Heyyy there :)
Here I am again with another chapter pour vous. And yes, I haven't forgotten about this story. I may be a procrastinator, but I always finish what I start.
And so, without further a due, here's chapter 30 (oh my gosh, 30 already? :O lol)
Disclaimer: Rookie Blue and its original concepts do not belong to me –tears-
p.s I CAN NOT WAIT for this weeks' episode. Finally some Sandy action. I nearly died at the end of last weeks' episode when they were so close, SO CLOSE! Gahhh, those writers are going to kill me one of these days.
This had to stop. Someone could walk in any minute. Someone could—
The voice was small and almost inaudible, but my eyes flew open and shot over to the bed.
"Ow," I heard Jen complain, I guessed I'd pushed her away with more force than I had initially intended. But Jen and all of the madness that she brought were soon forgotten as my eyes locked on the bed. Or to be more precise, locked onto wide brown eyes.
"I... Andy?" I stuttered, and had the sudden urge to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. But sure enough, there she was, her eyes open and fixed on me. Her eyes shot from me to a spot somewhere over my shoulder.
A slight shuffling from that direction told me that Andy was looking at Jen. When her eyes returned to mine, my heart dropped down to my feet to see them rapidly fill with tears.
Right at that moment, a dozen machines began to beep and buzz and hum around us, but I barely noticed as I watched as my Rookie came out of her coma. It would have been a happy ordeal if it hadn't been for the look in her eyes, or the tears that continued to gather there.
Oh God, what have I done...
Chapter 30
What amazing timing, I thought as the door flew open yet again as three nurses rushed in. They immediately flocked around Andy and began to fiddle around with the machinery and write things down on clipboards.
I had absolutely no idea what was going on.
I was scared as shit.
"What—what's happening?" I asked as my voice broke. One of the nurses, Bernie, turned to me as if seeing me in the room for the first time.
"Oh, Sam right? I didn't see you there. I'm going to have to ask you to leave for a bit honey," she said then began to usher me out.
"But—" I started to protest but the door swung shut in my face.
"Oh my God," I murmured then started to pace back and forth in front of the door. When Dr. Reinfrew hurried towards the door I tried to speak but he just brushed past me and went inside. Cursing, I continued to pace back and forth.
A few moments latter Jen came out, and I very nearly pounced on her.
"What happened? Is she alright?"
"Yea, guess so. The doctor is looking at her right now," she said dismissively then stepped closer to me. "Now where were we..." she murmured but I shoved her away none too gently. She huffed and looked at me for a moment before disappearing down the hall.
I sighed and rubbed my hands through my hair.
"Sam, what are you doing standing there?" I heard Jerry's voice ask and I turned to him.
"Woah, what happened?" he asked taking one look at my face.
"It's Andy...I... she's awake..."
"She is? That's great Sam," Jerry said and put a hand on my back.
"Yea, except she woke up and the first thing she saw was me kissing Jen."
"Holy shit," Jerry said, eyes widening. "You kissed Jen?"
"Jerry..." I growled a warning and he put his hands up, palms forward.
"Sorry, sorry. So what did the doctor say? When can she leave?"
"I don't know," I groaned and pulled at my hair. "They just fucking pushed me out of there and haven't said anything."
"Well give them time to figure things out Sam. I'm sure the doctor's going to want to speak with you soon."
"Well I wish he would hurry up," I snapped and began to pace again. When I heard pounding footsteps down the hall I looked up to see the last person I wanted to see.
Luke fucking Callaghan.
What the hell was he doing back here again?
Jerry put a restraining hand on my arm, as if he was anticipating me to jump Luke, which I would totally do. I would have too, but Dr. Reinfrew walked out right at that moment and I forgot all about Callaghan.
"How is she?" I asked him and he motioned me over to the side.
"I'm happy to say that she is out of the coma. She's resting right now, though. Just sleeping. The worst part is over now Sam," he said and put a hand on my shoulder and it felt as though a huge weight had lifted off my heart.
"She's okay?" I murmured, just to be sure.
"Yes. She's perfectly fine."
"And does she... does she remember what happened?"
"Yes, we asked her a series of questions to ensure that she hadn't lost any of her memory, and she has full recollection of the incident."
"Okay," I said quietly.
"Well then, I'll be back to check on her later then," he said then started to turn away, but I put a hand on his arm to stop him.
"I—thank you, so much. Really," I said trying to express my gratitude and found that I came up short.
"Not a problem, Officer," he said, gave me a quick smile, then walked away.
I slumped back against the wall and nearly slid the floor in relief.
Andy was going to be fine.
She was awake.
And she saw me kissing Jen.
I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned. That was so not the way I wanted her to see me for the first time after she woke up.
Now she probably thinks I'm some heartless asshole who was making out with a nurse in the room where his comatose Rookie lay just a few feet away.
But wasn't that exactly what happened?
I was making out with a nurse a few feet away from my comatose Rookie.
God, I am such a jerk.
"What did he say?"
I looked over at Jerry as he walked over to me. He put a hand on my shoulder and led me over to the plastic chairs that lined the walls.
"He said that Andy was fine and that she was out of the coma. She has all her memory and she remembers what happened. She's resting right now, but he says she should be awake later."
"Well that's great news... isn't it?" he asked after taking in my expression.
"Of course it is," I said and sighed, suddenly very exhausted. "I just feel horrible about what she saw."
"During the Op?"
"No, Barber. Me kissing Jen."
"Ah," he said and was quiet for a moment.
"I mean, what kind of a jackass makes out with some random chick while his Rookie is laying in a hospital bed, arms length away? I knew that I could be a jerk, but this... I have no idea what fucking got into me," I said then put my head in my hands.
"Well, since you're feeling this bad about it, I don't think you're being a complete jackass," said Jerry trying to cheer me up, but it didn't work. I just gave him a look and he sighed and looked away.
"Look Sam, maybe it's for the best. She's with Luke, and you said it yourself, you didn't want to get in the way of her happiness. If that means that you have to move on, then I don't see the problem. At least this way you don't need to explain things to her."
"The problem, Jerry, is that I'm not too sure about it anymore..."
"Sure about what?"
"About just stepping back from Andy just because she's with Luke."
"What are you trying to say," Jerry said slowly, and I felt his eyes on me.
"I'm saying that I want Andy, and I'm going to get her one way or another."
Ohhhh Sam is going to fight for his woman, how romantic ;)
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Xoxo thedarkangel22