Light spilled onto my eyelids, stirring me awake from a re-occuring creepy dream; I was glad for morning. Sweat clung to the over-sized t-shirt I'd thrown on before collapsing in bed last night in little bunches on my back. Absolutely disgusting. I rolled over.

Draco Malfoy was still snoring away peacefully, blonde strands of hair hanging cautiously over his eyes. I pushed them back gently. It was times like these (when I was so close to him I could feel his heart vibrating the sheets beneath us) that I seriously wondered what it would be like without him. My fingers found their way to his cheek and stroked the warm skin from his temple to his chin. Draco had a really nice chin; I wondered...if we ever conceived a child...would the baby have a chin like his? Or maybe his eyes. I could die happy staring into those shades of gray...

Draco stirred suddenly, snapping me out of my adoration. I cleared my throat and sat up quickly.

"'Morning," He smiled up at me, still dazed with sleep. I smiled back nervously.

"Good morning."

He shifted, lying on his back and crossing his arms beneath his head. His eyelids fluttered closed again, and I struggled to untangle myself from the sheets before I was caught counting his eyelashes. He glanced up at me.

"Going somewhere?"

I couldn't keep the smile off my face at his flirty tone; I turned to hide it, heading to the coffee-maker. He chuckled. The silky sheets sounded like windchimes as he rose from the bed as well, and I could feel him walking towards me. Every footstep tingled my spine.

His arms wrapped around my waist playfully.

"May I help you?" I teased, and he gave an amused smirk.

"Trying to play hard to get, Greengrass?"

"More like trying to make some coffee." I slid out from under his arms and filled the rumbling machine with water.

Draco raised his eyebrows at me and sat down on the bed with an uneasy smile, pretending the lack of making out was hurting his feelings. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"And what would you like to do today, sir?"

He smiled mischieviously. "Get you back in bed. And stay there, all day."

I walked over and stood between his legs, cupping his face in my hands and kissing his forehead. I nuzzled my nose to his cheek and ran my fingers through the hair on the back of his head.

"We have plenty of time, Draco," I said softly, "But I need coffee now. Bad night."

He kissed my neck. "Another bad dream?"

I resisted the urge to press my face against his chest and hold it there for the rest of my life.


"Maybe we should look into those, love. Dream journal?"

I snorted. "That sounds ridiculous."

He chuckled and then made his voice sound the way it used to, back when I first met him. He squared his shoulders firmly to add the effect. "It's my idea, therefore it is not ridiculous."

"Hmm, so conceited!" I teased, and he laughed and grabbed my waist, pulling me on top of him. We kissed for a minute, and then I crawled off the bed and caught a glimpse of my hair in the mirror. I sighed. It looked like I'd been hit a couple time by a truck. My eyes wandered to the clock. Almost 9am. Damn.

Draco pulled a shirt over his head and began digging through the dresser for some pants. He slipped them on and then paused, glancing over to me.

"If you don't want to go to work today, I can pull some strings-"

"No. No, that's okay, honey. But thanks." My eyes were still on my reflection, weary and weather-worn. I attempted to give him a smile.

He raised his eyebrows at me and continued rushing to get ready, fixing his tie. He threw on his shoes one at a time and stopped behind me on the way to the door. He pulled my bed-head hair over my shoulders and smiled.

"Astoria." His voice got all soft, the way it did when he purposely wanted to make my heart melt inside my chest. As overly self-assured, tempermental, and ignorant Draco could be, there was at least three other traits five times better, hidden inside him. I breathed like it was my second-to-last breath. Whatever Draco had wanted to say next, it was disappearing. I saw it in his eyes.

"Yes?" I supplied quickly, innocently, and he turned my shoulders carefully so I was facing him.

Draco Malfoy cleared his throat as if he was nervous. The first word and the last word of that sentence was something I've never heard of, but here he was, standing in front of me, his eyes a mixture of fear and excitement. My own heart started racing.

"I suppose I should do this the right way." He smirked at me, the way he did on our first date that slightly turned me on and annoyed me at the same time. I swallowed.

Soon enough he was on one knee, and had taken my limp hand in his. The other hand found its way under the bed and came back up with a tiny silver velvet box.

"Astoria Greengrass, I love you."

My heart skipped a couple beats. I tried to slow my breathing. Draco smiled, eyes sly, and ignored my spazz-matic behavior.

"Will you do me the honor of taking my hand in marriage?"