Ok so this is my very first fanfic. Im only 15 so take it easy on the comments. But still, comments and reviews are welcome.
Rookie Blue and its concepts do not belong to me.
I didn't feel too great about this. Something didn't feel right. When I tried to point that out to Sam, he disregarded me.
"I'm the training officer aren't I? Don't you think that I would know what I'm doing?" he pointed out while pulling the cruiser to a stop in a deserted parking lot near an old warehouse.
"Yes sir, of course sir." I replied, not without sarcasm.
He looked over at me, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth, and held my gaze.
Not wanting to be the first to look away, I stared right back into his eyes. His intense yet surprisingly warm brown eyes. Slowly the smile fell from his face and his brow furrowed as if he was concentrating on something.
For some reason that look sent a trail of shivers up my spine and I could feel the hairs on the back of my head stand straight up.
Not feeling entirely comfortable with this sensation, I wracked my brain for something to say in the hopes of making him turn away and focus on the task at hand.
Before I could do so, however, he turned his head and looked out the front window lightly shaking his head as if to clear it.
It gave me a chance to collect my wits and, to my embarrassment, admire his strong profile.
Now it was me who shook my head trying to clear it.
He was my training officer. I was his rookie. As if that wasn't a big enough no-no, I had this thing going on with Luke and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him in any way.
And yet here I was, sitting in a cruiser on an op to bring in a big drug dealer, and I was ogling my TO.
Not that it would matter. He doesn't like me very much, ever since I ruined his 8 months of gruelling undercover work by arresting him.
Not that that was my fault. How was I to know he was an undercover officer? And it wasn't my fault that I was assigned to him.
Besides, I don't date cops. I don't.
And still, I couldn't help feeling like a school girl with a crush on her handsome English teacher.
She'd been staring at me for a while now, concentrating intensely the side of my head. I wonder what she sees when she looks at me like that. I've caught her doing it a couple of times before as well.
It makes me feel... well I don't know what it makes me feel. Or maybe I don't want to admit what it makes me feel.
It would be completely wrong. She was my rookie. It was against the rules for me to be anything more than a training officer and a friend to her.
But then again, I've never really been a stickler for rules.
That being said, she wouldn't be interested. Not when she was involved with Callahan.
Sighing again, I tried to push any straying thoughts about Andy out of my head. We had a job to do.
"Ok McNally" I said then grinned when she jumped as if I'd startled her. "Let's get a move on."
I opened the cruiser door knowing she'd do the same. Once we were both out, I turned to her.
"You ready McNally?" I asked, then smirked. "You look a bit dazed"
It took a considerable amount of control not to laugh when her face reddened and she scowled.
"Aren't we supposed to have some sort of a plan, sir?"
"Oh right." I moved closer to her with mock seriousness. "We bust through those doors over there, we cuff some bad guys, we stuff them in the cruiser, we go back to 15 and grab some coffee on the way. Got it? Get it? Good."
Without waiting for her reply, I began to walk toward the back doors of the old warehouse, knowing that she would follow.
Once I reached the doors, I waited for her. She was next to me in a few seconds.
"On the count of— oh for god's sake McNally, weapon drawn." When she had her gun in hand, I continued.
"On the count of three ok?" She nodded her head.
"One, Two, Three." And we burst through the doors.
Ok so that was chapter one. I'm working on chapter two right now and I hope to get it up soon. Remember, comment and review! Thanks.
Xoxo thedarkangel22