First story on here, yays... It's ZAGR, and right now I have like 4 more chapters written, and most of it's already planned x3 Um, well, here you go! Enjoy~ (and review :) )

"Gaz. Where is your brother?"

I looked over at my dad. Oh, he finally noticed Dib was gone? I didn't bother to look up from my GameSlave.

"How should I know?"

"Don't give me that attitude, young lady." But he was already putting his coffee mug in the overflowing sink, and getting ready to leave. I didn't even bother arguing, because he was already out the door. Another, normal, Dad-less week. I left my bowl of cereal on the table and turned on my GameSlave, putting the rest of the world on mute as I focused on killing piggies, hardly paying attention to the sidewalk as I walked the much-traveled path to skool. This was the pattern of my day. Nobody broke that pattern, nobody bothered. Except Zim. Of course, by now I had learned to ignore the psychotic alien, but this time it was different.

It was lunchtime. I sat at my usual table. He marched over and sat across the table from me. He was saying something, ranting as usual. He paused, then reached over and pressed pause on my game. I looked up.


"I asked you, Gaz-sister, where is the Dib and his horrible smelly head?"

"Don't know, don't care." I switched my game back on. He turned it off this time. I glared up at him.

"You. Lost. My. Game."

"Bigger things are at stake here! So much bigger, than that idiotic thumb-game you've beat a thousand times! Tell me, where is the Dib-worm?"

"He left a few days ago." I switched the GameSlave on. He grabbed it and flicked it off. I tried to snatch it from him, but he put it in his PAK.

"Tell me where he went!"

"I don't know."

He got up and started pacing and thinking out loud, not caring, or even noticing, that he was in the skool cafeteria.

"The Dib disappeared four days ago, and I know he took Tak's ship. And I know that ship still has all the files a normal Irken ship has. But why? Why? Hmm..."

I glared at him. He kept pacing, then turned around dramatically, shaking a fist in the air.

"Because, because, he wants to... to... do... Something! Something oh so deeevious, your little human brain cannot begin to comprehend it! But I know, ohhh, how I know! I know EXACTLY what he wants to do!"

"No you don't. Now shut up and give back my game."

He didn't even look up. He just walked away, still talking to himself. I clenched my hands and felt my nails bite into my palms.

"He will pay," I hissed, and the rest of the kids in the cafeteria edged away from me just a bit more.

I got up and followed Zim out of the cafeteria and into the hall. He was almost to the doors at the other end of the school. Angrily, I ran after him, my footsteps silent on the dirty floor. I stood in front of him suddenly, giving my darkest glare. He jumped.

"Gaz-human! What-! Of course..." His face broke into a creepy grin. "Of courssse... Yes. Yess, that would work!" He grabbed my wrist. "Come with me, Gaz-human. You could prove... most useful in getting your brother back. We're going to my base!"

He said more, but I couldn't focus on the words. I could only feel his cold grip on my wrist, only hear the fear rushing through me. Cold fear, fury, boiling inside me at his hand on mine.


I slapped him, hard. He flew against the lockers and lay there, sprawled on the floor. A groan escaped his lips. He blinked, then laughed weakly.

"I like your strength, Gaz-human. But there's no time for that; we need to get to my base so I can get your brother back."

"No." I couldn't feel anything but anger, this irrational fear. Raw, terrible anger.

"If you think... If you think I'm going to go to your house, so you can do whatever you want... I won't. Don't get your stupid hopes up. Just stay the hell away, Zim."

I walked quickly down the hall, into the cold outside. I just couldn't take it anymore.

The wind started to blow, smelling like rain. I shivered.

As long as he stays away.