Dean didn't wake up to the sun shining through the small hospital window, or the smell of food. No Dean woke up to the sound of an annoying blaring echoing through the room. "What the..." as soon as the words left his mouth Dean gathered his thoughts and realized that sound was coming from the machine connected to Sam.

"We need a doctor!" John yelled from the hospital room.

"SAM! No No No Nooo!" Dean yelled when he was rushed out of the room and could no longer see Sam because a swarm of doctors and nurses were rushing to Sam's side. "I need to stay with my brother"

"Sir, you need to give us room to try and save him" The nurse pulled the glass door shut and turned back towards the patient.

"CLEAR!" Dean heard a doctor yell and saw Sam's chest being jerked upwards.


"Dammit, charge to 300" The doctor rubbed the paddles again and again Dean had to watch Sam's body lurch off the bed.

"We got a pulse" Dean let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, "That's it, Sammy, just hold on for me"

The doctor stepped out of Sam's room closing the door behind him, "Mr. Morgan", "please call me John"

"Ok John, Sam had a lung collapse as a result of the gunshot wound we placed a chest tube for the meantime but he will need surgery to fully repair the lung. I want to wait though to give him some time to recover from the initial surgery first. The tube will ensure it doesn't collapse again" the doctor explained to the hunters.

Sam was in and out of consciousness for the next three days, John decided to let Dean have some much needed time with Sam by himself while he went to their motel to shower and maybe he would try to get a couple hours of sleep in. They were able to do the surgery and remove the tube now that Sam was getting more stable so John felt a little less guilty about running back to their motel.

Dean was slouched in the hospital chair with his feet on the end of Sam's bed, mindlessly flipping through the channels on the small room TV.

"You always hated the hospital channels" Sam half croaked-half whispered.

Dean jumped, being startled by his brother's voice. Even with Sam waking here and there he was never coherent for a conversation and he usually dozed back off within minutes.

"Yeah well, what can I say their TV sucks," switching off the TV Dean turned his attention back to Sam who was trying to lick his lips, "here let me get you some water"

Dean quickly poured some of the bedside water and held it for his brother allowing him to take small sips.

Putting the cup down Dean realized Sam had a slight smile on his face "What's so funny" Dean questioned.

"You look like crap Dean"

"I look a hell lot better than you Bitch"


Two weeks later and Sam was being released from the hospital.

"Dean knock it off" John yelled from down the hall.

"We're just having fun" Dean echoed back, referring to the wheelchair races he and Sam were currently doing in the empty hospital hallways.

"Yeah!" Sam joined in while laughing.

"Sam you literally just got released from the hospital the last thing you need to be doing is falling out of that damn wheelchair, now stop it" John was getting angry but still couldn't help the smile that came across his face at the sight of his boys just being boys.

"Yes sir," the brothers said in unison.

Sam started trying to count the popcorn ceiling kernels, 'wow, I've lost my mind' thought Sam as he laid on his bed. "Is it possible to die of actual boredom?" he asked out loud to the empty bedroom.

As if on cue Dean walked in, "Hey, how you feeling?" he managed to say through mouthfuls of his double bacon cheeseburger.

"Fine I guess"

"That bad huh?"

"No I just ugh I hate having to stay in bed for two weeks I am so sick of bed rest"

"Well here Dork I picked up your homework"

"Yes! I can work on my project so I don't get too behind"

"Oh my god, who gets excited over homework work"

"People who actually have a half a brain" Sam quipped.

"Ha. Ha." Dean said with a smirk.

"So what do you say we see a drive in? Technically it's still resting..."

"That'd be awesome, but what about dad?" Sam said not wanting to get his hopes up.

"I will talk him into it"

Dean crumpled the burger wrapper and threw it into the trash bin.


"Yeah son?"

"I was wondering if I could take Sam to a drive in"

"So you're coming in here to ask my permission?"

"Yes Sir"

"Sounds good to me, I mean Sam needs to get out of this house. I don't want him walking around or anything though."

Thankful he didn't have to put up a fight to take him, "I know thank you"

"Or the part where the vampire came around the corner and said " I WILL EAT YOU," Sam said while imitating the vampires voice from the movie. Busting out in laughter Dean sat back and listened to Sam giggle like a little kid. Man, it was good to hear that again he thought to himself. The drive-in was the best idea he had in months.

They didn't stop laughing even when they were in the house. "What's so funny?" John said with a look of confusion and happiness that Sam and Dean had the biggest smiles across there faces. Which was a nice change after the rough couple weeks they've had.

"We saw a movie about vampires and it was so fake it was hilarious" Dean managed to say while catching his breath.

John finally felt like Sam was really healing, and that they were gonna be just alright.