I hold the water back with my hand as I look at Yon Ran; his once cruel eyes were shinning with fright and it's all because of me. With a flick of my hand the water turns into icicles pointing right at him and the other water is descending upon us. Zuko relaxes his stance and looks at me as I glare at the cowering man in front of me,

"You killed my mother," I whisper and Yon Ran stutters,

"I-I k-know, a-and I-I- a-am s-sorry," I cut him off as rain starts to soaks us,

"Don't you dare apologize to me! For over sixteen years I suffered wondering what kind of man-no-thing would want to cause emotional pain, but now that I see you trembling before me I start to see it," His lip quivers as I feel Zuko place a hand on my shoulder, I let out a sigh and regain my breath as I stare at him my voice growing cold and steady, "You have no idea how much suffering and pain you caused me and all I have left is a necklace to remember her…..A NECKLACE!" I scream at him and he flinches at my words while Zuko takes his hand off and watches the scene unfold before him, another breath I let out and take in, as my voice comes back to a cold demeanor, "A necklace….I have no pictures not even clothes….NOTHING! Except for memories that fade each day and compliments from my people saying I look like her…and ever since I was little I cried and cried," My voice cracks as I look back to when I was a kid, my voice is soft, barely a whisper as a tear starts to cascade my face, "but not anymore." I look up hatred filling my eyes; I wipe away the tear and look at him, my voice bitter, "You caused me the pain that was unbearable!" His tries to scoot back but I hold my gaze with his, "And now I am ending my torment along with everyone else's." In a split second the icicles penetrated Yon Ran's body; blood trickled down his body from the small holes that covered his body, his body shook rapidly for a minute before going limp. I relax my stance and look at his dead body, "Now I forgive you," I turn back and start to walk down the dirt, wet path back to Appa; I hear footsteps crunching in the distance and Zuko walks up beside me, I stop to look at him who was standing in front of me only two steps away. "Did I do the right thing?" I barely asked with my head hung low,

"What do you think?" He asks me sincerely while I shake my head and look up at him,

"I don't know a part of me is thrilled that I did what I did, while the other is disappointed, not only by my weakness but my no self control. What will the others think?"

"Katara, that back there wasn't weakness you did what you had to. You finished an unfinished job that no one did, and I don't care what Aang or Sokka or anyone else says about this, and you shouldn't either, because what really matters is what you think, Katara. You killed your mother's killer, sure, you are going to have mixed emotions, but you did end a pain that has been there since you were a kid. Now you know that he is dead, and not out there living and getting away with what he has not only done to you, but to other people as well." I smile at Zuko as I pull him into a hug as I bury my face in my chest as he wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you, Zuko." I whisper as he pulls me into his chest more, and with one hand strokes my wet hair.

"You're welcome," Zuko paces his chin on my head, and we stood like that for minutes before I pulled away.

"Now to face the devil," I laugh and I see Zuko half smile and chuckle.

"Let's," I smile at him and turn to walk but Zuko grabs my hand, "But Katara know this, that no matter what happens I will always be there for you." I blush as he let goes of my hand we walk to Appa.

"Yip, yip," I say before we take off flying to an unpredicted outcome that will come.

We landed Appa on the cold grass, with the wind blowing silently; Zuko jumps down from Appa and turns to catch me as I jump down.

"Thanks," I say as I smile at him, he smiles back and whispers softly,

"You're welcome," I blush as I heard Aang come along with Sokka, I get out of Zuko's arms and stand by him while Aang stands before me only two feet away.

"Sooooooo, what happened?" Aang asks as Sokka crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me.

"You were right Aang I did forgive him," I see Aang have that stupid, big grin come to his face, "After I killed him." His smile drops and Sokka looks at me with astonishment,

"Y-you what?" Aang gaped at me while I stand closer to Zuko,

"I killed him," I say again, Aang looked at me while Sokka recovered from his astonishment and opened his mouth, but I cut him off, "You don't want to know how." Sokka's mouth closes, but the wind starts to grow stronger I look at Aang who had a 'how-could-you' look. I see Toph and Suki come along, Great, more people. I thought,

"Katara, how could you?" Aang asks as he looks at me, no emotion showing both on our faces.

"I don't know Aang?" I reply sarcastically, "Maybe, because she was my mother and she deserved vengeance and I needed this."

"So? I didn't kill the Fire Nation when they killed all the Air Monks?" Aang replied as we glare at each other, "I didn't go on a rampage! I faced the fact," his voice grew softer, "And I thought you were going to choose the right choice."

"Then why did you let me go? Why did you let me leave with Appa?" I ask while yelling back at him,

"Because I thought you were going to make the right decision! I thought you were going to take the harder path!" Aang yelled back as he turned around,

"Well, then I guess you were wrong," I glare back, but I was unprepared what Aang said next with his back to me.

"What would she say now?" Aang whispered as I gaped at him, he whispered it but I could hear it and he starts to walk off. I clench my fists and water whip him in the head,

"Don't you DARE tell me what my mother would think of me now! Don't you DARE walk away and wish you didn't want kill all the Fire Nation Soldiers who killed the Air Nomads!" Aang stopped walking, he stood three yards away, "And if you don't then I guess you didn't love them like I did with my mother! If you had the least bit of love you would understand why I needed to do this! You would understand why I needed to rest the turmoil inside of me! If you even knew the pain I go through then maybe you would understand." I pause as the wind grows stronger around me,

"Wow, this is getting good." I hear Toph whisper to Suki; Zuko stood next to me still looking between me and Aang, Sokka put a hand on Aang's shoulder to calm him, Toph and Suki were whispering, Aang shrugged off Sokka's arm and looked at me with hurt and hatred in his eyes, and I stood my ground while getting ready to pull water out of thin air any moment.

"Don't. You. Dare. Speak. To. ME. Like. That." Aang's voice was cold and he turned around making the air grow stronger,

"Because the truth hurts doesn't it?" I say back and tears well up in his eyes,

"I still feel the pain, but I did the right thing, I forgave!" He yelled at me and the wind grows stronger and in any moment he was ready to go into the Avatar State, I could tell.

"Forgiving is doing nothing! But taking action delivers a message! But I guess if you don't understand that, then you didn't care for what happened to your friends a hundred years ago." Aang's hands clenched and the wind blew wilder, and the tears faded along with his hurt.

"You are not allowed back into this group, and if you do not leave now, I will not hesitate to bring you down." Aang replied sternly and I held my head up high looking at him in the eye.

"Give me your best shot," I replied, by this time everyone was watching on the sidelines and everyone had a shocked expression on. Aang directed air at me in a saw shape, but I ducked under it and froze his feet. Aang bended the water away and came at me, I looked up to see a full moon.

We ran at each other at full speed but he whipped air at me and I was thrown into a tree with a cracking noise that echoed after. I hid my hurt as I slump down to the ground,

"The truth hurts doesn't Aang? Don't you wish you could kill every soldier who hurt you? Don't you want revenge?" I asked as I stand up and got in a ready stance.

"I DID! But I know the right path to choose, but I guess you have to be a killer to realize that." I gaped at him, and he whispered, "And to think I loved you." I closed my mouth and I raised the water out of the grass and made thousands of icicles around him.

"Hmmm, too bad I never loved you." I throw the icicles at him, but he flicked his wrist and they turned into water splashing him, he threw another gust of wind at me, but I brought up an ice shield to protect me. I bring up the water out of a tree behind me and water encases my hands, but Aang was already in his Avatar State.

I glance to see Toph glancing at me, Suki was watching Aang, and Zuko who was holding off my brother. I looked at Sokka and he looked at me with disgust, I turn trying to forget what I saw, but Aang was glowing and I immediately got in my stance.

"Leave!" Aang ordered,

"No we have to finish this! You need to see what I did was not all that bad!" I yelled, but Aang brought up a hand and the earth shook beneath me as I look at him. "Come on! I am right here!" The ground shakes and the wind blows, and right before he was going to attack me his hands twist behind his back. I brought him to me and forced him out of his Avatar State, he looked at me with fear and hatred, "Now let me tell you something Aang, what is done is done and I have no regrets and if you can't see it my way then you are no friend of mine." I blood bended Aang to his knees, "Now are we going to forget this ever happened? Or should I leave?" Aang looked at me and glanced at every one.

"Get out of my sight," I hid my sadness and I let him go, I walk to grab my stuff, but I hear footsteps crunch behind me. I turn around to see Zuko behind me, "Zuko what are you doing?" Aang yelled who was standing in front of the GAang; I look at him with surprise as he smiles at me. We both turn to see Aang looking at us with a shocked expression,

"I am going with Katara," Zuko turned to me as we grab our stuff, "Good luck finding a fire teacher." Zuko puts a hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him.

"Sokka? Please say something," I pleaded but he walks up next to Aang and he looks at me with so much disgust and hate.

"Get out of here; you are no sister of mine." He replied his voice cold as he stares me down.

"Toph? Suki?" I ask, but they come up next to Aang and Sokka,

"I'm sorry Katara," Suki said as she has tears in her eyes, I look at Toph who looks at the ground.

"I didn't know you had it in you Sugar Queen." I turn to look at Aang and he stares at me,

"So, this is how it's going to end?" I ask, but no one spoke, "Fine, but let me tell you something Aang we are not done here." Zuko leads me down another dirty path as he steers me with his hand on my waist. I look ahead of me to see the sunrise, a new day with endless possibilities.

I walk into the sunrise with Zuko without looking back, and now knowing that everything in my life turned upside down. And I lost everything-no-everyone that has been there since the start. Today was the day that I, Katara and Fire Nation Prince, Zuko start a new friendship.