me: hello! this is just a random thing i might turn into a story!

Disclaimer: I dont own Naruto~! the only thing i own is the idea... I think.

The thirteen year old weasel sighed. He just came back from a ANBU mission and was relaxing in his secret training ground. No one would look for him this far from Konoha, close to the boarders of the Land of Fire. Itachi started to doze off, unaware of anything for just a few minutes.

"Whoa!" A little voice said, piercing the air. Sharingan whirled as he stood, crouching in a defensive stance. He looked left, right, behind, and below, nothing. Air whooshed by as a small body landed on Itachi's. Their lips touched briefly, electric sparks traveled down spines.

The girl sat up in a sitting position, unknowingly straddling the prodigy. "Sorry mister! I was practicing climbing that tree with chakra when I ran out."

Itachi sat up slowly, shifting the girl so it was easier to move. "Why are you working on chakra control, you look like my brother's, Sasuke, age." He said in an uncaring voice. She made a face as he mentioned Sasuke's name.

"You're an Uchiha too?" Itachi nodded. "So you must be Itachi then, Sasuke talks about you a lot! Oh, I'm trying to be the best at chakra control because mommy said that was the base of all ninjutsu and genjutsu!" She looked up at the Uchiha, hoping to get something out of him.

He watched her, trying to decide if he should leave now or stay and talk more. Itachi felt calmer then he ever felt in ages. He let out an inaudible sigh and stood, moving so he could rest his back against a tree, before placing Sakura to his right.

"What is your name then?" He asked, staring out to the clouds.

"Haruno Sakura!" The pinkette exclaimed. Itachi looked at the properly named girl. He knew of the Haruno clan. They were one of the backbones of the hospital, when Tsunade wasn't around that is. They preferred piece, but when angered they would kill the unlucky soul that ticked them off. The perfect control the clan had over chakra was thought of a Kekkei Genkai. The thing that gave them away as part of the clan though, was the pink hair they inherited.

"I see." He said quietly. They watched the wisps of clouds float by. Content with each other and just sitting. The sun dipped lower in the sky and Sakura started to yawn. Onyx eyes trained on emerald, a silent conversation passing.

"Climb on." He said, turning his back to her. Sakura squealed and quickly scrambled on, twig like arms wrapping around his neck, legs locking by his waist. He stood and took off by tree tops, his passenger burying her head in his back.

"Today was nice." Sakura said, barely heard by Itachi over the wind. The weasel made a noise in the back of his throat, confirming her statement true. "Can we do this again tomorrow?"

Itachi sighed as he jumped down from the branches soundlessly. "I don't see why not. I'll come pick you up an hour after the academy lets out then." Sakura cheered and hugged his neck harder, almost chocking him.

"Sorry for that." She said loosening her hold on him. "I live in the big house in the middle..." Sakura trailed off, tired from her long day. Her soft snores the only noise besides his sandal clad feet on the ground.

He reached the Haruno district easily enough. The guards waved him passed when they saw the mop of pink hair on his back. Finding the house was easy as well, seeing as the road led right to it. He knocked and shuffling was heard.

The door opened and an petite woman stepped out. "Oh dear! Please come in Uchiha-san!" She said stepping aside to let him in. Itachi nodded and followed her to a room. "If you'll just put her in her bed, I will make you some tea and onigiri." She left without his answer, leaving Itachi to do as asked.

He walked in and glanced around quickly. The walls were surprisingly a light blue while the floor was wooden. Carefully placing her on her bed, he pulled the covers up to her shoulders. The pinkette sighed happily and rolled over.

Itachi walked out quietly and made his way to were he felt the woman's chakra. The older pinkette was busy fussing about with the snack she promised. He slid into a chair and waited.

"And there you go Uchiha-san." She said placing both things down. "I almost forgot, my name is Haruno Kiku. My husband, Tadao, is on a mission right now." She sighed and sat across from him. The weasel munched on the onigiri, listening to the woman talk.

Kiku glanced out the window. "Oh my! You best get home Itachi, your mother is probably worried sick!" She rushed around for paper and a pen. Scribbling something down she gave it to the boy and pushed him out the door. "Just bring her home before dark!" She called out before disappearing back into the house.

The Uchiha shrugged and went on his way. Flashes of pink and emerald kept invading his thoughts. Soon he found himself in the Uchiha compound, at his house. Slipping inside, he tugged the sandals and moved to the living room.

"Itachi, is that you?" His mother called out softly. He grunted and handed her the note the older Haruno gave him. She read it over quickly. "That's fine. Just next time get home before earlier, your brother was wondering where you were." His eyes softened a bit as she kissed his forhead.

"Good night mother." Itachi called over his shoulder. The female Uchiha smiled and went back to reading her book.

"Good night Itachi." She whispered to his back.

He was ready for bed, but his mind wouldn't let him sleep. The short time he spent with the Haruno girl was stuck on replay in his head. Her lips brushing against his, the little spark. Everything about her was in him, bringing up emotions he thought he got rid of.

'This is going to be difficult.' The prodigy thought before rolling over. Sleep just out of his grasp. Finally, hours after the sun went down, the weasel fell asleep, thoughts of the green eyed cherry blossom on his mind.

me:so thats it! tell me what you think!