The King and his Harem

Chapter one – "The New Harem"

Author's POV

Black eyes stared at the ceiling, waiting patiently for time to pass. He himself was not aware what was going on outside his chamber, but he could hear a lot of feet shuffling, then "LET MY BROTHER GO, PLEASE!" a young boy voice came, he sounds no older than twelve, since his vocal cord was about to reach puberty. The dark man ignored, then the same voice screamed over and over again getting onto the man's nerve. With his last 'tsk', he quickly got up and marched to the door. "What's going on?"

All the guards in the hearing area quickly jumped to their knees with their heads down, fearing for their lives. "Your majesty" they said in union.

His majesty's eyes dart from one guard to another, not liking the scene in front of him. His eyes later rest on the little peasant boy who he assumed was making all the racket.

"You there..." his highness point to the kid "Explain your purpose here!"

The boy quiver in fear "King Sasuke, please spare my brother...he hadn't done anything wrong..." Sasuke couldn't help but notice beautiful brown eyes pleading at him. All emotion runs through him deep.

He took a deep breath and turned to his guard "Get me the prisoner; I'll be the judge of that".

Sasuke walked into his court room and made himself comfortable on his throne. Not long an older and taller man was harshly pushed into the room, forcing the man to kneel before royalty. Sasuke couldn't help but smirk at what he saw. The man's' golden hair was completely unlike anything he had ever seen, with crystal blue eyes glaring at him. He walked over to the boy and looked down at him "Are you not afraid?" it was rather a rhetorical question.

The man practically spat at him "Afraid of what?"

Something in Sasuke boiled; he lifted his left hand and slapped him across the face, the peasant male breathe slightly before returning to glare at Sasuke. The little boy was standing not too far from his brother, gasp at what his sibling just did. He knew his brother has a strong sense of justice, but to stand up to a King?

"Onii-san..." he whispered.

The golden chap turned to his brother "What are you doing here, Konohamaru?" His eyes showed fear for his little brother "Go Home!"

The ruler smirked and walked over to his brother "Are you afraid now?"

"Don't hurt him, I'm the one with the wrong doings!"

Sasuke didn't bother to listen to the peasant's plea as he nodded his head to the guard and dragged him away. The peasant began to shout "Run, Konohamaru. Don't worry about me...just get out of here!"

Sasuke sigh from the annoyance "So tell me, what did he do?"

Konohamaru looked down at his hands "Our father is sick and he needed food, my brother only stole a loaf of bread..."
"Stealing is a crime" he quickly interrupted, Sasuke was ready to walk away.

"You have to let him go, my brother has been the only one providing food on the table. We have other siblings; our youngest one can barely walk. Please sire..." Konohamaru went down on his knees in hoping in getting on a favorable side of Sasuke. "We need him!"

"What's his name?" His highness asked

"Naruto, your grace. Uzumaki Naruto" A chest box was later placed in front of him. Konohamaru looked up at his king and slowly opened the chest to reveal thousands gold coins that can last a peasant three life times. His eyes widen.

"Consider this as a purchase for your brother...Now go home" was all he said and left the boy.

Naruto resist with all his strength, trying his hardest wanting to at least escort his beloved little brother outside the palace. "Stop struggling!"

"Fuck you!" He shouted back, as if he would listen to a guard who served under a beast as a King.

"Fucking bastard" The guard hissed back and used the back of his sword and knocked him unconscious. The last thing Naruto remembered was the King coming in.

Naruto felt soft cushion like silk beneath him and he moaned. He later felt something wet on his arms and legs. Frighten by foreign feeling he quickly opened his eyes to witness maids washing and bathing him. He could smell the sweet scent of shampoo and lavender soap. "What the hell..." he muttered

"I'm so glad you're awake" He spun around to see a beautiful lean man dress in high quality clothes.

"Where am I?" Naruto was ready to remove himself from the bathing session.

"You are in the King's harem"

He almost choked on his own saliva 'Now how the fuck did I get here?'

The man smiled sweetly and strolled towards him with such grace, he later picked up a white wet cloth. He rinse out the excess water and slightly dabbed Naruto's forehead "I hope his highness have not harm you in anyway" Naruto didn't say anything; he sat still and allow the maids to continue their duty.

"My name is Iruka and I am the mother of his harem, your name?" he gave Naruto another sweet smile.

"Naruto" he coughed out quietly.

Iruka beamed a little "Welcome..."

After half an hour of bathing, using different soap on different side of his body, another maid use a green soap and Naruto jumped when the blushing girl started to clean his manhood, he quickly grabbed her hand feeling embarrassed "It's okay, I can do that!"

The girl nodded nervously and quickly left the room in a hurry.

"Come Naruto" Iruka instructed. In his hand was the most beautiful gold and blue robe he had ever seen. He stood up and another maid poured clean warm water on him, rinsing out any excess soap clinging to his tan skin.

Iruka wrapped the robe around Naruto, tying a sash around his waist "Right this way" he instructed and Naruto followed him, feeling like a lost puppy. Iruka reached out for a white towel and dry Naruto's hair "I can see why his highness decided to make you his harem"

"I'm not anything" he spat out unsatisfied.

Iruka ignore it for a moment "You are his first..." he stopped and thought back "well...rather my first time seeing golden hair and blue eyes". After drying his hair, Iruka led Naruto out the bathroom and he was shocked at how many other males there were. All were either brushing their hair in front of thousands of mirrors, or reading a book under a sakura tree 'how the hell did a tree get in here?' and some sat with each other laughing and drinking tea near the lake. It was all so strange, the room were indoors for sure and yet the scenery was outdoor. 'Fuck!' he thought as he continued to stare at his surrounding and the men 'Shit! Did the king hide half his men here?'

"Everyone" he heard Iruka started "This is Naruto, so please treat him with respect". All the men let out a sweet and feminine 'hey' Naruto looked around nervously 'am I in a gay bar by any chance?' He just gave a small manly wave.

Iruka faced Naruto again "Come Naruto, I'll introduce you to rest of the harem..."
"Wait" Naruto pause "So...everyone's here's a harem?"

"Yes, some were chosen by his grace himself, others were gifts to him and others offered themselves"

He only nodded numbly 'crazy!' "Is the king gay?"

"Goodness no" Iruka chuckle "The female harem are in a different chamber.

'There's fucking more. How often does this guy sleep?'

"His highness wanted to make sure no one touches what his. His highness harems are pure soul that can only be touched by him. By separating the rooms, it'll cause less..." he paused to think for the right words "...accident."

"I'm taking that...this accident happened before?"

"Yes, it is forbidden, so they were sentence to death"


"Sometime the room is not enough to keep them apart, but it is causing less of it"

Iruka stopped in front of a another pale feminine man, he dressed like a whore "This is Sai",

Sai gave a fake smile, he later opened them and checked Naruto up and down, who's feeling nervous from the foreign gaze. He smiled at the golden man "Do you even have a penis?"

Naruto stood there feeling more than just embarrassed, before he can lashed out on this whore "Sai" Iruka interrupted "Be nice, his new" Sai fake smile turned to Naruto as he looked away 'you can bet I'll won't be talking to you again'. "Don't mind him Naruto, he says it to everyone" Iruka beamed "Sai here, is the first harem his highness ever purchased"

Naruto was shocked; he was later drag to the next harem. This time, he was sure that this guy is really a girl "This is Haku, he was a gift". After introducing Naruto to fifty other guys, he was wiped out. It wasn't the presentation itself, but rather the walking to everyone, that was exhausting. Who knew this place was bigger than a village.

Naruto sat down his sore feet and let out a huffed near the river. He heard a couple of females giggling on the other side of him. He turned to see a pale blue wall. Naruto got back on his feet and looked up the 'great-wall-of-China' and notice a gap between the wall and the ceiling. Without taking to any considerations, he looked around for anything to climb. He spotted the sakura tree and mount on the branches until he reached the length of the divider. He noticed the head of a water fall and other trees ahead in the gap. Getting excited. He quickly stepped a bit closer through the windows to the girls. He was getting frustrated that he still can't see anything properly.

On the other side of the wall, Naruto could hear a gate opened and all the girls were squealing and gasping. He wanted to know what going on, he haven't had any excitement since he got here, except for the fact that he was now a harem with fifty other guys.

Naruto smiled knowing he's very close to what the girls were squealing about. He got to the edge of the weak branch and he can finally clung both his hands on the gap. Naruto's eyes began to dart, he couldn't help but blush. All the female there was like goddesses, they were in different color clothes, different looks, the only thing they all have in common were that they were all drop dead gorgeous.

Naruto started to chuckle getting close to his reward, he squinted his eyes where most of the girls hovering over. He let out another grunt and pushed his weight a little more as his hands were beginning to slipped.


His eyes widen 'what the fuck was that...'


Naruto began to wobble and the walls began to shake.

All male harems notice the divider was shaking uncontrollably, they all screamed (femininely of course) to the other side as the fence began to sway one side to another.

The girls on the other end panicked and ran away from the wall, while the others were still clutching to the thing they were squealing at.

Following his extinct, Naruto held onto the barrier tightly, fearing death. "SHHHHIIIT!" he shouted. Everyone watched in fear as the 'great-wall-of-China' collapse like a mountain, blowing heavy dusty winds.

Once the dusty air began to clear up, everyone turned their attention to see Naruto coughing from the impact and still holding onto the barrier firmly. He smiled sheepishly at the sight of all the beautiful girls staring at him, giving him all the attention he always wanted, his faced fell just as quick at the sight of who the girls been hovering over.

King Sasuke...

And did not look please.


"Thanks for reading guys, please review!"

- g-suke