Time: 9:06 PM
Well hello there everyone! Where have I been these past few weeks? Months? Where indeed? Well... I took a break from Avatar related stuff and started writing Jimmy Neutron fiction. (If you want to check it out, I won't complain!) But then I realized that I hadn't written anything Avatard-ish in a while. Ouch girl! Anyways, I hadn't written anything for a while (this whole month of November actually) because it is National Novel Writing Month! For everyone who knows what I'm talking about whoo-hoo! For anyone who doesn't, it's quite simple. For the month of November, I have been writing a novel. And I am sad to say that after too many weeks of pouring out my guts and glory, I have almost made it. But my schoolwork is showing the results of my hard work, and so I have told myself that I am not going to finish that novel in a month. Boo hoo. But... for some strange reason, I had time to finish a short chapter. I'm awful aren't I? haha
Anyways, I love reviews! Keep them coming and let me know whatcha think!
Disclaimer: No. Still, after all these months, I don't own Avatar! :(
Here he was. His home.
Two long years had trudged by, Aang sitting softly in his little room, barely moving, barely breathing. The only thing he usually did was stare out the window in the healing hut. Staring. Staring out into the white blustery landscape, never saying a word, except a 'thank you' to the healers that came daily.
But now.
After two hell ridden years of torture and healing he was now home.
He was leaning against a tree, his head lifted towards the sky. Was it right to come back now? Would she accept him back, after thinking he was dead all these years?
He then lowered his head, feeling a sob break out inside him, but he held it in forcefully. Nearly a hundred earth kingdom soldiers had lost their life on that fateful day. And Sokka. Aang squeezed his eyes shut tightly. Sokka had risked his life, and death was his punishment.
Why couldn't it have been me? He thought angrily, biting his lower lip harshly.
Forcing his feelings deep inside him, he focused his thinking on Katara. His beautiful wife.
The Southern air temple was so deserted that at first thought, Aang had thought that she had left their home and moved back to the south; her original home. He had snuck in there, in disguise, and looked around. Every person he asked had told him they hadn't seen her in years and that there were rumors that she and the Avatar were killed in that fire nation rebellion almost three years ago. Upon hearing this, Aang's heart pounded weakly, ready to give up. It was that small, nagging feeling that he needed to continue his search that led him to Zuko's palace, asking if he knew anything about her whereabouts.
When Zuko first saw him, there was a strong moment of shock that was soon followed by a hug so compelling, that Aang thought he would have to glue his bones back into place.
After spending the night at the palace, Zuko finally told him the whereabouts of his wife. His heart leaping in joy, he set out on foot towards the southern air temple.
Why didn't I think of looking here first? He mentally kicked himself. All that fire must have done something to my head.
But now. Now, here he was. Leaning against a tree in his own yard, watching and waiting. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, or how he was going to present himself to Katara, but he knew he needed to do it before sundown.
Groaning slightly, he leaned his back against the tree and shook his head. Am I able to do this to her? To them? I've been gone for two years of their life…will I mess everything up if I come back now? Lifting his arm, he stared at the blotchy and pink burnt skin he had made the healers leave. The only part of his body they didn't heal. He kept it to remind him of what happened that fateful day in the fire nation.
He closed his eyes. It seemed just like yesterday to him. Even though two years, almost three, had passed, the pain was still raw in his heart for all that had happened. It was one wound he would never be able to heal, even with all the power in the world.
Putting his arm back at his side he opened his eyes, suddenly hearing a small sound. Looking down, he found a small boy walking along the small path that led to a pond nearby. Aang tilted his head slightly, taking in the boy. He was incredibly young really, a very very young toddler. The boy turned, upon seeing a stranger and lifted his large gray eyes up to Aang's.
Aang, trying to smile friendly, squatted down and looked closely at the boy. He noticed the short brown hair he had, that looked freshly cut.
"Hello," he said softly.
The boy blinked as if afraid, but showed no sign of backing up or running off.
Aang chuckled to himself lightly. "It's okay, you don't need to be afraid. I used to live here you know."
Blinking more, the child opened his mouth slightly. "Are you the air spirit mommy always talks to when she's sad?"
Tilting his head slightly, the smile on Aang's face faded. "Air spirit? Oh no no, I'm a human, like you. I guess I'm just visiting is all." He looked to the pond to his right, "I've lost something dear to me, and came to see if I could find it."
Something hitting him, he flashed his eyes back to the child. "I wasn't able to hear your footsteps," He breathed. "Only a few people can sneak up successfully on me. People who jump out of the sky, or people who are…." His eyes went wide as he stared at the kid, "Or people who can walk on air."
The boy tilted his head, not understanding what this strange man was saying. But since the man seemed nice, he smiled and reached his hand out towards the Avatar.
Aang felt the small child's hand land on his knee as the boy looked up in wonder at the tall stranger.
It was at that instant that Aang heard footsteps vibrating through the earth. His ears perked up at the sound of twigs snapping and light footsteps crunching the dry leaves. The boy obviously heard the intruder too, as he had moved away from Aang and went around the tree.
Out of view, he heard the boy's voice rise with excitement and felt his body tense up. Is that boy really who I think it is?
"Mommy, mommy! Come! I met this really nice man. I want to show him to you."
"Man? Honey, there are no other people here except you and me."
"No really mommy! He said he used to live here, and he's so nice!"
There was a gap of silence. "Used to live here?" The womanly voice started to say something again, but as she came around the tree, her voice stopped.
Aang stood still as his eyes met hers, his mouth slightly open. Her body froze at the sight of the man, eyes wide and fearful.
Finally, Aang swallowed the lump in his dry throat and took a step forward.
"Hello Katara," he whispered.