

"Good morning, Light," L took a seat next to him as I sat on the opposite side.

He grimaced lightly. "Morning, Ryuzaki." Then he turned to me. "Good morning, Mia."

I nodded. This was the first time I was able to sit next to him in class. "Morning."

"So I assume everything went okay yesterday evening," L commented as he stared ahead at the board. "Right?"

Light nodded. "I guess I owe it to you for giving me the opportunity to getting to know Mia."

"I'm glad," A small smile spread on L's face. Then he seemed to remember something. "Oh, Mia I must talk to you later on in private."

Now you know something's up if they want to talk to you in private. Of course, the duration of class, rather than trying to understand the lecture, I was too busy wondering what on Earth L would've wanted.

"Come take a seat," L crouched on the bench outside, under a tree.

I did so. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Now I know that you've been aiming to take a career under the police department and whatnot. I was thinking if you would want to take part of a certain case... So I can see just how much effort you can put into being a detective," L explained. "If I see enough potential... I can reconsider having you as my successor in line."

It took me a moment to take that all in. I was finally given the chance to show L that I can be just as good as his other successors, maybe even better. I turned to him, "You're telling the truth right? Are you being serious?"

"As serious as I can be," He replied. "I talked this over with Watari and he agrees to let you join the investigation team."

"Investigation team of what?" I asked.

He cleared his throat. "Have you heard of Kira?"

"Kira..." I thought about it for an instant. "Oh, that person who has been killing criminals... Yes, I've seen news reports about him and such. Why?"

"I know you better than anyone in the investigation force, excluding Watari. I know you won't do anything that may endanger anybody's life." L said. "I want you to join the investigation team on the Kira case."

I stayed silent.

"You can take your time thinking it over," He said.

"I-I don't need any time," I told him. "I want to become a detective. I'll do it."

L gave me a blank stare, and then that smile came across his lips again. "I'm glad."

"MIA!" My name was screamed out from the distance. The both of us turned around.

I mumbled, "Who in God's name—"

A petite blonde girl in a cute Lolita outfit came running to us. Of course, it was Misa.

"M-Misa..." I began.

She panted, not caring of the students around her making a fuss. "Mia, I've decided that since you're here in Japan, I will make the most of it!" She grabbed my hand. "Come with me. We're going to go shopping!"

"Oh... But I'm with L right now—" I tried to get out of it.

"I don't mind. You two ladies take your time. Mia, I'll come with Light tonight to pick you up at work." L nodded.


It was too late; Misa had already dragged me to numerous boutiques, salons and other beauty stores.

Some people like to touch the pool of their feminine facade. I was drowned by Misa.

"Wah!" Misa cooed at me and gave me a hard hug. "You look so fabulous!"

She hadn't offered me a makeover. She forced me to. Of course, she didn't do it herself. I suppose I should thank her for paying the salons and all that for me. She may be a very demanding woman, but she isn't extremely selfish.

I placed my glasses back on my face and my vision cleared. I looked at the hairdresser's mirror. Okay. I realised then that I looked different when I had makeup, but still recognisable. I never knew my hair was that long, ending much past my shoulders. I had tied it into a bun for so long I didn't notice it. The hairdresser layered my hair, making it seem more modern than my old boring style.

Misa even bought me new glasses. She suggested on getting me contacts, but they freaked me out a little, you know, with the whole having to touch my eyeball thing, so I declined.

Along with the hair, makeup and glasses, she bought me a hell of a lot of clothes. She told me not to wear all that baggy stuff anymore, and turn to cute attire that will flatter my body.

Like that maid uniform.

I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't enjoy having new items being bought for me.

I checked the time. "It's almost 4:00... Uh..." I turned to my friend. "I'm sorry Misa, but I have to be heading off now. My shift at work starts in 15 minutes."

"Why don't I drop you off with the car?" Misa smiled. "Just give me directions!"

...I didn't see any harm in that. She could just drop me outside of the building. She doesn't have to know what I work as. Soon enough, we were nearing the café, and I asked the driver to stop. The café was located deep in the tall building, so there was no way Misa could narrow it down to that.


She gasped. "Do you work at Doll Maid Café!"

I exhaled. "Um... Perhaps," I opened the door. "Well, um, thank you for today. I promise I'll pay you back," I took the bags full of bought outfits and products.

Misa shook her head. "No need, Mia! You can pay me back by allowing me to snack at the café with you one day!" She winked.

I blushed. Maybe she was smarter than I thought of her to be. I quickly ran into the café and got changed into my uniform. My co-workers blinked at me.

"Did you buy all of that today, Raina?" Ami asked me.

"Oh," I glanced at the bags by my foot in the back of the shop. "A friend of mine... She offered to buy some things for me."

"You're so lucky you have a friend who's willing to buy you that much stuff," She smiled. "By the way, I love your new hair, it's very chic."

"Ah," I touched my hair. "That would be thanks to my friend as well."

"Did she dedicate a whole day to making you over?" She giggled. "If so, well done. I'm sure some of our customers will be very pleased to see your new appearance."

I walked out with my tray, ready to take orders and be the maid of the otakus.

"Raina? Is that you!" One of my usual customers exclaimed.

I smiled nervously. "Do I look too different? I've been getting a few comments on it so..."

"Y-You look great!" His cheeks turned red. "I didn't think it was possible for you to get any cuter..."

I laughed. "Well, thank you, Master. What would you like to order today?"

It was five to nine. I wasn't as nervous as I was the night before, but I was a little concerned on how L would see me after seeing me in this uniform. I had so many thoughts on him changing his opinion on me. Maybe Light would do me the favour of telling him beforehand, so he would be prepared on what he'd see.

"Raina!" Ami called. "That same guy is back here again! But this time he's got this strange man with him..."

I looked out the door. There they were. I sighed and tried to slow my heart rate. Taking small steps towards them, they noticed me. I waved weakly, and again, I stared down at my shoes.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Mia," Light told me. "I explained it to Ryuzaki already."

"Oh," I bit my lip. "Thank you."

L scratched his head as he examined me. Rather than commenting on my clothing, he said, "Did you get a haircut?"

Light then inspected my head. "It looks nice."

"Misa... She made me get one," I admitted.

"Don't worry. My opinion of you has not altered because of where you work. I understood that you had no choice," L replied to me. "Besides, that uniform is very... fitting."

No, not these comments again. "I-I'll get changed and we can head out."

As soon as I did, we sat into a car and were driven to the apparent 'headquarters' of this investigation. I'll admit I was a little excited. The place where the team were was in a hotel. A little strange for a case to be examined, but whatever floated their boat.

Coming inside the hotel room, I was met with another five middle aged men working on the case. Introducing themselves, their names were Soichiro Yagami, Touta Matsuda, Shuichi Aizawa, Kanzo Mogi and Hideki Ide. It was nice to meet them all.

Then an elderly man walked into the room with a tray filled with eight cups of tea.

I gasped, "Watari!"

He looked up at me and gave me a smile. "It is nice to see you once again, young Mia."

By the time he said that, I didn't care about proper etiquette in Japan. I ran up to the aged gentleman and wrapped my arms around his chest. He was taller than I remembered. He gave a low chuckle and patted my back. "I understand you have missed me, what with the continuous calls every few nights."

I shook my head. "It's not my fault you're like my grandfather."

"I'm happy to take up that role in your life," He stroked my hair once and then stood beside L.

"So Ryuzaki," I looked over at him. "What am I going to do now?"

"Make a list of all the criminals that are dying daily with Matsuda. I also want you to learn how to hack into computers with me," L instructed.

That shouldn't be too hard. I sat by Matsuda, greeting him again. He smiled nervously and passed me numerous sheets of the criminals that have already died, and then giving me a small tutorial on how to find out who has died via the laptop.

It was much easier than I expected it to be.

Everyone else in the team took their places and continued to work. I looked over at L, seeing over his shoulder. I adjusted my spectacles and tried to see a clearer vision of just what he was looking at on those several monitors in front of him.

Someone strapped to a chair, blindfolded and restrained with a straitjacket. Her blonde hair was all too familiar, with its two short pigtails on both sides. She was crying.

I tried to find my breath.

"Mr. Stalker? Where are you? P-Please, do you think we could stop this game now?"


Thanks for reading it up to here! Please be kind and leave a review on what you think so far. If you were wondering how Mia looks like after the makeover, there is a link on my profile to her picture. Thanks again!