My mother was pacing around her office, her eyes were fierce and her tone was one I hated to hear as she lectured, well more like yelled at me.
"Cameron Ann Morgan, do you not understand that the circle is after you?"
"Yes Ma'am"
I said my head was down, I was so embarrassed that she was scolding me like a little child especially with my hot Cov Ops teacher standing right there.
"Well it certainly doesn't seem like it, you can't just go sneaking out any time you want, what if someone from the circle saw you? What if you were taken? We wouldn't know!"
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking"
I said a little louder then a whisper.
"Obviously you weren't thinking! I thought my daughter would know better then to take such a big risk."
Disappointment lurked in her voice which killed me the most, my eyes were becoming heavy as I kept telling myself, don't cry, be tough, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, come on you're a Morgan pull it together. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Solomon sliding along my mothers desk inching closer to us.
"Ms. Morgan, I believe what your mother is trying to say is that right now your not in a position to be able to have as much freedom as you used to and you certainly shouldn't be sneaking out at night when its dark and nobody knows your gone, it only takes one mistake to get caught, do you understand what I'm saying?"
"Yes sir", I said but my eyes didn't leave the floor. My mother stared at me as the ferocity in her eyes faded a little and her voice became softer.
"I'm sorry Cammie but there's no room for risks right now because risks come with accidents and one accident can trigger a whole set of mishaps."
I looked down and my mother sighed.
"Sweet heart, remember how you and your dad used to set up a whole chain of dominoes?"
My voice got higher as I held back tears and whispered "yes". "Well honey after you spent hours setting up hundreds of dominoes it only took one to knock them all down, in this scenario its the same. We've spent years trying to find the COC and now that we have, there's simply no room for mistakes, it only takes one hour and one agent to undo years of work and you don't want to be that agent do you?"
"No ma'am" I said which was true and I knew it.
"Well then" she said "you'll understand that from now on your not to leave the school grounds period and your only allowed to go outside if your accompanied by me or Mr. Solomon."
"What?" I screeched my eyes finally leaving the ground meeting with hers. "This isn't fair, I won't do it again I promise".
"I know sweet heart but we just can't take anymore risks".
"But, but what about finals" I said concern filled my eyes.
"Well you can still take the written portion but as for the rest you'll just have to forgo".
The concern in my eyes faded away as anger took over.
"This isn't fair!" I yelled.
"Ms. Morgan" I looked up, for a minute I had forgotten Joe Solomon was in the room with us. "That is no way to speak to your mother" he said calmly. I didn't say anything but my eyes did all the talking. They said stay out and mind your own business your not my dad. He inched back as though he was intimidated but I knew he wasn't. My mom turned to me and said "honey its not permanent but for now we have to take some precautions".
All I could do was glare and then I said in a harsh tone "I'm going back to my room is that okay or is it unsafe now that were taking precautions" I mimicked.
My mothers eyes meant mine and her voice became more stern as to say watch your tongue but she simply said "thats fine".
I turned to leave as behind me I heard Mr. Solomon say "Oh and Ms. Morgan if your thinking about sneaking out again tonight to see Zach, I'd like to warn you ahead of time all the passageways have been blocked so don't even think about escaping!" I turned around so fast that my hair whipped my face and I actually felt a sting, "What!" I demanded.
Mr. Solomon had a smirk on his face that made me want to punch him but instead I just stood there with wrath filling my eyes. "And Ms. Morgan if you do plan on sneaking out, not only will you not succeed but there will be consequences." With that my eyes widened and my eyebrows raised and hardened as my cheeks got sucked in and I looked like I was ready to kill. Mr. Solomon's voice was calm and steady as he said "these new restrictions aren't just here to keep you in, it's also here to keep others out". He emphasized the others part and I knew exactly what he meant. With that I turned around and exited the room secretly hating my life and despising Mr. Solomon along with my mother.