Okay, I'm currently in the US on a computer I don't own so I'm typing this story right on the site's upload center with a qwerty keyboard (I'm used to azerty).

It is the first NCIS story I'll post but I'm currently working on a multichap Jibbs story with a lot of Abby in it so watch it^^

Anyway, on with the story.

Baby Brother

"Abby wants a Baby brother."

Director Shepard dropped her pen and stared at her favorite team leader who had just burst into her office, uttering the most ridiculous sentence ever.

"And you're telling me this because?"

He shrugged and sat in front of her.

"She seems to think you should be able to do something about it."

Jenny's eyes widened.

"When I gave her an assistant, he ended up sending Tony to jail. And the last time she had someone to work with her, he tampered with the evidence and was guilty of murder. And why did she tell you instead of me right away? I don't bite... much"

"She didn't tell me... I overheard her talking with Ziva. Her exact word were 'I so want a Gibblet! do you think the director would give us a baby brother?'"

"What's a Gibblet?"

"I'm not sure it is only the seond time I hear this word."

'And when was the first time?"

"A little over a year ago. My team had been playing with our pictures to see how our children would look like."

"Our children?"

"Don't ask. Anyway Abby commented that we would made nice Gibblets."

"She wants us to have a child together!"

"Yeah, something like that."

Jenny's eyebrows reached the ceiling before she pressed the intercom.

"Cynthia, Call Miss Sciuto in my office right now."

"Of course Director."

She returned her attention to Gibbs.

"Does she know that you overheard her?"



It was Jethro's eyebrows' turn to visit the rooftops, eliciting a chuckle from his boss. He knew better than to ask though, and she didn't explained, waiting in silcence for Cynthia to announce the young lab tech.

"Miss Sciuto, Director."

"Show her in."

The Goth came in, a little surprised by the sudden call.

"Director... Gibbs! I don't have anything for you yet, I..."

"i didn't call you about the case, Abby" Jenny interrupted.

"Oh... Please don't tell me you're firing me, 'cause I just rejected an offer..."

"No, I'm not. I just need a little help. I want to see how child of mine would look like. I trust you can do that."

"yeah, of course Director..."

She circled the desk to access the director computer and reach her own through the network, in order to run the morphing program.


"Leroy Jethro Gibbs"

Abby knew better than to comment on that and start the morphing, the same picture she had already seen appeared.

"Hum... She would be a knockout..." Jenny said "Could we see her as a toddler?"

The lab tech typed a few keys and the picture changed.

"Still nice looking... I gladly take my chance, Jethro, my place, half past ten, tonight. I have to go now, a meeting in the MTAC. See you then Jethro, I won't lock the door."

She got out of her office, leaving two puzzled agents behind her.


Alright, what do you think? should I keep going or should I leave it to your imagination? I'm not sure how I should continue, tell me what you think!