**Sequel Update**

***Part 2***


You remember that thing that I used to do when I posted the parts of the story that I wrote and you guys read it and responded and we this kinda connection through the story? I can happen again cuz I'm posting the first chapter of the sequel for REALIZE which I"VE JUST NAMED (literally like 5 minutes ago) GOTTA BE YOU... It's a One Direction song if you want to listen to it, and I thank everyone who's sent in music ideas and suggestions for me to listen to. They've either sparked some big idea that made me pick up a piece of paper and get that scene outlined before it left me in that very moment or resonated in me deeply and it's a song that I keep on replay on my iPod (I Ron Pope's a Drop in the Ocean that BLooDYMaRa sent me) When I post the next 2-3 chapters (depending on how I decide to divide it after I write it) and if you listen to the song, you should understand why I liked the song for this (I'm going in this direction where the guys need to back up what they said in the first story. They've exchanged words, gauntlets have been laid down and now it's time to prove it. How far are they willing to go to prove that she's the the one they have to be with. And I say they/she because I don't wanna get specific with characters because I'm teetering with ideas)


We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But the important thing is... I'M STARTING TO POST THE SEQUEL! (it'll probably be up not that long after this because all I have to do is save, upload, and post)

But I hope you like it and keep going on this journey with me :)
