
A Sam/Andy fic.


Disclaimer: Shall I reiterate? I don't own Rookie Blue ... *weeps silently in the corner*.


A/N: Alright, this is just another quickie about how Andy gets to "live her fantasy" of being with Sam.

I hope you guys like this one, I know I'll love writing it.

As always, please read and review, I live for feedback!


Andy McNally had dreamed of moments like these her entire life. She always ended up choosing the wrong guy, so she needed something to hope for, something to believe in ... to fantasize about. Sometimes it was the knight in shining armor bit, but that got outdated when she left puberty behind. As she grew into an adult, and suffered through bad relationship after bad relationship, her fantasies delved into the hero figures. She had a string of boyfriends that were firemen, paramedics, doctors, even a few army guys ... but they never lasted.

She hadn't ever considered the possibility of dating a cop ... she had enough daddy issues as it was, and she didn't want her entire life to revolve around police work. It had destroyed her father, she didn't want it doing the same to her.

But then she'd met him. She'd never known a cop like him, and even though she had told him that she didn't date cops, he'd wormed his way in anyway. Her fantasies suddenly took a hard right, shifting over to him. It was rare for her to get a good night's sleep, because she was constantly dreaming about him. Whether it was something that he'd done that day, or something she imagined him doing. Whatever it was, he always took a starring role in her dreams, and sometimes even her daydreams.

But that's all they were ... fantasies. She never really believed that they could come true. Stuff like that didn't happen to her.

Until one day, he asked her out for drinks. And then another day, he asked her to lunch. And then dinner, and then a movie, and then a weekend away, and then moving in, and then - as though it was all snowballing on her, he got down on one knee, and he asked her to marry him.

She'd never really clued in that it was all happening. She just figured that something would happen to ruin it, and it would just get thrown into the list of bad relationships and bad choices.

But there they were, and there he was, and it was really happening. She got the good guy for once.

Andy practically screamed yes, dropping down onto her knees to hug him.

Every single day since then, she woke up with a smile on her face. She got to wake up next to the man she loved, who loved her back. She was living her fantasy.


End of chapter one.

Well, what did you guys think of that one? Like it, hate it?

The second chapter will be Sam's perspective.

Reviews are appreciated, flame if you must, but constructive criticism is much more useful.

Until next time ...!