A/N: This is the first series in a project I've had in mind for some time. I'm calling it "Switched." It's me basically taking a normal Kurofai AU setting, and switching the roles. For example, I'm sure you've all read at least one story where Fai is a prostitute of some sort….so I decided to write a story with Kurogane being the prostitute! Get it?

And here is the product of that line of thought.

(It's just the prologue…so no action yet *wink wink*)


Switched: 1. Stripped


Everyone loved to stare at the Flourite mansion on 21st street. The polished marble pillars were a particular favorite, as they rose out of the ground screaming of sheer power and magnificence. And to those who could not and would never afford a trip to Rome, this glorious architecture was enough of a treat. But if the stonework and masonry didn't impress then surely the stained glass windows that adorned the east side would make a lasting impression. Fragile glass imbued with swirling billows of color gave life to fantastic scenes right out of a dream. And if that wasn't enough then the rows upon rows of Dutch tulips and French roses coupled with the towering willow tree that sent twirling tendrils into the night air would surely stun any onlooker.

All in all, the place commanded an exotic, bizarre, and strangely fascinating atmosphere. In one word: it was Magical!

As a young woman's feet scrambled across the adjacent pavement, she paused to smell the fragrance emanating from beyond the metal gates. Tilting her chin up and closing her eyes she forgot her worries and relaxed, even if just for a moment. Opening her eyes, she glanced across the garden at the house: smiling in gratitude. Even if no one could see her, she wanted to show her thanks for that brief moment of calm that the aroma had gifted to her. But as she looked she saw the figure of Mr. Flourite through the colored glass. She recognized him immediately by his tall stature and elegant stance. Something about him looked strange, though. For one, he was pacing. Back and forth. He also looked like he'd been at it for some time. The distance was far but she could almost imagine an uncharacteristic frown on his pale face, filled with worry.

She sighed. Everyone had their own problems, it seemed. Wishing the young man good luck as she passed, she found that her path was suddenly blocked. A man was standing there with his fingers entwined into the black metal gates. Like her, he was staring intently at the man in the window. He hadn't stopped. Even when she'd bumped into him. Whatever it was he was thinking about, it must have been serious. He was frowning. The strange red tint of his eyes would have normally looked menacing, if not demonic, but he too seemed worried. He's eyes filled with an innocent childlike curiosity and hint of anxiousness.

It was only as she rounded the corner that she realized, with a jolt, that the stranger was none other than the resident Gigolo. He'd been the stripper at her sister's bachelorette party! She giggled to herself as a wide range of indecent thoughts raced around in her mind. She backtracked and looked over at the gate, but the man wasn't there anymore. He wasn't at the gate at least. He was, however, slowly making his way to the front entrance. Oh dear!

As she walked away, the woman smiled to herself and wished both men happiness.

A/N: Tada! If you wanna know what happens when Fai gets Kuro-sexy to be his man-service….then REVIEW!

Review like you've never reviewed before! Constrictive criticism is great when accurate, and any comments whatsoever will be loved.

Warning: there will be a plot…not just mindless man-sex… okay?

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!