Authors Note: Hey everyone! I'm not really a writer, but I felt an urge to write this. I hope you all like it and review for me! :)

New Student

Gracie's POV

"Gracie! We have to go now! You are going to be late for you're first day of school!" Daddy yells to me. I run down the stairs and see him standing by the door, holding my new green backpack.

"Sorry Daddy!" I say sweetly. Daddy isn't really my real daddy, he's actually my uncle, but my mommy and daddy died when I was two and he adopted me. I've called him Daddy ever since I could remember. Daddy adores me though, so he always forgives me.

"It's okay, Princess. We have to go now though. Especially since you have never been to an actual school." Daddy says. It's true, I have never been to a school. I've always been tutored on set of whatever movie Daddy was filming. But now Daddy was going to be on a TV show so we get to stay in one place! I'm very excited to get to go to school. I don't have many friends because we move around a lot.

"Okay! I can't wait to meet my new classmates!" I say happily. Daddy pushes my blonde hair away from my blue eyes. Most people who see us together, think that he is my real Daddy because we look exactly alike. We both have the same shade of blonde hair and the same big, blue eyes. Daddy says it's because my Mommy was his sister and they looked identical and I look just like her.

"I know you are. You have to be nice to everyone, remember that." Daddy says as he locks up the house and we head to the limo. I have a history of not being nice to people I don't like, especially movie stars who don't like me much.

I sigh and buckle my seat belt."I know, Daddy. If I'm not nice to everyone then I won't be able to stay at school." I recited what Daddy had told me millions of times. Okay, not millions, but a lot.

"Good girl," Daddy says patting my head like a dog, knowing I don't like that. He smirks at me and I hit him.

"I'm not a dog! I'm a seven year old girl!" I say glaring at him. We continue with are bantering, we aren't serious most of the time, and soon enough the limo stops and the driver opens the door. I look at Daddy as he pulls down his sunglasses, he smiles at me and grabs my hand.

"Got everything, Princess?" He asks me, double checking my bag once again.

"Yes, for the last time!" I say, he gets on my nerves sometimes. "I have everything you put in my bag a week ago!"

"Sorry Gracie Loo, I just want you to be prepared." Daddy says patting my head, but this time it isn't like a dog. We are now at the front office. "Hi, it's my daughter's first day today."

The woman sitting behind the desk doesn't look up to notice Daddy. "Name?" She asks in a bored, still engrossed in her magazine. The name on her desk says, 'Rachel Matthews.'

"Uh," Daddy says, unsure whether to reply or not. "Gracie Elizabeth Cooper."

The woman looks up, finally noticing us. "Ohmigosh! Your Chad Dylan Cooper!"

Daddy rolls his eyes and I say, "Yes he is! And I'm Gracie Elizabeth Cooper!"

Daddy laughs at me and the woman gives me a disgusted look before looking up my name in the computer. "You're in the second grade room with Ms. Munroe. I will take you." She says rolling her eyes and then shooting Daddy a smile, who in return rolls his eyes.

Daddy gives me a hug and kisses the top of my head. "Be good Gracie! I will pick you up after school, okay?"

"Bye Daddy! I love you!" I say as I motion him to get to my level. I give him a kiss on the cheek. He grins at me and I turn to see the woman waiting for me to go.

"Love you too, Gracie Loo!" Daddy says as he stands up to leave. I wave and follow the woman down a long hallway. After a long enough wait, we are standing outside a wooden door that says, 'Allison Munroe,' on it.

The woman shoots me a look before saying, "Stay right here."

"Do you think I'm going to run away or something? I don't even know where I'm at! But since I've had to be with you, I might just risk getting lost to get away from you." I say happily. She looks like she's going to say something, but then shuts her mouth and opens the large door.

"Allison, you have a new student," I hear the woman say. I don't like her at all.

"I do? Can you sit with the class?" Allison, I'm guessing she's the teacher, says in a happy tone. I already like her compared to the wicked witch that I've had to walk with. A brunette woman comes out and the wicked witch goes in. "Hi, sweetheart!"

She seems all right, "Hi," I say shyly. Normally I'm not a shy person, so I don't know why I'm being bashful.

"What's your name?" She asks me with a smile.

"Gracie Elizabeth Cooper!" I say cockily like Daddy would. Then I laugh because I don't talk that way. "Sorry, I don't usually talk like that. I was copying my daddy!"

"I know someone who would say their name just like that." The teacher says joining in with my laughter. "I'm your teacher, Ms. Munroe. Do you want to go in and introduce yourself to the class?"

Now I don't feel so good. "Um, I don't feel good," I lie and she sees right through it.

"Stage fright?" She asks and I nod.

"I have never been in front of so many people." I say quietly. "I've never actually been to a real school." I admitted, normally I don't admit when I'm scared. "Daddy is always on set, so I have always had a tutor."

"Oh," Ms. Munroe says as if she's thinking. "Well, that's okay! Now you can make friends."

I smile at her. "Okay, I think I'm ready to go in now."

She smiles at me and takes my hand. "Good, now let's go!" She leads me in to the classroom. I smile at the class, whose eyes are all on me. "Class, we have a new student! Her name is Gracie Cooper!"

"Hi!" I say happily. Talking to Ms. Munroe helped me. "I'm Gracie!" I hear the class happily say hi back. Ms. Munroe tells them to introduce themselves, I only have pay attention. Ms. Munroe tells me to take a seat next to a dark haired girl named Maddie. We make small talk and she seems nice. Soon Ms. Munroe starts teaching and I listen to her teach us stuff I already learned.

Authors Note: I hope you all liked it! :) Reviews are always welcomed!