Hi, Its Trunksters! My bf and I were playing Left 4 dead 1&2 and after playing the game 2 day's straight, again, I went into imagination mode and drew out my ideas down...of course yaoi lmao. So, I thought it would be cool to draw a script for Left 4 dead with different characters and story line (kinda like Resident Evil) I wanted to make a story about the game with some bleach cast in it. I'm total a horror fan and I love people dying and in pain. (I know sadist much?) So, I made this story and I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Declaimer: Every Author, including me, does not own Bleach.


Darkness had swept the entire world. Buildings had become ruins and rubble's, cars destroyed and empty on the streets and freeways. News paper's and other items scattered around the ground. In the viewer's eyes, it would seem a nuclear bomb had wiped the entire world clean but, if you asked a survivor, who had witness this horrendous scene, he/she would tell you that it was not a nuclear device or machine; but man.

No...Man wasn't the right word; monster.

It had started a year before December 21, 2012. (A/N: I know...just go with it.) The economy had become a crisis's. No jobs were required, therefore, no money to buy food or supplies. It had become the second Depression. After a few weeks, seniors and children had become ill, the virus spreading throughout America, over the sea's than to different countries. The causes of the illness were heavy pollution, dirty water and spoiled food. The people became desperate, seeing out job's to pay for health care and child care.

The Democrats' and Republican's fought in the Supreme Court, helping lower classes to find jobs and health care service, while Republican's only cared about higher taxes and investing banks, cutting half of the people's pay check to build roads and buildings. This anger the non commonwealth and head rebelled, destroying everything in their path. Police force, SWAT, and Military, tried to intervene, but only end in bloodshed.

Urahara Kesuke, Chief of Science of Seireitei Incorporation, in Japan and a few other countries, had seen the people's despair. It had hurt him seeing innocent people caught in the cross fire's of Hell. When sickness corrupted the entire nation for the less fortunate, Keisuke brought it upon himself to make a cure and save many lives, and more. For over a few months, he had created a serum called the Hogyoku. An anti-virus that was injects the body system, destroying viruses and diseases. With the help of his assisstance, Mayuri kurotsuchi and Aizen Souskue; they had tested on 2 humans, who were infected with any type of symptoms. It had worked, but not what they had expected. The subjects had dies within a few days.

Yamamoto, Director of Seireitei Inc, ordered that Urahara's worked and researched were destroyed. He had pleaded to the Director to continue his research and to find a cure. Yamamoto refused and had expelled the man from continuing with his project and was removed from the Incorporation. Aizen Sousuke, was left in charged and continued Urahara's project, without the consent of the old Director. Reading and researching more thoroughly, Aizen added a few more adjustment into the Hogyoku. He had 8 test subjects, all criminals and injects them with the serum. It had become successful, only to find that they had failed, becoming deformed, deadly and extremely hungry.

They were no longer contained, as the 8 infected swept through the Seireitei Inc. devouring every scientist and workers. The infection spread as people infect the other's becoming a feeding frenzy. Many people believe it was the wrath of God and that Lucifer set upon demon's to destroy and decay the world, as god, himself lost faith in human kind. The prediction of the Apocalypse had come, destroying everything and everyone out of existence.

Wow, this is gonna be interesting! It got that resident evil sort of twist, but hey, it's cool. I wanted to do Left 4 dead because well, the special infected are totally awesome! Wouldn't it be so cool for Bleach cast to encounter the infamous, special infected? Well, I think it is. lol I'll update the first chapter in a couple of days. So review this intro and tell me what ya think! Later!