Sadly I do not own Merlin. It belongs to the BBC.

This story is dedicated to Cooper101, as this story was their idea.

Enjoy :D

Merlin entered Arthur's chambers and woke him up. When Arthur started to stir, Merlin walked over to his window to open his drapes. "Can you please tell me why I had to get you up at the crack of dawn?"

"I'm going on patrol with father and he likes to start out not long after the sun rises."

"And what am I doing whilst your gone?"

"I want you to clean my armour, clean the stables and my room, groom my horses and make sure all of my hunting gear is up to scratch as me and you are going hunting tomorrow."

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes Merlin."

"But you don't catch nearly half as much with me as you do when you go hunting with your knights because they are quiet and quick. I'm noisy and clumsy."

"All the more reason for you to go with me tomorrow Merlin."

Merlin started getting Arthur's clothes out for the day. "I'll only be on patrol for a couple of hours, so I'll have my breakfast when I come back."

After Arthur got dressed, he left his chambers to meet his father. As soon as he left, Merlin lifted his arm up, outstretched his hand and muttered an incantation. As his eyes flashed gold the floor went from dusty to clean, the drapes went from creased and messy to straight and tidy, Arthur's bed went from unmade to made, the top of his table went from dusty to gleaming and the papers on the table went from all over the table to being stacked up in a neat pile. Merlin smiled to himself. "Done."

He was about to walk out of Arthur's chambers when Arthur came walking back in. "Merlin, I need you to-" Arthur stopped in mid sentence when he noticed his chambers. He looked at Merlin. "Put it back to the way it was."

"Arthur." Merlin moaned.

"Merlin." Arthur replied mockingly. "You do not use your magic to do your chores. Put it back the way it was. Now." Merlin sighed before saying the incantation, Arthur saw his eyes glow gold before his room went back to the state it was in when he left the room five minutes ago.

"Do it manually or else Merlin. Go and saddle up mine and my fathers horse." Merlin walked out the room followed by a smug looking Arthur.

When Merlin saw Uther and Arthur ride off he went straight to Arthur's chambers and used the cleaning spell he used before, after that he went down into the armoury and polished Arthur's armour (with magic.) and went to the stables to clean them (manually, in case he was spotted.)

Knowing Arthur will be a couple of hours, he went back to his chambers and asked Gaius to wake him in an hour.

After what didn't seem like no time at all, Gaius was shaking Merlin awake. "Come on Merlin. Get up."

"Right. I'm awake." Gaius shook his head and left Merlin to do his rounds. Merlin must have fallen asleep again because he felt someone shaking his arm, quite roughly. "Alright Gaius. I'll get up now, why did you have to shake me so roughly? It's not as if Arthur's back."

"Actually, Arthur is back." said a familiar voice.

Merlin opened his eyes and looked up to see Arthur looking down at him. "You are unbelievable. Please don't tell me that the only reason you went to sleep is because you did all your chores using magic."

"Ok I won't."

"Merlin. You know what? Just forget it. Get my breakfast and be in my chambers in five minutes." Arthur ordered as he stormed out of Merlin's room.

When Arthur finished eating his breakfast he stood up. "Is my hunting gear ready?"

Merlin frowned. "It is. But why do you want to know that for if we're not going hunting until tomorrow?"

"Because we are going hunting today."


"Well we wasn't going to, but it's still fairly early and you only have yourself to blame. If you didn't do all your chores by magic then we wouldn't be going until tomorrow."

"This isn't fair."

"Life isn't Merlin."

"Oh I know that. I found that out as soon as Uther said to me 'you shall be prince Arthur's manservant'."

"Careful what you say to me before we go hunting otherwise I might just shoot you instead of an animal."

Whilst Arthur was moving quietly through the forest keeping his eyes peeled for the slightest movement, Merlin decided to stay still and just watch Arthur. If I stay here and don't move then he can't blame me for making a noise that scares the animals away. He thought.

"Merlin." Arthur whispered, gesturing for him to come to him with his hand. "Do you see something?" Merlin asked when he approached Arthur. "Yes."

"What kind of animal is it?"

"It's not an animal."

"Then what is it?"

Arthur looked at Merlin. "You really are unbelievable. If it isn't an animal and there is something moving over there then it has to be a person. Idiot."

Arthur lifted his crossbow and aimed it towards the bushes. "I am prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. Reveal yourself."

"Oh Know who you are." a woman said as she emerged from the bushes. "I have been waiting for you, Prince Arthur of Camelot, son of Uther Pendragon."

"What do you want?" Arthur asked, not lowering his crossbow.

"What I want is what I shall have." she smirked.

"Which is?"

"Revenge." she lifted her hand up and a blast of red light shot out of her hand and headed towards Arthur. Merlin stood in front of him and lifted his hand up, shooting a purple light out of his hand making it connect with the red light coming from the witch.

"Merlin Emrys, the sorcerer who will one day be the greatest and most powerful sorcerer of all time, but for now, you are still young, you are still learning." the witch joined both of her hands together making the red light more powerful. With one strong push of her hands, her red light forced Merlin's purple light back towards him, as soon as the purple light disappeared, the witches red light hit Merlin square in the chest causing him to cry out in pain as he went flying through the air.

Arthur drew his sword and went charging at the witch in anger only to see her laugh before disappearing.

Sorry to leave it like that. the next chapter will be up within two to three days.

Message to Cooper101: What do you think?

Review? x