".." – Talking



It was 8:56 in the mourning when Jacob's dad was calling him from downstairs.

"Jacob" yelled Billy

Jacob grunted and rolled onto his back "what dad"

"Bella is here to see you get down here right now"

It has been Two months since the big fight with Victoria and her young vampires. My shoulder is feeling much better but im still mad at Bella for not choosing me and choosing the leech instead. I got of my bed and went downstairs to see Bella sitting in the living room I sat down in a chair across from here and waited.

"Hello Jacob"


"Ummmmmmmm I have something to tell you"


"I'm leaving for Alaska tonight because I got enrolled in the college early"

Even though I was mad at Bella I still love her we have been friends for so long and I don't want to ruin that for some leech. I stood up and gave her a huge.

"Wow that is great did you tell Edward"

She frowned"yeah we broke up"

"Oh…that's really sad. I'm sorry"

"Its ok its not your fault but we decided to call it quits and just move on but I will always love him im not the type of girl to have a long distance relationship"

"Ok well I wish you all the best"

"thank I have to be going or ill miss my flight'

"Yeah bye" I hugged her again.

"Bye Jacob"

"Call me when you reach Ok"

"Promise" She said and left.

I closed the door behind her and went into the kitchen to see my dad making eggs and pancakes.

"I'm guessing you heard dad'

"Yup I did. She's a really great girl You know that right"

"yes….yes I do".


It has been a month since bella have been gone and i miss her so much even though we broke up i still love he.

"edward we all are goin hunting do u care to join us sweetie" said esme

"No im ok ill just stay here ok"

"alright" esme kissed me on the cheek and left.

when i knew they were gone i went up to my room play my piano. I started to play the song that i played to bella the first time she came over for dinner. i was so into playing that i didnt pick up a scent that a wolf was here until i heard the doorbell rang i ran downstairs to the door and saw Jacob. he grew a little taller than the last saw him. i looked him from head to toe and i saw alot of things that i liked i smiled and looked into his eyes.

"ummmmmmm if your finish undressing me with your eyes can you invite me in"

"yeah sorry" I moved and let him in "sorry"

"Wheres evryone else"

"they went out for a hunt i see you have something for me"

I stared down at the box and he handed it to me.

"oh yeah give this to ya dad it's mportant"

"Ok thanks"

He looked at me and headed for the door when i called his name.

"Jacob!" He turned around.


"would you like to hang out i know that were not best of friends but i would like to get to know you" I said

He looked at me" well im 18, native american, favorite color black, Hate vampires, love bikes and thats all you need to know about me.

He turned to leave agin but i grabbed his wrist." wait jacob please im really sorry for all i have done to you but can we aleast try to get along"

He looked at me "Fine what do you want to do its already 7"

I smiled" how about we catch a movie i heard that inception just came out"


" Great we'll take my car" I grabbed my keys and we were on our way.

The whole drive to the movies were just small talk which means i asked all the questions and he gave short answers. We saw the movie and I taught it was Great but from reading jacobs mind i can tell he hated it because he was so focused on getting out of here. When we got back in the car we drove in silence when i heard his stomach growl.

'Man i forgot to eat i'm so hungry'

I looked at him and said "hey would you like to go to a restaurant and eat something"

"oh yeah Your the leech that can read minds" He smiled

"wow was that a smile i just got i didnt know that werewolves can smile"

"Dont push your luck and correction were shapeshifters and just because i smiled doesnt mean that i like you it would take more than a smile for me to like you" he said

"So Your saying i have a chance to make you like me'' I said while pulling into a pizza parlor.

We got our tables and ordered a cheese pie with coke for each of us.

he started to chow down on his slices while i watched him. im actually starting to like him. He looked up"what are you staring at"

I ignored his question" Why dont you like me"

"theres so many that it would be easier to give you the reasons why i like you"

"So you do like me"

"no i do not"

"then why are you Blushing"

"Edward why dont you shove it"

"I would love to shove somewhere else" I smiled evily.

Before he can say anything the waiter came with our check and we got ready to go home we decided that since its so late ill drop him home and hell get his car tommorow. We pulled up to his house and sat in the car for awhile.

"i'lll have to admit i enjoyed myself tonight" He said

"My pleasure maybe we can go on a real date next time"

he turned to me" tonight was not a date so dont get any ideas plus i will never date my best friends ex."

" Fair enough but i really like you and maybe one day u will like me"

"i doubted it"


"because my pack will not approve"

"who needs there approval"

he looked at me" You know edward before bella came back to forks i had always liked you i wanted to be your one and only love and i think i even started falling in love with you but when you started dating bella i swore from that day i will hate you for the rest of my life i wanted to be bella i wanted it to be 'edward and jacob' not'edward and bell' but i knew that would never happen so i llet it go and continued on with my life when i saw how much you cared for bella and you would kill anyone who trried to hurt her i gave up i tried to forget you but i couldnt many nights i would stay up and cry thinking to myself what i couldve done better but it never seemed to work and thats why i have been sure a bitch to you."

Edward looked at jacob shocked at what he had just said but jacob got out of the car and headed for his house. edward jumped out after him and ran behind him.

"Jacob wait''

''what edward i knew you didnt care i dont even know why i told you that'' jacob took out his keys about to open the door. Until i turned him around and his lips met with mines he was shocked at first but sank into the kiss. i took my tounge to his lips and asked for entrance he opened up and we kissed passionately until the need for air pulled us apart. He look into my eyes and smiled.

"edward i wanted that for so long you dont even know''

"goodnight jacob'' i pecked him on the lips then left.

ok first chapter done plz read and review plz give me some ideas and who should be pregnaunt. Thank You i have so mush more to come.