"Hello and welcome everyone to this years MadS con, the mad science convention. I'd just like to make some announcements:

Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman's panel 'you don't have to be evil to be mad: blowing stuff up for fun and profit' has been extended for another day.

To those entering the competition for the Frankenstein award for raising the dead, please note that it has been decided that zombies don't count. All subjects must also not be currently decomposing. We don't want to deal with the smell.

Dr. Forrester is showing old footage of his experiments again this year and there will be free snacks provided.

Management would like to remind everyone that alcohol is not served to minors. It doesn't matter if it's a new body, a clone or if you've been somehow de-aged. If your current physical body is under the legal drinking limit, your not getting a beer.

Doctor Brown would like to remind everyone his panel is scheduled for Saturday 5pm 1894 and anyone arriving late will not be allowed in.

Also, anyone travelling with children, specimens or assistants please make note of the pick up area near the entrance. Any lost items found by security will be brought there.

Dr Crane unfortunately cannot make it this year but asked that if anyone has any pressing questions to contact him at Arkham.

And lastly a reminder; all robots entered into the Robo-Riot tournament must be between one inches and five feet. We don't want another MirocBots Vs Gigantor incident.

That's all for now and on behalf of everyone here at MadS con I hope you all have a great time. And remember; we're doing it for SCIENCE!"

I just got thinking about what would happen at a Mad Scientist convention so I wrote this fic. I encourage anyone else to have a go to see what they come up with. (I'm kind of disappointed I couldn't fit Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog) or Dr. Insano (the Spoony Experiment) in there)

Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman are from Mythbusters (I always considered them to be mad scientists), Dr. Forrester is from Mystery Science Theatre, Doc Brown is from Back to the Future and Dr Crane (Scarecrow) is from Batman.