By ThomasandTUGSFan

Chapter 1 - Japan Here We Come

It was summer and the young adults rugrats were planning their summer vacation at the Java Lava, however they're not going together. Phil, Lil and Chuckie were planning to go to Las Vegas and with Angelica working at her business in New York and Susie was in L.A as she has her own recording contract, but she was still in contact with the young adult rugrats via mobile and Facebook. Tommy and Kimi were both planning a trip on their own to Japan to meet Kimi's biological father and her step-mother and her half-baby sister. Tommy was surprised.

"So...um Kimi? Why have you invited me?" asked Tommy.

"Well my real dad would like to meet you as I wrote in my letter to him that you're going out with me and maybe we might connect with each other in Japan." said Kimi.

"Well that's great" said Tommy. And they both held hands.

"So what are you guys gonna do when you're in vegas?" asked Tommy.

"The usual stuff that everyone does in Vegas. Gamble and get drunk like crazy!" said Phil.

"Phillip!" said an annoyed Lil. "Yes we're going to gamble and drink, but not crazy!"

"Oh great(!)" murmured a sarcastic Phil. "But you know it's a shame that you guys can't come."

"We'll be fine in Japan don't worry" said Tommy. "But it just something that Kimi want to do with me" he smiled as he kissed Kimi.

"Hey love birds! Public!" said Lil and both Tommy and Kimi both blushed.


Tommy got his bags ready and headed down stairs, Dil was there to see his brother off.

"Have fun in Japan big bro" said Tommy. "Thanks Dil, I will" said Tommy. And they both hugged.

Stu and Didi were waiting outside in the family car and when Tommy put his luggage in the boot, he hopped on board and they all went to airport. When they arrived, they saw Chas and Kira with Kimi waiting with her bags. When the Pickles pulled up in the car park, they met up with the Finsters and soon the annoucer says,

'Flight for A380 for Japan is now boarding. Flight A380 for Japan is now boarding' and so both Tommy and Kimi said goodbye to their parents and they headed to their plane. When they both got their seats they both said, "Japan here we come!" and so the plane took off and charging through the skies, Tommy and Kimi have left America to Kimi's homeland Japan.

E.O.C 1