A sharp kick to the ribs woke Eric. Pain shot through his chest, pushing the oxygen out of his lungs. Eric chocked as a vicious cycles of coughs wracked his body. He tried to regain his breathing as the coughs plagued him. Another kicked rolled him onto his back. Eric cried out as he rolled onto his back.

As quickly as the beating began, it ended. Eric heard the scraping of steel and a thundering echo, telling him he was alone again. Eric gasped for air as he regained his breathing. He opened his eyes to darkness, as he had for what seemed like an eternity.

Eric balled his hands into a tight fist. He took in a deep breath and pushed himself up. His ribs seared in agony at his movements. Every muscle screamed in protest. But Eric kept moving until he'd propped himself against the cold concrete wall. The cold washed over his body, easing some of the pain. Eric exhaled and leaned his head back against the wall.

They never told him why they'd taken him. They never said what they wanted in return for his release. They just took him. They took him, and they beat him senseless. Over and over again they beat him to the brink of consciousness. They would enter at any point they felt and beat him, as if they were trying to break him.

At first, Eric had tried to fight back and actually put up a long fight, but after they broke his shoulder, Eric could fight them back. An eternity of beating had left Eric with a broken shoulder, a dislocated left wrist, at least three broken ribs, several bruised ribs, a series of concussions, and a fractured knee. He could feel the blood that had dried into his shirt and jeans.

Eric coughed again. He could almost taste the copper in his mouth. He'd tasted it so often that he was growing used to it. Eric wised as he reached into his pocket with his dislocated wrist. His fingers scraped over the surface of keepsake. The only thing he had that kept him going. Eric pulled out a small black box from his pocket. He ran his thumb over the side of the box and opened it. Inside the box was a diamond ring fitted to a silver band.

Eric took a staggered breath. This was all he had to keep going. All he had to keep himself sane. If Eric wasn't going to survive this, if he was going to die in this room, this ring would be his only regret. This was the only part of his life that would be left unfinished.

Eric sighed and closed the box. He wasn't irrational; he knew the chances of surviving this were next to nothing. But if he had one last request, if by God or someone else, he'd give this ring to Taylor Earhart.

Eric closed his eyes. Taylor. The last time Eric even spoke other was the day before he was taken. He had tried to set up a place to meet her, the day he wanted to give her the ring. Eric snickered to himself. Since when was he sentimental?

Eric opened his eyes and tried to place the box back into his pocket. He winced as the pain shot through him once more. He failed to reach his pocket, losing his balance. He slid down the wall and he fell onto his side. Eric groaned again, trying to get up. His strength failed him and he lay on the cold floor. The ring was still in his hand. Eric's hand gripped the box tighter and closed his eyes.

for those who've never read my work, i liekto beat up characters.

i own nothing