I'm sorry for the late update; I've been having such terrible writers block :x
Commment? Suggestions/Predictions/Criticism/Confession of your undying
love? Those would all be acceptable :p I hope you like it...tell me though for
real, please!

We spent another full hour walking around the zoo, looking at the animals and talking. It was nice to spend a day together that wasn't centered the baby or with the band or forcing us into making decisions about our future; we focused mainly on our relationship and I couldn't have been happier.

As we left she began to kick. I gasped for a moment and then smiled and placed my free hand over the spot. Giving me a puzzled look I simply moved my hand and placed the hand I was holding so he could feel her. His face shifted into a proud, bright smile. When she was settled he leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

We walked the rest of the way to the car, hand in hand, silently. Words really couldn't accurately describe what I was feeling, nor were they needed. I knew he was feeling the same way by the way he looked at me.

I climbed out of his car, at the restaurant Alex and Spencer had picked out, about twenty minutes later. I could already heart the rumbling in my stomach and feel the pain from how hungry I was. Rian wrapped an arm around me and we walked into the restaurant together.

"Kai!" Spencer yelled out loudly as we made our way towards the part of the bar they were seated at.

"Spencer!" I yelled back, wrapping my arms around her.

"How are my girls?" She asked as Rian and Alex initiated the odd man handshake-into-hug greeting.

"We're starving." I replied giggling as Rian's arm wound itself around me once again to keep me warm.

"Great, we have a table all ready for us." Alex replied. "Spencer, why don't you two go sit down and we'll bring the drinks?"

"Sounds good babe." She responded picking up her sweater and standing on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.

"Water?" Rian asked before I could follow Spencer to our table.

"Uhm, I think a lemonade would be better." I said smiling at him with puppy dog eyes.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "That's fine."

I sat myself across from Spencer. "So you and Rian?" She questioned.

I was extremely nervous by her question, I knew her and Kara had been close and then her and Cassadee had always been close, even before Rian and her had gotten together. I blushed slightly, "Yeah, it looks like it."

"Well, it's about damn time!" She said laughing. I smiled relieved. "Plus you two are so cute together."

I chuckled slightly, "Thanks, I think so too."

"What's he going to do about the baby?" She asked, her voiced lowered into almost a whisper.

I'd been thinking about this more than anything since he dropped the bomb on me. I nervously rushed to get everything I needed to say out before the boys returned. I was afraid I'd hurt Rian if he knew what was actually running through my mind. "Well he says he wants to help with her…and he has this entire time, I just don't know yet. It's a lot of responsibility and I love him, I always have, I just don't know if he's exactly ready for it. And I don't know if I want him to take on the role in her life at the risk that he may leave and not only hurt me but hurt her…" They were close to us by the time I'd finished by the were talking so I hoped he heard no part of what I'd just said.

Spencer reached her hand across the table and squeezed mine lightly while giving me a reassuring smile. "We'll talk about this later." She said quietly.

"What are we talking about?" Alex asked sitting down abruptly.

"Sex." Spencer said nonchalantly.

I laughed loudly with Rian as Alex stared incredulously at her as she gave him a bored stare. "Bragging about me?" He questioned once realizing she was a joke.

"There's nothing there to brag about." I filled in jokingly.

"That's a cheap shot Kaiden Merrick!" Alex said as the rest of us laughed. As we looked at our menus the time passed in the same way; We kept up the sarcastic banter and laughed the entire time.

"Hello, I'm Gina. I'll be your server tonight." A tall girl with fire red hair and bright blue eyes. "Are you all ready to order? Or do you need a minute?"

We all looked at each other, waiting for someone to speak up either way. "Well, I'd like caprese salad." I spoke up, too hungry to wait any longer.

"Alright." She mumbled writing down the order, then looked towards Spencer. "And for you?"

"I think I'll have your hamburger with a side of fries." She handed Gina her menu after she was done writing.

"I'll have an order of chicken wings and a side of onion rings." Alex said as Spencer and I shared a look of disgust for the onion rings.

"And lastly, what would you like?" She asked smiling at Rian.

"I think I'm in the mood for your new york steak with a side of green beans and mashed potatoes with brown gravy."

As she left our table the boys launched into a conversation about music while Spencer and I began talking about random things.

"So what color are you going to paint her room?" She asked excitedly once she was done talking about something her ex-roommate, Adam, had done.

"I'm thinking yellow. I don't want anything too girly and frilly…plus I really am not the biggest fan of pink." I admitted thinking about the room I'd thought would be perfect for her.

"Wont that get a little bit boring?" She questioned after a moment.


"Plain yellow! There's got to be something else in her room. Besides she's only a baby once soon she's going to be making all the decisions and you're going to want to go back to the princess frilly stages." She said like it was obvious.

"I don't know I was kind of thinking that I wanted like a flower kind of spring garden theme in her room. With like little lady bugs and bees and stuff…"

"That would be so cute! I can totally picture little bees and lady bugs flying around the on the top of the walls and a mural of a flower garden on one wall." She raced through excitedly.

"Really? Would you want to paint it for me?" I asked after a moment of debating if it was a good idea.

"You'd want me to?"

"Of course I would! I don't know any better artists." I said smiling widely.

"Then I'd love to." She responded just as our food arrived at the table.

With all of our food placed in front of us we began to dig in. "What are you doing?" Alex asked Spencer after a few bites.

"I'm going to paint the baby's room." She responded in a sing song voice.

"That's awesome." Rian said happily looking at me instead of her. I froze, that basically meant that I had accepted his offer of moving in together.

"So have you thought of names yet?" Spencer asked.

"I like the name Auden Grace, or Connor Elizabeth." I said shyly.

"Connor's a boy name Kaiden…you're having a girl." Alex added like I was retarded.

"No, it can be unisex." I stated taking a bite of my salad. "I really like it…"

"Well I like them." Rian said squeezing my hand.