
A Traci/Jerry fic.


Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Rookie Blue.


A/N: Okay, that scene with the baby was too adorable not to write a fic about it.

I hope you guys like this one, I know I'll love writing it.

As always, please read and review, I live for feedback!


Traci had only told a select few people that she had a child. It was her personal life, and she didn't see how her six-year old son was anyone else's business if she didn't make it theirs.

She and Jerry had been together for a while now ... long enough to make her start thinking. She wondered if he could deal with the baggage that came with a girlfriend who had a child. Until now, she'd been unsure.

When she'd taken the baby from the frazzled housewife, she had expected him to take the woman aside to get her to focus. Instead, he'd just stood there, glancing repeatedly at her and the baby. And then, he'd moved his head right in close to hers, and softened his voice, as though he were talking to the baby, and not her.

It was adorable. The look on his face was priceless. But even more than that, the way that he looked at her while she held the baby ... it was enough to make her sigh with relief and glee.

She so wanted him to be okay with her having a son. She really liked him. Maybe more than liked him ... he was great. He was funny, and gorgeous, and smart, and he wanted her. He made her feel wonderful every time they were together. Sometimes he was overprotective, sometimes he had odd ways of showing that he cared. But the bottom line was, he did care.

Maybe he cared enough to want to meet her son.

But she wasn't ready to thrust Leo upon him. She would wait. But it was good to know that he wasn't opposed to the idea of kids.

So good ...


The end.

Alright, this one was extremely short, but I just wanted a little "hopeful" scene from Traci's POV.

What did you guys think? Like it, hate it?

Reviews are appreciated, flame if you must, but constructive criticism is much more useful.

Until next time ...!