Hey everyone I'm so sorry if most of you thought this was an update. I do have a second part coming very soon called 'The Last Trip'. The two chapters are already up, just to get a tiny feel on how you like it. I am working on it however. So if you haven't had a change to take a look please do.

The real reason I am writing this author's note is because I very recently got a review that I really didn't like. Reviews are meant to give the authors feedback, and there thoughts on how the piece is. Not everyone is going to like your story. I get that. In a review you would tell the author what you think, and how you could change it to make it better, maybe the spelling can be worked on, the plot or the grammar. That's fine. I like it when someone is honest. It helps me become a better author.

BUT what is not right is to tell me how I ruined my story by all the spelling mistakes, and then call me a bitch –oh and then to go die in a hole. So if your reading this, I wanted to let you know that was a pretty crappy thing to do, and if you had a mean thing to say, you could of let me know who you were, instead of doing it anonymous by using Fuckyou, like a wimp.

A lot of authors have a problem with grammar, and spelling, the reason they have other people look it over before it gets published. This site was supposed to be fun and let me do something I love to do –write. I was never planning on getting any piece on Fanfiction published of course.

So next time you are going around on someone's story, and decide to write a cured review, just DON'T, and grow the hell up.

Sorry to the others who have been with me throughout this story. I have come to the end of my rambling. But please check out my second part to my story.

Thank you!