Fifteen Pairings

Set: Somewhere during and before Clerks.

Pairing: Dante/Randal

Inspired by the lines: "[About Dante, said by Randal] He was mine first." and "[After Dante choked him] It's kind of hard to swallow."

Title: As Planned

Veronica had asked him how many women he had slept with before they had gotten together. He had been honest with her, so why was his conscious getting to him? It wasn't his fault that she didn't ask about how many men he had slept with. Then again, in Veronica's terms, blow jobs didn't count as actual sex, so that one time with Randal didn't count either, right?

It wasn't like that one time had even lasted that long. They had both had been completely wasted, and the alcohol in their systems had destroyed any rational thought. With their heads void of thoughts—though Randal had days where he didn't act like he had any thoughts going on in there even without alcohol running through his veins—they could only feel, and feel they did.

It was years ago, way back when they were still in high school, but Dante still considered the blow job that Randal had given him one of the best ones that he had received in his life. It didn't last long—Dante didn't last long—but that was probably because of how good it had felt. Well, either that or because of how much alcohol Dante had consumed; Caitlin had cheated on him again, and he had needed to binge drink.

Randal, Randal for fucks sake, had been so good at sucking him off, Dante had to wonder if he had done it to someone before. It wouldn't surprise him. Randal probably tried to sleep with more people in a month than Caitlin did, and that was saying something.

The day after was a bit awkward for him, but Randal seemed like it didn't phase him at all. It probably hadn't, Dante had later realized. As close as they were, he probably shouldn't have been surprised as he was that it had happened. Hell, Randal had probably expected for them to full around during their friendship eventually. He wouldn't put it past him, especially with how relaxed he had been with the subject the next day.

Randal had teased him for finishing as fast as he had along with the fact that he had passed out before he could return the favor. Not that he would have, of course. Dante Hicks did not suck dick. Not even his best friend's dick. Not even his best friend's dick while he was drunk.

Of course, as he later realized (once again) later that night, nothing ever went as he planned.