stupid he was being. Even he had to admit that Yumi obviously liked him, and he couldn't even say anything. He felt so stupid.

He kept his eyes closed for a moment, and then he heard a knock on the door.

"Hallo?" Emma called.

"Ulrich, listen." Emma sat down on his bed next to him.

He looked into her blue eyes, and then down to his hands.

"I know that Yumi's being a bit… difficult, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you." she paused, and then looked at Ulrich.

He said nothing.

"I know you really like her." Emma looked at him again, examining his face trying to see how he was feeling.

He nodded.

"So if you wanna talk, I'm here, okay?" she said, and she stood up.

"Auf Wiedersehen, Ulrich."

"So how was your day?" Aelita asked Emma and smiled.

"It was alright! Pretty dramatic." Emma laughed. "Did you hear about the issue between Yumi, William, and I?"

"Yes.. Yumi told me about it." Aelita said slowly.

"I don't really know what to say about it, honestly." Emma said.

"I think she's just confused that he doesn't like her anymore. Or maybe she's liked him all along, who knows…" Aelita said, and then tried to change the subject.

Emma wasn't sure either, but she knew that she had to do two people a favor.

Ulrich knocked on the door.

"Oh, Ulrich. Come in!" Emma said, surprised but happy to see him. She wasn't really expecting Ulrich to come talk to her.

"I'm really sorry to bother you.. Its just that…" Ulrich began to say.

"No, its okay. Don't worry about it." Emma reassured him and smiled.

"Thanks." he nodded. "I was just hoping that.. Maybe you could talk to Yumi for me?" he asked shly.

"I'll try." Emma told him. "I'm not her favorite person right now, but I'll try." she smiled.

"Thank you, so much." Ulrich said and he left.

Emma knew what she needed to do.

This is kind of short, sorry! but I hope you guys like it! :) Please review!